Chardon Baseball
T-Ball Division Rules
- Each team is scheduled to play a t.b.d. number of games. Schedules usually consist of 10-12 games, based upon the number of teams in the league as well as the weather.
- Rainouts will not be made up.
- All games start at 6:30pm on Monday through Friday and t.b.d. times (ie10:00am, 11:30am, 1:00pm, and 2:30pm) on Saturday.
- All games should be completed in 75 minutes regardless of location.
- Official length of a T-Ball game consists of three (3) full innings.
- The official ball used is a Level 1.
- Bases will be fifty (50) feet apart.
- A team remains batting until all the players from the team have batted once in the inning.
- There is no “official” scorebook, no scores, no extra innings, no team standings, and no records.
- All batters must wear a helmet with facemask at all times while in the field of play.
- All players must hit off a tee in the 1st inning. No exceptions.
- A coach may pitch to a player in the second and third inning, underhand or overhand, depending on the individual skill level of each player.
- A batter will receive between three (3) and six (6) pitches prior to placing the ball on a T-stand if s/he has not yet hit the ball.
- If you have a player who is not quite ready to be pitched to, then start them with the ball on the T-Stand and do not pitch to them.
- Batters should be explained about the danger of throwing a bat if and when it occurs.
- Bunting is not allowed.
Fielding Team:
- Try to limit the number of infielders to a maximum of eight (8). Suggestion: two (2) fielders in the “imaginary” pitching circle behind the coach;(4) infielders at first, second, shortstop and third base positions; and (2) extra infielders - one between first and second and third base, the other between short stop and third base.
- The remaining players should be outfielders and positioned on the outfield grass.
- Mark “Xs” in the dirt where players are to be positioned and demonstrate to infielders not to stand in the base lines when runners are on base.
- The catcher is also coach who will help instruct the hitters on his team with regards to positioning, stance, etc.
Base Runners:
- All runners must wear a helmet with facemask at all times while in the field of play.
- Each hitter, after hitting the ball, will run to first base and stop.The runners will continue to run the bases and stop at each consecutive base after each hit. The last batter will “clear” the bases.
- The following rules do not apply to T-Ball: a runner who is hit by a batted ball, interference (obstruction) with a fielder trying to field a ball, or the infield fly rule.
- If a runner is tagged out or forced out on a base, then they should remain on the base. They will learn about being tagged out and forced out in the Mighty Mites League.
- Stealing is not allowed.
- Offensive coaches include the pitcher and the catcher who pitch to their respective teams.
- In addition, there should be a first base coach, a third base coach, and most importantly, a bench coach.
- Defensive coaches (the number may vary) should be positioned in the field of play to give instruction and to direct players where to throw the ball.
- The ball does not always have to be thrown to first base!!!
- All coaches, while in the field, shall make every effort at all times to avoid the ball and any play.
- Be safe and have fun.
- The coaches should present a “new” game ball to at least one player on their team following the completion of each game. Each player on the team should receive one (1) game ball prior to the end of the season.
- Rotate the batter order and field positions so each player has a chance to bat first and last and play different positions.
- Have a volunteer parent organize a “snack” schedule for the team.
- The children are our responsibility! Teach fundamentals and teamwork. Build pride and self-assurance by what you say.
Skill Goals over the two years spent in TBall(5 & 6 year olds):
- Learn how to hit a pitched ball/no use of the T-stand
- Enhance his/her batting stance (ie small step towards the pitcher, level swing)
- Enhance his/her fielding of ground balls
- Enhance his/her catching of fly balls (introduce how to catch with different mitt positions depending on the height of the catch)
- Enhance his/her throwing of the ball (how to hold the ball, stance, step, release)
- Focus on the over-running of first base turning to the right in both practice drills and in games
- Learn how to stand on base in ready position to run
- Learn about force outs and throwing to the proper base (not first base all the time)
- Introduce fielders to different positions (short stop, first base, etc) and basic responsibilities at that position.
- Introduce how to back up teammates on the field.