UNIT 1 Test: Welcome to Spanish Class

Spanish I – Ms. Reilly

Version A

Learning Goal # / Learning Goal / Aligned Item #’s / Points Correct / Points Possible / Grade
1 / 1.1,1.3 Exchange names and present basic introductions. / 21-25 / 5
2 / 1.1, 1.2 Recognize and use the Spanish alphabet to spell Spanish words. / 1-5 / 5
3 / 1.2 Recognize useful classroom expressions, objects, dates, and telling time. / 26-35 / 10
4 / 1.2 Recognize spoken numbers. / 6-10 / 5
5 / 1.3 Use numbers to exchange telephone numbers. / Speaking / 5
6 / 1.1, 1.2, 1.3 Exchange greetings and present and respond to introductory conversations. / 16-20 / 5
7 / 1.2 Recognize and use basic classroom commands and questions. / 41-45 / 5
8 / 1.2, 1.3 Interpret and present seasons and weather conditions. / 36-40 / 5
9 / 2.1 Describe the origin of the Spanish language and where it is spoken in
the world. / 46-50 / 5
10 / 2.1 Recognize appropriate salutations (formal vs. informal) and gestures. / 11-15 / 5
11 / 2.2 Identify the benefits of studying another language and culture. / 51-55 / 5
Reading Comprehension / 56-60 / 10
Writing / 24
TOTAL: / 94

SECTION I – LISTENING 10 points (1 pt. each)

Learning Goal 2

Listen carefully as each letter is read in Spanish. Each letter will be read twice. Write the correct letter (a, b or c) in the blank provided.

1. ____ a. Xb. Zc. U

2. ____ a. Wb. Cc. V

3. ____ a. CHb. Ñ c. S

Listen carefully to the words that I spell in Spanish. Copy down each letter as I call it out. The letters will form a Spanish word. (4 points, 2 points each)

4. ______(5 letters)

5. ______(7 letters)

Learning Goal 4

Listen carefully as each number is read in Spanish. Each number will be read twice. Write the correct letter (a, b or c) in the blank provided.

6. ____a. 9b. 19c. 4

7. ____a. 11b. 1c. 20

8. ____a. 6 b. 16c. 14

9. Write the classroom number as you hear it: ______

10. Write the phone number as you hear it: ______


Learning Goal 10

Write whether you would use TU or USTED to address the following people.

  1. your best friend



12. your principal



13. your boss at work



14. your sister



15. your grandmother



Learning Goal 6

Match the expressions you would use with the following people in these situations.

_____ 16. to greet the principal in the morning

_____ 17. to tell a new student it is nice to meet her too

_____ 18. to tell a friend you will see him later

_____ 19. to greet your teacher in the afternoon

_____ 20. to tell a classmate good-bye

Learning Goal 1

DIRECTIONS: Answer the following questions in complete sentences in Spanish.

21. ¿Cómo te llamas? ______

22. ¿Cómo estás?______

23. ¿De dónde eres? ______

24. ¿Qué pasa? ______

25. How do you ask the principal how she is doing? ______

Learning Goal 3

  1. 3:15 ¿Qué hora es?
  2. Son las tres y media.
  3. Son las tres y cuarto.
  4. Son las cuatro menos quince.
  1. 2:30 ¿Qué hora es?
  2. Son las dos y media.
  3. Son las tres menos treinta.
  4. Son las dos y cuarto.
  1. 11:26 ¿Qué hora es?
  2. Es la once y veintiseite
  3. Son las once y veintiseis.
  4. Son las once menos treintaseis.
  1. 1:00 ¿Qué hora es?
  2. Es la una.
  3. Son la una.
  4. Son las unas.
  1. 6:16 ¿Qué hora es?
  2. Es la seis y diecisiete
  3. Son las seis y dieciséis.
  4. Son las siete menos treintaseis.
  1. Hoy es domingo, el trece de diciembre.
  2. Saturday, Dec. 3
  3. Sunday, Dec. 3
  4. Saturday, Dec. 13
  5. Sunday, Dec. 13
  1. Hoy es martes, el veinte y siete de junio.
  2. Thursday, June 26
  3. Wednesday, July 17
  4. Tuesday, June 27
  5. Monday, July 23
  1. Mañana es viernes, el treinta y uno de octubre.
  2. Friday, October 31
  3. Thursday, October 21
  4. Tuesday, October 30
  5. Saturday, October 20
  1. Write the date in Spanish: 7/5
  2. Es el seis de abril.
  3. Es el siete de mayo.
  4. Es el cuatro de julio.
  5. Es el cinco de junio.
  1. Write the date in Spanish: 30/8
  2. Es el treinta de septiembre.
  3. Son los treinta de julio.
  4. Es el treinta y uno de agosto.
  5. Es el treinta de agosto.

Learning Goal 8

  1. In January what season is it?
  2. El verano
  3. La primavera
  4. El invierno
  5. El otoño
  6. In April what season is it?
  7. El verano
  8. La primavera
  9. El invierno
  10. El otoño
  11. (picture) ¿Qué tiempo hace?
  12. Llueve.
  13. Hace sol.
  14. Nieva.
  15. (picture) ¿Qué tiempo hace?
  16. Hace calor.
  17. Hace frío.
  18. Hace viento.
  19. ¿Qué tiempo hace hoy? ______

Learning Goal 7

Match the picture to the correct classroom command.

  1. Abre el libro ______
  2. Sientate ______
  3. Levanta la mano ______
  4. Silencio, por favor ______
  5. Levantate ______

Learning Goal 9

List 5 countries where Spanish is spoken.

46. ______

47. ______

48. ______

49. ______

50. ______

Learning Goal 11

51-55. In a MEAL paragraph, explain why learning Spanish is important. Give three reasons.








Section 3: Read the following dialogue and answer the following questions IN ENGLISH.

10 points total, 2 pts. each

  1. What is Persona A’s name? ______
  1. Where is Persona A from? ______
  1. How is Persona A doing? ______
  1. What time of day is it? ______
  1. When will they next see each other? ______

Section 4: Writing.

In Spanish, write 25 words to introduce yourself and describe the day, Duch as date, time and weather.




