Fr. Leon Hont, O.S.B. Pastor Website: Rectory Address: P.O. Box 248

Rectory Phone: 495-5241 - Fax 495-9522 538 Main St., Summerhill, PA 15958


Mon.March 13th Lenten Weekday

SJ 7:45 AM Dorothy Petrunak

Tues. March 14th Lenten Weekday

SJ 7:45 AM Frank Henry

Wed. March 15th Lenten Weekday

SJ 7:45 AM Louis Adamczyk

IC 7:00 PM Stations of the Cross

Thurs. March 16th Lenten Weekday

IC 7:45 AMArthur & Mary Eckenrode

Friday, March 17th St. Patrick

IC 7:45 AMJim Woomer

SJ 7:00 PM Stations of the Cross

Saturday, March 18th Lenten Weekday

IC 4:00 PM Gerald Weinzierl

SJ 5:00 PM Darlene Mathieson

Sunday, March 19th – Third Sunday of Lent

SJ 8:00 AM For the Parish

SJ 10:00 AM Bill Wess

IC 7:00 AM For the Parish

IC 9:00 AM Joseph & Eva Fisher Family


For Stations & the weekend ofMarch 18th & 19th:

SJ– Friday 7 PM Anna Knobloch & Anna Burkey

Sat. 5 PMTyler Kulback

Sun. 8 AM Gracie & Connor Ray

Sun 10 AM Gus Wirfel & Jessica Poldiak

IC - Wednesday 7 PM Byron, Claire & Nadia Daubert

Sat. 4 PMJeffrey & Grace Beyer

Sun 7 AM Bob & Monica Krug

Sun 9 AM Aimee Smith & Alyssa Walker


SJ & IC: 1/2 hour before Saturday evening Masses;

1/2 hour before all weekend masses, duringthe first weekend of each month; oranytime byappointment.

GIFT BEARERS - SJ & IC next week.

SJ Sat 5 PM Salamon Family

SJ Sun 8 AM Volunteer Needed

SJ Sun 10 AMJonathan Knobloch

IC Sat 4 PM Christina Hines Family

IC Sun 7 AM Volunteer Needed

IC Sun 9 AM Gerri Rosenberger Family


IC PARISH COUNCIL will have a meeting on Monday, March 13th at 7 PM in Marian Hall.

SJ ROSARY ALTAR SOCIETY meeting will be on Tuesday, March 14th at 6:30 PM beginning with the Rosary.

JOURNEY THROUGH SCRIPTURE series, “The Bible and the Virgin Mary” will be offered at Marian Hall on Wednesday,March 15 at 6 PM. It’s a video based class with discussion. All are welcome.

IC ROSARY ALTAR SOCIETY will have a White Elephant Auction on Monday, March 20th after their meeting to benefit Birthright. All members are asked to bring a couple of new or gently used items to be auctioned off. All are welcome to attend the auction, not just members.

IC EUCHARISTIC MINISTERS: Please pick up your new schedule in the back of IC Church today.

STATIONS OF THE CROSS: Wednesdays at IC at 7 PM and Fridays at SJ at 7 PM.

RED CROSS BLOOD DRIVE is Tuesday, March 21st at New Germany Grove Hall from 1:30 to 7 PM. Both donors and volunteers are needed. Please call Twila 495-5247 if you can volunteer your time to help.

CHRISM MASS is celebrated on Monday of Holy Week, April 10th at 11 AM at the Altoona Cathedral of the Blessed Sacrament. Each parish will need two (2) representatives to receive the Holy Oils. If anyone is interested call Pam.

FISH DINNER: The IC Rosary Altar Soc. will sponsor their Lenten Fish Fry Buffet every Friday during Lent at the Grove Hall from 4 to 7 PM. Cost of the Dinner: $10 Adults; $5 children; 3 years old & under no charge. Take outs are available until 6 PM; please call 495-4298. Help is most definitely needed to make this event a success. Call Evie at

495-4854 if you can help in any way. Angel Food Cakes are needed. If anyone can donate, please drop the cakes off at the hall on Friday afternoons. Working here is a good way for CCD students to get service hours.

FOREST HILL MINISTERIUM will once again hold their Sunday Lenten Services during Lent. All services start at

7 PM with refreshments served after the service. The following is the schedule: Today,March 12th – Elton UMC; March 19th – Dunlo UMC; March 26th - at St. John the Baptist Catholic Church, Summerhill; April 2nd at Mt Hope UMC; April 9th at Wesley UMC, South Fork.

SQUARE DANCES will be held at New Germany Grove Hall on Saturday, March 18th from 7 -10 PM. Refreshments served. Proceeds to benefit the IC Pro-Life Organization. Everyone’s Welcome!

CARD SHOWER for Marion Cronauer, who will be celebrating her 90th birthday on Saturday, April 8th. Anyone wishing to send a card her address is: 543 McFarland Rd. #213, Latrobe, PA 15650. Let’s shower her with lots of cards!

COMMUNITY BOOK CLUB: Monday, March 27th at 7 PM in Marian Hall on the book “Everything We Keep” by Kerry Lonsdale.

PRAYER DAY AND LUNCHEON for Widows and Widowers of the Altoona Johnstown Diocese. RememberingYour Spouse on Monday, March 20th at 11 AM with Mass at Immaculate Conception Church, with a luncheon to follow downstairs in Marian Hall. Reservations must be made by Tuesday, March 14th by calling the Family Life Office at

814-886-5551. Please provide the name of your spouse when you register. At the request of the Family Life Office, we are delighted to sponsor this mass and luncheon again for all whose spouse has been called home to God. A $5 suggested donation can be given on the day of the event.

WOMEN’S RETREAT (Ages 25 and older) on Friday, March 24, Saturday, March 25, and Sunday, March 26 at Sacred Heart Novitiate, 1872 Munster Rd., Portage PA 15946. A weekend of prayer, conferences, quiet reflection, holy mass and confessions will start Friday at 6 PM with dinner and end Sunday at 12:30 PM (after Mass). Suggested donation $50 (but not required) and sponsored by Sister Servants of the Most Sacred Heart of Jesus. Call Mother Jacinta Miryam, SSCJ at 814-505-2290 or email her at: to register by Tuesday, March 21st.