Subject: The Sir Robert Ho Tung Charitable Fund 2017 Allocation Exercise

To : Chairpersons / Heads of all Subvented Non-governmental Organisations (NGOs)

The Sir Robert Ho Tung Charitable Fund (the Fund) is now inviting applications from the NGOs for funding allocation in the 2017 allocation exercise. The application procedure and application form are provided below. Please note that application for the Fund will not be further invited by letter.

The charitable objects of the fund shall be those for relief of poverty, prevention of sickness and those benefiting the elderly, persons with disabilities and under-privileged. The background of the Fund is at Annex A and the allocation criteria are set out at Annex B. The list of organisations specified by the late Sir Robert Ho Tung is at Annex C.

If you wish to submit applications, please complete the application form at Annex D on project basis. Please read and follow the ‘Guidance Notes’ attached to Annex D carefully when completing the application form.

The completed application form together with any supporting documents/materials should reach Lotteries Fund Projects Section (Attention: Ms Lorraine Chan, SEO(LF)) on or before Friday, 12 May 2017 either by email () or by post (Address: Rooms 3601-02, 36/F, Sunlight Tower, 248 Queen’s Road East, Wanchai, Hong Kong) (3 full set of copies are required). As a large number of applications is expected to be received, you are strongly encouraged to submit your application ahead of the deadline. Late application will not be accepted. Administration headquarters of an organisation / agency should coordinate all the applications of its individual centres / offices for submitting a consolidated return. Applications from individual centres / offices not routing through their head officeswill not be considered.

Please do not forward to this Department applications not relating to the Department’s schedule as this would cause delay to the processing of your applications. Organisations specified by the late Sir Robert Ho Tung on Annex C should send their applications to the specified Departments / Authorities direct.

It is expected that the results of allocation will be available in November 2017. All relevant information and documents could also be downloaded from this Department’s homepage under “Recent Information” of “NGO Corner” at ( Should you have any enquiries in receiving this mail, please contact Ms Rita Yu at 2832 4331.