Nina Günter-Willmann, Kerstin Bischof

230599 Teaching Specific Domains of English Language Competence (GymGes)

Prof. Dr. Lennon

Lesson Plan

Introduction of the simple past forms of “to be” (was/wasn’t ,were/weren’t) and simple questions with was/were

‘9 / Introduction & Warming up
& discussion of last week’s homework / T.: “Good morning everybody! How are you? Remember last week: The Spring Show! Let’s talk about your homework…”
(p. 84; 2a, What activities are there at Cotham School? And at your school?)
Ss read out their homework. / Plenum / Book, p. 86
‘6 / Introduction of the new grammar (simple past)
(inductive) / First the class listens to the audio CD. (Text is read by a native speaker)
The first half of the text is read out loud by 2 students as a role play; the second half of the text is read out loud by 2 other students
T: ”Open your books at p. 86, please. Take a look at the text, listen and read along.”
Ss listen and read the text.
T: “Let’s read the text. Alright, who wants to start reading? XXX, you are Sophie. And XXX, you are Prunella.”
Ss read the text.
T.: Are there any words you do not understand? / Plenum / Text in the book, p. 86,
Audio CD and CD-player
‘5 / Content practice
(inductive) / Right or Wrong – statements about the text:
Task: using was/wasn’t for the first time
T: ”Sophie was at the dress rehearsal after school. Right or wrong?”
Ss: “Yes!”
T: “Say, yes, she was.”
Ss: Yes, she was.”
T: ”Sophie was home from school early. Right or wrong?”
Ss: ”Wrong.”
T: “Exactly. Say: No, she wasn’t. She was at the dress rehearsal.” … / Plenum / Book, p. 86
‘8 / Information I
(deductive) / Looking at language:
Table : Which personal pronouns are used together with was/wasn’t; were/weren’t
T: “Now take a look at the text again. Sophie and Prunella are talking about the past, i.e. about yesterday. They use forms of the verb “be”. Was and were – the negative
forms are wasn’t and weren’t. Find out which pronouns they use with was/wasn’t and were/weren’t. Let’s collect them on the board!”
Ss look at the text and find the personal pronouns that are used with the simple past forms of “be”
Chart on the board:
was/ wasn’t / were/ weren’t
I / you
he/ she/ it / we
they (this one is not in the text – so the teacher has to give an example.)
/ Plenum / Blackboard and book
‘8 / Information II
(deductive) / T: “Now copy the chart on the blackboard to your exercise books” / Ss are working individually / Blackboard and books
‘8 / Activity:
(deductive) / T: “Find out where I was yesterday afternoon at 4 o’clock. S1, say: Were you at home?”
T shows game card “at home”.
S1: “Were you at home?”
T: “No, I wasn’t. Now you, S2”
T shows game card “football training”.
S2: “Were you at football training?” …
T writes questions and answers on the blackboard.
T: “Now you, work in pairs and find out where your partner was yesterday afternoon at 4 o’ clock. After three questions you can give him the correct answer and swap.” / Plenum, pair work / Blackboard, game cards (at home, at football training, at school, at the supermarket, at the doctor’s)
‘1 / Homework / T: “Write five sentences about where you were last week. I was at school…”

Goals/ objectives:

After the lesson the pupils are able to answer right or wrong questions by taking the information from a text,

the pupils are able to tell when and how was/wasn’t and were/weren’t is used and they can form simple sentences as well as questions including was/wasn’t and were/weren’t.