1.0CALL TO ORDER: at 7:00pm in the meeting room at Crescent Point Place. In attendance were Lee Walz, Kelly Waehrer, Terena Tomlinson, Rhonda Klein, Kathy Meier, Wes Schmidt, Jeremy Rehman, Mel Angeltvedt, Glenn Thunberg, Kevin Ganser, Mike Higdon, Sandra Kardos, Cindy Parkin, Danette Rennie, Roxy Ganser, Terry Christensen, Danita Fraser, Leslie Sware, and Jeanette Knox
2.0MINUTES FROM OCTOBER 6th, 2010: were read. Glenn Thunberg moved the minutes as read; Leslie Sware 2nd, carried!
4.0ADDITIONS TO THE AGENDA: 9.7 Pictures & Banners
9.8 PMH logo
9.9 Jerseys
5.0Treasurers & Booth Report: October’s end balance is $95,785.35 with the ice fee’s yet to go through…Kevin said that bill will be coming at the end of November. We will also be using the casino money made(approx.$24,000) toward the ice fee’s! Kevin moved the treasurer’s report and Jeremy 2nd!
The Booth report shows a loss this month due to the purchases needed for the booth. Kathy has checks written but they are not being processed until some more money comes in. Caution fee checks have not been cashed yet. Once this gets done there will be enough to clear these checks! See attached booth report for a more detailed summary! Roxy Ganser moved the booth report and Terena Tomlinson 2nd!
7.0Reports from Officers
7.1 Registrar: Everything is finalized! One thing however: When taking your coach’s course(initiation level excluded)there is a part two in the back of your book….we need to make sure that coaches are following through with this part. Lee Walz will sign off anybody that needs that done!
**TRYOUTS** Rhonda would like to put in place a fee for tryouts only!If you come to tryout for PMH, ½ of your registration is called a TRYOUT fee! This only applies to Atom age and up. We are having difficulty in the higher age levels where players(especially out of town players) come and tryout and make the team but decide to go some place else to play hockey. Currently, all there is in our guidelines for refunds is that wecharge the registration and if they decide not to play in Provost they get all their money back less $50.00! There is a lot of work involved for Rhonda behind the scenes and on top of that people are getting quite rude and demanding their money back after all is said and done. We will talk about this next meeting. Rhonda is going to find out what Wainwright charges and bring this to the next meeting!Glenn proposed that ½ of the registration is NON-REFUNDABLE!
7.2 Equipment Manager:Wes has purchased 3 more first aid kits. Novice Initiation has their game sheets available in the booth for when they have a game. Also available in the booth are ice packs. Another case of pucks were donated to PMH from TS&M Supply! Thanks TS&M for your donation!
7.3 Booth Coordinator: Kathy reports that everything is going great. Three weeks down and we have had great team leaders in for those weeks. Kathy has been giving an orientation for the beginning of a new week. That has been going well. There has been a new grill ordered…Kathy is hoping that the Town will donate this!
7.4Ref-in-Chief: Jeremy reports that they are down in senior referees this year! There is only 3 currently and we need 6! There is a course in Marwayne this weekend and SaddleLake next weekend for anyone wanting to become a senior ref! We might be able to pull ref’s from Macklin but their plate is pretty full as well….Jeremy requests that we affiliate from Macklin(cost $28.00/ea…) PMH will pay for this to happen if need be! Other than that, things are great!
7.5Ice Conveynor: Kevin reports everything is going well. He is still working on every team having a home game for minor hockey week. He is currently still working on this!
7.6Advertising Rep: Mel reports that all the $600 signs are sold;24 of the $400 are sold(37 left). There are a total of 81 spots in the arena…in the old arena there was approx.65! If we sell all the spots in the new arena we should be able to clear $36,000!
8.1Provincials: the committee is looking for 2 people for the board. The next meeting is Monday, November 8th in the Meeting Room(CPP) at 8pm
8.2NEAHL: There will be zero tolerance of verbal abuse…they really are cracking down on this. By next year we will have to appoint a Deputy Governor for our league. Rhonda will keep us posted on this!
If you must cancel a game you must follow these two steps A.)You must have the game that needs to be cancelled prebooked prior to canceling it
B.)if you need to cancel a game (atom & up) you must submit to the NEAHL a written request & this must be signed off by both teams.
8.3Bantam Goalie: after tryouts, one of the three goalies went to Macklin to play. Midgets did the same. Between us and Macklin, everyone has a place to play hockey!
