Avery Kolers

Avery Kolers

Professor of Philosophy

University of Louisville

Bingham Humanities Building Room 314, University of Louisville, Louisville, Kentucky 40292, USA

, Phone 502-852-0453, Fax 502-852-0459


University of Louisville

Professor of Philosophy, 2013-present.

Core faculty member, Interdisciplinary MA in Bioethics and Medical Humanities

Affiliated Faculty, Program in Ethics and Humanism,Departmentof Family and Geriatric Medicine, 2006-present.

Associate Professor of Philosophy, 2006-2013.

Assistant Professor of Philosophy, 2000-2006.

Rice University

National Endowment for the Humanities Visiting AssociateProfessor of the Humanities,Spring 2009.

University of Arizona

Graduate Teaching Assistant, Philosophy Department, 1995-2000.


University of Arizona, Tucson

Ph.D. in Philosophy, 2000.

Dissertation: “Grounds of Global Justice.” Committee: Allen Buchanan, Tom Christiano, Houston Smit.

Brown University

A.B. with Honors in Ethics & Political Philosophy (Magna cum Laude, Phi Beta Kappa), 1995.

American University in Cairo, Egypt, Spring 1994.

Hebrew University of Jerusalem, Israel, Summer 1992.


Selected courses in Spanish, University of Louisville, 2011-present.

Intensive Bioethics Education Course, University of Louisville School of Medicine, May 2005.


French, Hebrew, Spanish: working knowledge

Arabic: reading


Areas of specialization: Social & Political Philosophy, Applied & Normative Ethics.

Areas of competence: Philosophy of Law, Metaphysics.


  1. Book

Land, Conflict, and Justice: A Political Theory of Territory. Cambridge University Press,2009.

  1. Refereed Articles

“The Priority of Solidarity to Justice.”Forthcoming, Journal of Applied Philosophy.

“Am I My Profession’s Keeper?” Bioethics28 #1 (2014), 1-7.

“Floating Provisos and Sinking Islands.” Journal of Applied Philosophy29 #4 (2012), 333-43.

“Attachment to Territory: Status or Achievement?” Canadian Journal of Philosophy 42 #2 (June 2012), 101-24.

“Dynamics of Solidarity.”Journal of Political Philosophy 20 #4 (2012), 365-83.

“Justice, Territory and Natural Resources.”Political Studies 60 #2 (June 2012), 269-86.

Along with Margaret Moore’s article on a similar topic, this article is the subject of a symposium on the Territory & Justice Research Network blog, with review articles by A. John Simmons and Chris Armstrong:

“Subsidiarity, Secession, and Cosmopolitan Democracy.”Social Theory and Practice 32 #4 (October 2006), 659-69.

“Justice and the Politics of Deference.”Journal of Political Philosophy 13 #2 (2005), 153-73.

“Cloning and Genetic Parenthood.”Cambridge Quarterly of Healthcare Ethics 12 #4 (Fall 2003), 401-410.

“Toward a Pluralist Account of Parenthood.”Bioethics 17 #3 (2003), 221-242 [with Tim Bayne].

“The Territorial State in Cosmopolitan Justice.”Social Theory and Practice 28 #1 (January 2002), 29-50.

“Ethical Investing: the Permissibility of Participation.” Journal of Political Philosophy 9 #4 (December 2001), 435-52.

“‘Are You My Mommy?’: On the Genetic Basis of Parenthood.” Journal of Applied Philosophy 18 #3 (December 2001), 273-85[with Tim Bayne].

“The Lockean Efficiency Argument and Aboriginal Land Rights,” Australasian Journal of Philosophy 78 #3 (September 2000), 391-404.

  1. Other Scholarly Publications

“Reply to Armstrong.” Political Studies 62 #1 (March 2014), pp. 223-28.

“Territorial Rights.”Encyclopedia of Global Justice, ed. Deen K. Chatterjee (Springer, 2011), pp. 1063-1067.

