Minutes of Parish Council meeting
held 9th February 2017
PRESENT:- Cllr. R. Barnwell (Chairman)
Cllr. P. Appleby (Vice-Chairman)
Cllr. S. Ablett
Cllr. A Bussey
Cllr. B Littler
Cllr. D Whalley
Mrs T. M. Lacy
Received from Cllr. R Whalley
No takers
16.153.4. MINUTES OF MEETING HELD ON 12th January 2017
The Chairman was delayed for a short time and Vice Chairman Appleby started the meeting.
Cllrs. agreed the minutes should be signed as accurate by the Vice-Chairman.
16.154.5. MATTERS ARISING FROM THE MINUTES-not on the agenda, see Planning.
Mrs Lacy sent a sympathy card to A Southwell on the death of his wife.
Diplomatic bag review:-nothing to discuss
EMAILS RECEIVED AND FORWARDED TO CLLRS :- Payphone information, NCALC update, Street lighting faults in Cransley Chronicle
ITEMS FOR DISTRIBUTION:- Adverts: NCC Northants minerals and local plan update modifications: KBC Rural Forum 02.02.17 agenda & minutes 1st Dec 2016
KBC Parish Council Planning Training, 22nd March 6-8pm, Cllr Barnwell for Mawsley PC – will check with Mawsley Clerk if he has been booked a place
Best Village Competition 2017 decision, also judges wanted: No response received from residents
re article in Cransley Chronicle. GCPC agreed not this year but will consider it next year after ongoing projects have been completed. A poster re judges for this to be put on the community notice board.
Right of Way, Bridle Path GG2, Cransley Park:- Footpath warden Kevin Burton has contacted Right of Way at NCC to say a gate has been padlocked and another is very difficult to use. He has been twice but no action has been taken, he will monitor the situation. Walkers could climb over the gates but horses and cyclists unable to continue.
Allotments:- Mawsley Clerk sent an email asking if there was any suitable site for this in the Parish of Cransley. Mrs Lacy has replied that The Parish Council was unable to find a suitable site in the Parish some years ago.
Street lighting faults:- An article was put in the Cransley Chronicle from the chief engineer at KBC asking people to report faults. To be circulated.
Electoral Register:- The Dec 2016 version to be circulated, Cllrs may make notes from this but cannot copy. They may write individually to KBC for their own copy.
16.156.7. FINANCE
Opening Balance £8971.81p
Lloyds TSB BIA Projects Account Interest 09.01.17 £0.18p
Lloyds TSB BIA Account Interest 09.01.17 £0.07p
Total £8972.06p
T M Lacy Salary 09.02.17 £282.33p
T M Lacy admin. 09.02.17 £20,00p
Heating 09.02.17 £1.00p
Closing Balance £8668.73p
Transparency Fund:- Cllr D Whalley and the Clerk discussed the application form in detail as arranged with GCPC, including lap-top, softwear, projector and reported this to the Council. Some items need to be verified by Cllr. Whalley. Discussion of internet connection to the Village Hall took place. The Clerk answered a questionnaire from NCALC re this fund, to which she replied an application would be sent in the near future.
New external auditor:- For the year ending March 2018, and following years, Parish and Town Councils in Northamptonshire this will be PKF Littlejohn.
The new Internal Auditor appointed by NCALC for Great Cransley Parish Council will be
Julia Tufnail as reported in the August 2016 GCPC minutes.
KBC budget meeting 28th Jan. Cllr. Barnwell reported that the proposed budget was agreed- no questions asked. Usual sort of meeting.
16.157.8. PLANNING
Application KET/2016/0878 by Mr& Mrs Payne for extensions at 1 Holly Lane, granted.
Application No KET/2017/0063 by Mr Knight- conversion of agricultural barn into 3 no. dwellings at Cattle Shed, Whitehills Farm, Loddington Rd. Gt Cransley. GCPC objected – the building was for agricultural use and if no longer required should be demolished and the land returned to farmland.
It is out of the village envelope for development and adjacent to the conservation area. Proposed appearance of the conversion also not in keeping with the nearby properties.
Application No KET/2016/0675 Silverhills Bungalow- was withdrawn before the KBC planning committee meeting.
For information only from KBC:-Work on size reduction on an Oak tree at The Oaks and also an Oak tree at the Camp, both in Church Lane applied for.
Mrs Lacy will contact KBC re the planning conditions of the driveways at The Camp KET/2013/0306 and also concerning Whitehill farm Application KET/2016/0630 on Loddington Rd.
Details of a NW Website received from Mrs Payne was included in the Jan. Chronicle and circulated among Cllrs. Also a NW email listing crime in Slade Valley NW area in December 2016 which did not include domestic and violence offences.
Scott Little sent an email saying ‘no crime reported in Gt. Cransley in January 2017.
Cllr. Barnwell attended a meeting with the Northants Crime Commissionner. Police priority is given to young people and paedophiles. A proposal to close three police stations in Northants. and make Kettering the hub is being discussed.
Cllr. Appleby reported finding a bag with scattered jewellery on Northfield Rd. police arrived very quickly after a phone call.
16.159.10. HIGHWAYS – Cllr. Appleby
Kierwsp 2017 Enhancement Gang:-Cllrs were satisfied that the work which needs to be done and which was suggested by Cllr Appleby should be requested.
A Satisfaction Survey from Kierwsp was given to Cllr. Appleby to complete.
Cllr. Appleby reported surface water on near No 21 Loddington Rd. It will be attended to in due course.
16.160.11. CVHMC MEETING All is going well.
On all Cllrs. being given a Neighbourhood Plan Questionnaire produced for Mawsley PC (which GCPC are given permission to use) alterations were considered to make the plan relate to Great Cransley and accepted. This will now be printed and a copy given to each household for their consideration
ACRE will hold a Neighbourhood Plan Day on 26th May. Discuss at the next meeting, details to be circulated.
16.162.13 PARISH PLAN
SCULPTURE:- Cllr. Barnwell gave details of the firm which will make the info. board to Cllr. Whalley who will contact the stone mason so decisions can be made by both for the best way to install the Info. board at the side of the Millennium Sculpture.
WAR MEMORIAL:- Mrs Lacy will give a letter to Cllr. Barnwell from KBC saying that the KBC does not own the land on which the Memorial is situated. Cllr. Barnwell will then proceed with registration of the land.
The stone mason has promised to give a considered opinion of the cost of a replacement Memorialfor insurance purposes. This has not been received and Cllr Whalley will remind him.
16.163.14. WEBSITE
Cllr Whalley will move the domain name of the website to himself from Stephen who set it up.
A reply received from Simon Richardson with information from BT which answers the questions GCPC asked. Cllr. Ablett will seek to confirm that the land on which the Payphone box stands is Highway. BT are inundated with enquiries and ask that GCPC is patient. There are grants available for defibrillators. No response received from article in January Chronicle.
16.165.16 RURAL FORUM
Cllr. Barnwell attended. Regarding the proposed changes to Northants Councils. Having a unitary Council, ie Northampton CC and Town & Parish Councils. District and Borough Councils would be disbanded. Kettering Borough Council is the only one where the town of Kettering is not parished. So this must be done, otherwise the other Parishes would be paying for Kettering Town. GCPC suggest asking J Hakewill to speak about this at the Annual Parish Meeting.
16 166.17 ITEMS FOR CRANSLEY CHRONICLE 1. Dates 2. Payphones 3. Best Village
The next Parish Council meeting will be held on March 9th at 7pm.
There being no other business the meeting closed at 8.40pm
Signed…………………………………. Date------