Emergency (Response) Action Plan

Building Name: Edwards Hall


Mennonite College of Nursing /

Department Emergency Contacts:

Dr. Janet Krejci, Dean (438-2205)
Dr. Catherine Miller, Assoc. Dean (438-2349)
Office Manager (438-2176)

Means of Emergency Notification

ISU Emergency Alert:

The ISU Emergency Alert system will be used by the University Police to notify members of the campus community of an emergency which threatens life or safety on campus. This includes information on tornado warnings that are a direct threat to the ISU Campus. If you receive an ISU Emergency Alert:

1.  Immediately respond in accordance with the directions provided via the alert.

2.  Communicate by word-of-mouth to others who may have not yet received the alert.

3.  If possible, check the Illinois State University website at IllinoisState.edu for detailed information and updates.

4.  Remain calm and make wise decisions relative to your safety.

All active ULID Account holders will automatically receive alerts over their university email address (your ). Those that have registered for ISU Emergency Alert will also have alerts sent to their mobile phone (both voice and text are available). Users also have the option to specify an additional phone number (e.g., desk phone) and alternate email address to which they would like alerts to be sent.

All faculty, staff and students are encouraged to sign up to receive ISU Emergency Alerts. Registration for the ISU Emergency Alert system is available through the iCampus Portal at: https://icampus.illinoisstate.edu/.


InformaCast® is a mass notification platform that allows the university to simultaneously send an audio stream and/or text message to multiple IP phones and IP speaker endpoints. While this technology is very promising, it is currently only available through Voice over Internet Phones (VoIP). Messages that will be sent over this system will include weather related watches and warnings along with other emergency notifications.

Emergency Response Actions


General and Fire Evacuation Procedures:

When an evacuation has been ordered or initiated due to a fire alarm:

1.  Evacuate immediately by following the nearest Exit signs.

a.  If you see smoke or fire:

i.  Pull the nearest fire alarm pull station to alert building occupants of the fire.

ii.  Call 911 (if using a campus phone) or 438-8631 (if using a cell phone) from a safe place.

iii. Assist anyone needing help.

iv. Be alert for smoke as you exit the building – choose a path to avoid the smoke.

v.  Before exiting through a door, check the door and handle. If the door or handle are hot to the touch or smoke is present, do not open the door.

vi. DO NOT use elevators if evacuating due to a fire or fire alarm.

2.  Proceed to the designated emergency assembly area. Once safely out of the building call 911 (if using a campus phone) or 438-8631 (if using a cell phone) to report the situation.

3.  After reporting to the designated emergency assembly area, begin the accountability process.

4.  Let the police or fire department know if someone is missing or trapped inside and/or is in need of assistance.

5.  Stay out of the way of emergency personnel and equipment.

6.  Do not enter the building until you are approved to do so by the University Police.

If trapped in the building:

1.  Occupants are to remain in their rooms.

2.  Try to seal the base of your door (wet towel or cloth if possible) to prevent smoke from entering.

3.  Call 911 (if using a campus phone) or 438-8631 (if using a cell phone) and let them know your situation and location.

4.  If possible, move to a window and signal for help.

Emergency Assembly Area:

The designated evacuation assembly area for Edwards Hall is located on the quad, adjacent to the southeast corner of the building (see attached maps). As this location may not be the best site based upon the type of emergency (i.e., weather and traffic conditions), individuals need to be prepared to move to another location.

Accounting and Information Procedures

1.  Personnel will be accounted for and will provide information about the evacuation and incident to the Office Manager (primary) or Lissa Bevins, Administrative Clerk (backup).

2.  A list of all regular occupants should be completed and attached to the Action Plan. The above-identified persons will use the list to verify the counting of regular building occupants.

3.  Emergency information will be provided to Illinois State University Police or emergency personnel on the scene immediately.

4.  Employees will be released from the emergency assembly area when all employees are accounted for. It is extremely important that all personnel known to have been in the building have evacuated and are accounted for.

Shelter in Place

When a shelter-in-place order has been issued, it means that conditions are such that is safer to be inside your office/ classroom/ room. A shelter-in-place order may be given for a hazardous materials incident or a sustained police action. A shelter-in-place order will be issued by the University Police or other competent authority, based on the nature of the crisis.