“Plenitude.” In Justice et Injustice Spatiales,ed. Bernard Bret, Philippe Gervais-Lambony, Claire Hancock, and Frederic Landy (Paris: Presses Universitaires de Paris-Ouest, 2010).

“Who Killed Medgar Evers?” Bob Dylan and Philosophy, ed. Peter Vernezze and Carl Porter (LaSalle, Illinois: Open Court Pop Culture & Philosophy Series, 2006), chapter 3.

“Valuing Land and Distributing Territory.” In Geographies and Moralities, ed. Roger Lee and David M. Smith (Cambridge, UK: Blackwell, 2004), pp. 135-48.

“Self-Determination in a Cosmopolitan World.” In Putting Peace into Practice: Evaluating Policy on Local and Global Levels, ed. Nancy Potter (Amsterdam: Rodopi, 2004), pp. 95-112.

“Parenthood and Procreation.”Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy (Fall 2008 edition), Edward N. Zalta, ed. (published 2002; major modification 2006; now replaced by a new article by different authors)[with Tim Bayne].

  1. Book Reviews

Review of Eric Roark, Removing the Commons: A Lockean Left-Libertarian Approach to the Just Use and Appropriation of Natural Resources (Lanham, MD: Lexington Books, 2013). Notre Dame Philosophical Reviews. 2/24/14.

Review of David Lyons, Confronting Injustice: Moral History and Political Theory (Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2012). For Dialogue: Canadian Philosophical Review. Forthcoming.

Review of Deen K. Chatterjee, Democracy in a Global World (Lanham, MD: Rowman & Littlefield, 2008). Social Theory & Practice 35 #1 (January 2009), pp. 141-47.

Review of Charis Thompson, Making Parents: The Ontological Choreography of Reproductive Technology (Cambridge, Mass: MIT Press, 2005). Theoretical Medicine and Bioethics 27 (2006), pp. 463-70.

Selected Conference PRESENTATIONS

“When are Disputes Territorial?” Workshop on Making & Justifying Territorial Claims, Princeton University, May 16-17, 2014.

“Solidarity as Equity,” Symposium on Solidarity, 2014 American Philosophical Association Pacific Division Meetings, San Diego, April 16-20, 2014.

“‘Everyone’s Daily Bread will be Hallowed and Sacred’,” Panel on Food in Latin America, 2014 Louisville Conference on Literature & Culture since 1900, Louisville, Feb. 21, 2014.

“Terrestrial Cosmopolitanism and the Right to Place.”Panel on borders & territory, 2013 American Political Science Association Annual Meetings, Chicago, IL, Aug. 31, 2013.

“Latin America in the Theory of Territorial Rights.”Keynote address to “Who Owns It? Conference on Land Disputes in Latin America,” Bogotá, Colombia, Aug. 28, 2013.

“Mapping Ecospace onto Geospace.”Panel session on global environmental justice, 2013 Canadian Philosophical Association annual meeting, Victoria, BC.

“Borders, Barriers, and the Territories they Demarcate: Some Questions.” Workshop on Borders and Walls, Yale University, April 12-14, 2012.

“Floating Provisos and Sinking Islands: Toward a Functional Theory of Territory.” Workshop on Resource Rights and Sustainable Resource Management, Centre for Ethics, University of Zurich, February 16, 2012.

“Am I My Profession’s Keeper?” workshop on conscientious refusals in health care, Santa Clara University, November 2011.

“Social Ontology and Territorial Rights.” Rocky Mountain Ethics Congress IV, Boulder, Colorado, August 2011.

Workshop on Aboriginal Title, Ministry of Justice (Aboriginal Affairs Section), Government of Canada, Ottawa, March 2011.

“Attachment to Territory: Status or Achievement?” GRIPP workshop, McGill University, November 2010. Also presented at the Workshop on Territorial Rights, Dublin, Ireland, July 2010.

“Justice, Territory, and Natural Resources.” Ethnicity and Democratic Governance project workshop on Territory. Queen’s University, Kingston, Ontario, June 2010.

