Applicom 3.3 – WAGO Installation and Configuration.

Installation and configuration of: Applicom (software version 3.3 + PCI card ApplicomIO_Profibus).

Important: Install Applicom 3.3 software BEFORE installing the PCI card. It is also preferable not to install more than ONE version/type of Applicom products on the same PC.

Card installation.

If several Applicom cards are to be installed the onboard jumpers must be set to different values eg. 1 and 2, and in the case of only one card jumpers should be set to 1 (see Applicom manual). Now insert card(s) in the PCI slot(s).

Applicom 3.3 configuration.

After installation of Applicom 3.3 software, it has an entry in the Start-Programs menu. To configure the Board, select Start-Programs-Applicom3.3-PcConf plus Configuration and define PCI1500PFB. In the Channel configuration menu define parameters as follows:

Communication Protocol: PROFIBUS

Transmission speed: 1500k

Number of equipment on bus: 1 (0-99)

Configuration of equipment: Configuration

Message type: PROFIBUS

Symbolic name: MONWAGO

Note: It is recommended to set Data alignment 16 bit to 2 and Data alignment 32 bit to 4. Do not forget to check Active configuration!

Parameter setting of WAGO.

For WAGO modules it is sufficient to check the case AUTOMATIC in the I/O configuration.

Set OK for (configuration window)

OK for (equipment selection)

OK for (card selection)

OK for (Channel configuration)

The new equipment will now be displayed and should be saved by Files -> Save & exit.

The PC should now be rebooted in order to take into account the new configuration. To import the configuration of WAGO modules, run Applicom-> tools -> diagnostics DP, select the appropriate card, slave and the modules. Now copy configuration, OK and quit Diagnostics. Return to PCCONF, double click on the equipment to be configured and select Configuration/Manual, Custom modules -> Paste configuration (imports the module configuration) and OK + Save & Exit.

Run PCINIT to apply the new configuration. The WAGO modules should now be visible.

Running ReadWait/WriteWait from the Tools menu can test the Input/Output modules.

OPC Server configuration.

Applicom -> OPC -> OPC configuration:

Leave the default values as they are normally well adapted.

The define symbols file can be imported (filename.csv).