When a shelter –in-place order has been issued, you should:

  1. Remain calm
  2. Select a small, interior room with few or no windows.
  3. If not assigned to a room, go to the nearest room where you can secure yourself.
  4. Close and lock windows and doors leading to adjacent areas
  5. Barricade doors if possible.
  6. If the emergency is due to hazardous material:
  7. Turn off all fans, heating, and air-conditioning units.
  8. If directed, use duct tape and plastic sheeting to seal all cracks around the door and any vents in the room (red duct tape is located on 1st floor – Tech Office, 2nd floor – Faculty Workroom, and 3rd floor – Dean’s Suite).
  9. Keep quiet and silence cell phones (maintain on vibrate)
  10. Remain out of view from any interior windows or block the view through the window.
  11. Wait for further instructions from the University Police or other campus authorities.

Tornado Shelter

Tornado Warnings will be issued for the ISU campus when a tornado has been spotted that is or will directly threaten the ISU campus. Upon receipt of a warning, the University Police Department will issue the warning over the ISU Emergency Alert and InformaCast®. Typically, the Community Early Warning Sirens will also be activated. In either case, the campus community will need to act to take cover. In the event of a tornado warning, the campus community will need to:

  1. Take shelter:

Immediately move to the pre-designated tornado shelter area for the building occupied (see http://www.ehs.ilstu.edu/emergency/weather/tornados.shtml for pre-designated areas). If you are unsure of the shelter location, move into inner hallways, stairwells, underground tunnels, rest rooms, or other areas which are directly supported and which are relatively free from exterior windows and glass. Avoid the top floor of the building.

Exterior Locations: If you are caught outside during a tornado warning and do not have time to move inside for shelter, move to a ditch or other low spot below grade level where you can lie (flying debris causes most deaths and injuries during a tornado). If you are on flat ground and are caught in the path of a tornado, always move at right angles to its path.

Areas to avoid: Always avoid the top floor of a building and areas such as an elevator, a lobby, a gymnasium, an auditorium, or a food service; any one of which may be glass enclosed or which may have a large unsupported roof.

  1. Cover up:

If you are wearing a heavy jacket or have access to a blanket or other heavy cloth material, use these items to cover your upper body and face. This will help protect you from any flying glass or debris. When possible, try to stay close to the floor.

  1. Emergency Equipment:

Be sure to carry with you your cell phone in order to receive emergency information. If time permits, take a flashlight and a small battery powered transistor radio with you when you move to a place of shelter. Local radio stations will provide you with first hand weather information and the flashlight will provide you with a source of light should the electrical power fail.

  1. Wait for all clear: Always remain in a place of shelter until you receive the all clear message.

Medical Emergencies

  1. Call 911 (if using a campus phone) or 438-8631 (if using a cell phone)
  2. Provide assistance consistent with your level of knowledge/training.
  3. Do not attempt to move a person with a suspected spinal injury unless imminent danger is present.
  4. Remain with the individual until emergency medical personnel arrive. Be prepared to share pertinent information with Emergency Responders.
  5. If blood is involved in the incident and you believe you had contact with it, consult with the University Police for follow-up care.

Other Potential Response Actions

Use of Portable Fire Extinguishers

Portable fire extinguishers are readily available in university buildings and may be used provided the following conditions are met.

1.  The fire alarm pull station has been activated and the alarm is sounding.

2.  Each floor representative has been trained on the use of the portable fire extinguisher and feels confident that he/she can safely extinguish the fire:

·  1st Floor - Jeff Grabb and Sean Irvin

·  2nd Floor/3rd Floor – Office Manager, Lissa Bevins, and Jean Ann Dargatz

Fire Extinguisher and Fire Alarm Pull Locations:


·  The Office Manager and Lissa Bevins, Administrative Clerk, will “sweep” all office/classroom areas (includes all three floors and Capen Auditorium) to personally notify occupants of an emergency alert, and to ensure everyone has vacated the building in case of evacuation.

·  Faculty should appoint one student in each classroom to leave their cell phone on in order to receive any emergency alerts.


The Dean’s Suite Office Manager will arrange training for floor fire extinguisher annually. Staff located in the Dean’s Suite and in the MCN Technology office will be asked to participate.

Continuity of Operations

All faculty and staff are encouraged to participate in the ISU Emergency Alert system to receive the most up-to-date official ISU communication regarding emergency situations.

In the event of an emergency in which the University is closed, all clinicals, classes, and labs will not be held. In the event only Edwards Hall is affected, participation in clinical or classes located in other locations may continue and staff will be re-located to other work space on campus. Communication with students through ISU e-mail and Blackboard should continue.

In the event IT functions at ISU are affected, faculty and staff should expect a minimum 8-hour delay before e-mail is functioning and at least 72-hours before Blackboard could be functioning. Maintaining a phone list for notifications is encouraged for communication in the event IT functioning is affected.


Updated 9/14/11