“Justice and Solidarity: Which Side are You On?” International Social Philosophy conference, North American Society for Social Philosophy, Philadelphia, July 2009.

“Territory, Environment, and Global Justice.”Panel session on Territorial Rights and Global Justice, organized by Margaret Moore. American Political Science Association Annual Meetings, Toronto, September 2009.

“Plenitude.”Spatial Justice International Conference, Université de Paris X—Nanterre, France, March 2008.

“Geography and Justice.”Symposium presentation, Canadian Philosophical Association Annual Congress, Saskatoon, June 2007.

“Territory as Deep Diversity in Global Justice.” Pacific APA Mini-conference on Global Justice, Pasadena, California, April 2004.

“Justice and the Politics of Deference.” American Philosophical Association Central Division Meetings, Cleveland, Ohio, May 2003.

“Participation in Complex (Unjust) Institutions.” American Society for Bioethics and Humanities annual meeting, Baltimore, October 2002.

“Diversifying the Philosophy Curriculum.” Kentucky Council on Postsecondary Education conference on teaching, Louisville, 2002.

“Culture and Territory.”Society for Philosophy and Geography group meeting, American Philosophical Association Central Division Meetings, Minneapolis, May 2001.

“Are there Grounds for Territorial Claims?” American Philosophical Association Pacific Division Meetings, San Francisco, April 2001.

“Would Lockean Contractors Create a Territorial State?” Midsouth Philosophy Conference, Memphis, Tennessee, February 2001.

“Do Doctors Have a Right Not to Kill?” Canadian Philosophical Association Annual Congress, Edmonton, June 2000.

“Cosmopolitanism and the Territorial State.” American Philosophical Association Central Division Meetings, Chicago, May 2000.

“Surpassing Spoilage? Locke on Plums, Money, and Aboriginal Rights.” Canadian Philosophical Association Annual Congress, Sherbrooke, Québec, June 1999; also presented at Midsouth Philosophy Conference, Memphis, Tennessee, February 1999.


  1. Introductory

Introduction to Philosophy; Introduction to Moral and Social Philosophy; Introduction to History of Political Philosophy; Sex & Values; Business Ethics; Intermediate College Writing (with ethics focus).

  1. Mid-Level Undergraduate

Medical Ethics; Philosophy of Law; Ethics; Environmental Ethics; Special Topics: Environment and Global Justice; Metaphysics; Social & Political Philosophy;

Distance Education: online Ethics course;

Honors Seminar: Philosophies of Propaganda (team-taught).

  1. Upper-level Undergraduate and Graduate

Free Will; Philosophy & Globalization; Philosophy of Social Science; The Philosophy of John Rawls; The Political Theory of Individual Responsibility; Democracy and Responsibility; Global Justice; Ethical Theory; Themes from Locke: Land, Membership, and Indigenous Peoples; Justice & Health Care; Varieties of Solidarity.


Richard & Constance Lewis Fellowship in Latin American & Iberian Studies, University of Louisville Program in Latin American & Latino Studies, 2014.(Fellowship for research travel.)

Journalof Applied Philosophy Prize, for “Floating Provisos and Sinking Islands,” 2013. (Awarded to best paper published in Journal of Applied Philosophy in the previous calendar year.)

Canadian Philosophical Association Biennial Book Prize (shared), for Land, Conflict, and Justice: A Political Theory of Territory, 2011.

Humanities Research Center External Faculty Fellowship, Rice University, 2009.

Second Annual Rick O’Neil Memorial Lectureship, Transylvania University, Lexington, Kentucky, 2002.

Victor A. Olorunsola Endowed Research Award for Young Scholars, University of Louisville., 2002.

Charlotte W. Newcombe Doctoral Dissertation Fellowship,Woodrow Wilson National Fellowship Foundation. Honorary Fellow (turned down fellowship to accept position at Louisville), 2000.

William Fink Prize for outstanding achievement in graduate study,Philosophy Department, University of Arizona (joint award), 2000.