9.1Novice Bank Account:we need to draw up a letter appointing Cindy Paulgaard & Lindsay Varty the new signers for the Provost Novice bank account! Kelly will draw up a letter for the bank giving these girls access to this account for the 2010-2011 season!
9.2Meat Fundraiser:Jeanette Knox is going to head this up (Brenda Heck will guide her), along with Cindy Parkins, Sandra Kardos and Dirk Brouwer.
9.3Team Pictures and Team Wear: Danita and Ann Fraser volunteered along with Roxy Ganser!
9.4Minor Hockey Week: heading this up is Kathy Meier, Terry Christensen, along with Danette Rennie! Kathy asked, can the profits from Minor Hockey week go toward the playroom? Lee agreed! The maximum money allowed to spend for this year on Minor Hockey Week is $2,000.00(same as last year)
*reminder at our spring general to set minor hockey days for the 2011/2011 hockey season*
9.52011/2012 Arena Opening Date: Two options: First of October or just after the long weekend (October 11th). Glenn & Mel are going to see if the seniors want to run a conditioning camp for the beginning of October….plus we would like to see if the arena would close for the Thanksgiving long weekend so that PMH wouldn’t be charge ice time (oct/2010 long weekend; there wasn’t a lot of people around to warrant having the facility open for that weekend). Kathy mentioned that maybe a tournament (three on three) would be something of interest? Rhonda recommends that we should be open on the 1st for registration purposes. NEAHL meeting needs rosters in before their meeting (which is the 3rd week in October) This year, Rhonda said she had the rosters submitted the night before which puts it way too rushed!
9.6Pictures & Banners: We need to move these items over from the old arena. Wes, Glenn, Mel, and Lee are going to get the banners and pictures moved over. There are a lot of old banners that need homes. Kathy mentioned that having an auction to the public would be a good fundraiser. Those interested and have some sentimental value to the banners would give them an opportunity to purchase them? We are only hanging banners that are
a) up to and including 3 years old
b) have to win at a provincial level
or the league for that year
Kevin said the place that they are hanging the banners up are on the wall behind the bleachers!
**Wes, Glenn, Mel and Lee are going to take charge as to what needs to be done with the banners! **
Lee also mentioned that he has at home the three jerseys that all the kids signed at the Hockey Canada Camp back in 2006! He wanted to know what we are doing with them…if we should buy jersey boxes ($300 each) and hang them in the arena or what should we do with them.Everyone is to think about this and we will table this next meeting!
9.7PMH Logo & Team Wear: a new logo was passed around the table. (Kelly will post this up on the website once Glenn sends me a copy)The current logo is about 20 years old.
Mel made a motion that we go with the new blades logo submitted by Lee. Glenn 2nd / all in favor!
Team wear was also brought forward. With the new logo comes new team wear! There will be a team dress coat available along with a different track suit. There is a navy track suit with white piping available(at MacStitch) and it comes in initiation sizes(really small). With this track suit there will be sizes available to ALL the players. Lee is going to look into these specific track suites.
Danita made a motion that any team buying a team dress coat must be black in color and have the new team logo on the upper left side of the chest.(it doesn’t matter what style of coat, as long as its black) For the track suites, they must remain navy and follow the jersey colors. The logo must be in the same position as the team dress coat. Sandra Kardos 2nd/all in favor!
If your team wins provincials, you can add to the existing black coat or track suit!
For Example: Some form of wording!
Provincial Champions 2011
**Please note that you can only use the PMH new logo on the above items only**
*You cannot put our PMH logo on just any item**
(it has to be our selected team wear only)
MacStitch will be able to provide what is going to be the current team wear for PMH!
9.8Jersey’s: We have a couple of businesses wanting to sponsor jerseys. A set of jerseys will run approx. $2500.00! Baker Hughes wants to donate a set next year!
That brought forward the possibility of new jerseys for the league. We, as a group think that we could come up with enough businessestopurchase sets of jerseys for our league and hopefully have this process done within a couple of years!
The advertising would be:
a) full naming rights to that team
(ex: PMH: UFA Blades-Peewee)
b) have a name bar of the sponsor under the number on each jersey for that team!
**we only want one sponsor per team**
The Bantam girls have no jerseys. The Bantam girls are going to be the first team withthe new jerseys!
Wes Schmidt made a motion that Provost Minor Hockey will buy Home & Away jersey’s with the new team logo for now until a sponsor steps forward! Kevin Ganser 2nd!
10.0 Next meeting-December 1stat the CPP at 7pmin the meeting room!
11.0 ADJOURNMENT: 9:04pm