Beaufort County Purchasing Department

Post Office Drawer 1228
Beaufort, South Carolina 29901-1228

Telephone (843) 255-2353 ¨ FAX (843) 255-9437

David L. Thomas, CPPO, CPPB

Purchasing Director


To: All Proposers

From: Dave Thomas, CPPO, CPPB

Beaufort County Purchasing Director

Date: July 18, 2011

Subject: Addendum 2, RFP # 3961/120702 Banking, Credit Card Processing Services, E-checking, and Investment Services for Beaufort County

1.  We understand the County is considering movement to a lockbox collection system for Real Estate and Vehicle tax payments as well as EMS receipts. What are the annual numbers of Real Estate and Vehicle tax payments and EMS receipts currently received by the County, or where are each of these receipts represented in the average monthly analysis volumes provided by the County?

The Treasurer’s Office mails out about 150,000 real estate bills and approximately the same amount of auto bills. We estimate that we process about 50% of each as mail in payments. This should hold true for the lock box as well. EMS receipts are about 5,000 from the past year.

2. We also understand the County is very interested in their Bank of choice accepting Real Estate tax payments at Bank branches. To fully evaluate our ability to support this process in a quality manner, please clarify the following:

a. What are the geographic parameters preferred for Bank branches to accept tax payments?

Ideally we would like to have four locations accepting payments. The way it is currently being done in other counties , as I understand it, is that the tellers are only allowed to take current real property payments and no others. They are issuing the customer a receipt similar to one they would give for a deposit and just stamping it tax payment etc. The payment and coupon is then processed through the lock bock system and it is added to the all the others that come through the regular way.

b. Please confirm acceptance at the Bank branches will be limited to full payment of current due amounts for Real Estate taxes only.

See above.

c. What receipt information will the County need for payments delivered to the local branches - date, time, etc.- and what validation documentation will residents require?

See above.

d. How does the County plan to advertise the availability to deliver payments to the local Bank branch to the taxpayers?

We will run ads in the newspaper, put it on the website, and possible put it on the pay coupon also.

e. What is the County's current experience with the number of walk-in payments versus mail-in payments?

Walk-in vs mail payments is almost 50-50.

3. How does the County anticipate using Controlled Disbursement (what payments) and what are the anticipated volumes of those payments?

The County does not plan to use Controlled Disbursements.

4. The county has asked for a proposal for a compensating balance arrangement, direct fees, and a non-interest bearing CD. Would the County consider a combination of these?

We would consider a combination approach to compensating balances although the preferred method would be strictly compensating balances.

5. Please provide a sample of the type of check the County uses and the estimated annual volume. If there are different styles (such as computer generated and hand written) please be specific for the volume for each. Is more than one endorsement stamp required for any account? If so, how many extra stamps would be needed, and for how many accounts?

See attachment for sample of check that is computer generated from MUNIS with digital signature. There were about 14,000 computer generated checks cut out of the AP bank account in 2010. The Treasurer’s Office cuts about 6,700 computer generated checks and 1,700 manual handwritten checks in 2010. Most of the other accounts use handwritten checks and in total it probably was about 300 checks in 2010. Only one endorsement stamp is required for all accounts.

6. The Account Analysis provided reflects two separate line items "Paid Items" and "Checks Paid and Other Credits". Please advise what the "Paid Items" is referring to?

Paid Items relate to viewing images on the previous day reports.

7. The Account Analysis lists a line item "CD Items". Is this referring to "Online Current Day Items viewed" or "CD ROM Imaged Items"?

The charge is for the number of items captured on CD ROM.

8. The RFP states that the County will require a CD ROM per account on a monthly basis; however, the Account Analysis does not reflect this for all accounts. Will the County require a separate monthly CD ROM for each account or accept a combined CD ROM?

Combined CD ROM is fine.

9. The RFP states that a partial Reconcilement shall be provided on 8 accounts. Please advise which 8 accounts should include partial reconcilement

·  Main Operating 102 Account

·  Accounts Payable

·  Surplus Tax

·  Bankruptcy DTC Escrow

·  Animal Shelter and Control

·  Parks and Leisure Services

·  Library

·  Hilton Head Airport Hangars

10. When there are monthly fees net of any balances used to offset fees, would you like the fees to be settled monthly (the month after which the fees occurred) or annually

We would prefer that the compensating balances would cover the monthly fees. Any additional fees to be negotiated on a monthly basis.

11. Please provide an account analysis statement for 14th Judicial Circuit Public Defender.

This account analysis statement is available upon request.

12. What is the term and maturity date of the County Improvement CD?

The term on the CD is 60 months with a maturity date of 1/13/2014.

13. As the incumbent bank, we are aware that the Brickyard Holdings vs. County of Beaufort acct has been closed. Does the County want this account to be included in the bid?


14. Please provide a copy of the County’s most recent investment account portfolio statement

We are currently updating the information, but will not be able to provide our portfolio at this time. As a standard, we follow the South Carolina mandates for investments.

15. What is the average ticket?

The average ticket is $1,200.

16. How many merchant numbers do you use?

To satisfy the Convenience Fee program where the fee had to be reported separately, we established a separate MID for every tax collector. Therefore on Sterling there are 24 MID's. For Web payments we currently have 4 which will get reduced to 2 by the end of the year.

17. Do you use any gateways?

Hargray is our service provider. There are currently 2 gateways being used for the County’s transactions. One for internet/eCheck and one for all the brick and mortar stations.

18. How often do you perform security scans and who do you use?

Security Scans are performed by Metrics on a 90 day cycle, however the County has the ability to run scans at anytime. Equity Payment assisted in the PCI Compliance Audit/SAQ with Security Metrics because of the complexity of the system.

19. What is the percentage of total transactions that are card present and card not present?

From a Card Present vs. Internet, the County statistically enjoys a 50/50 split with December being the heaviest month for in person and January being the heaviest month for Internet

20. What are your reporting requirements?

We are not sure what type of reporting you are talking about.

21. Who performs your PCI compliance?

Beaufort County PCI Compliance is currently handled through our relationship with Security Metrics. Equity Payment supplied to the County a proposed Security Policy to satisfy the regulation as well. That document was emailed to the Treasurer’s Office and MIS.