Introduction to Old Testament/Hebrew Bible

Study Guide for Final Exam

Dr. T.W. Burgh

Transition from Judges to Kingship

-How would you explain the transition from the system of Judges to Kingship/Monarchy? (Two theories)

-How would you describe the relationship between Samuel and Saul?

-How did David first enter Saul’s court?

-How would you describe the relationship between Saul and David?

Possible Essay Question

-Do you think the monarchy was an effective means of leadership for Israel? Why or why not?

United Kingdom: Reign of David and Solomon

-How would you describe the reign of David? What were some of its defining characteristics?

-In your opinion, was David a “good” king? Why or why not?

-Who is the court prophet for David?

-How would you describe the reign of Solomon? What were some of the defining characteristics?

-What do writers point to as reasons for Solomon’s reign coming to an end? Do you agree or disagree? Why?

Divided Kingdom

-Explain how and why the kingdom split.

-What is the “Sin of Jeroboam?”

-Who were the major players of the Omride Dynasty?

-What religion did Jezebel (primarily) and Ahab introduce? What eventually happens to each of them? How?

-What kind of prophets are Elijah and Elisha?

-What was the relationship between Elijah and Elisha?

-What does Elijah do symbolically to name Elisha as his successor?


-What are the unacceptable methods of Yahwistic prophecy?

-Who does Saul seek to present questions to Samuel after Samuel has died?

-What roles did prophets play in the culture of ancient Israel?

-What are some of the ways that people in ancient Israel and the Near East attempted to learn the will of the gods? Be able to explain these.

-What are the ways prophets received their messages?

-What is the Hebrew term for prophet?

-What happens to Jeremiah following his temple sermon?

-Who is Jeremiah’s assistant?

Deuteronomistic Thought

-What is Deuteronomistic Ideology or D-School of thought? (3 line mantra)

The Demise of Israel

-Explain the destruction of Israel.

-Who were three Assyrian kings that led military campaigns against Israel?

-Which Assyrian king is responsible for the fall of Israel?

Possible Essay Questions

-We know that the Assyrians were brilliant military strategists, but as masters of intimidation, what kinds of tactics did they use to make opponents surrender without a fight? Be able to describe them.

-Be able to discuss Assyrian deportation.

Possible Essay Question

-Why does Israel fall? How would you explain the destruction from a historical and religious perspective? You must be able to explain both!

-What was the Damascus Coalition? Name three members of this group. What was their purpose?

The Demise of Judah

-Who was Josiah?

-What was his claim to fame?

-What happened to make him bring about a reform?

-Who was Jeremiah? What was his claim to fame?

Possible Essay Questions

-Explain the destruction of Judah at the hands of Nebuchadnezzar.

-Explain the three deportations from Judah (Need to include who was on the throne or “in charge” of Judah; dates will probably help you in organizing your answer)

-Why does this happen? How would you explain the destruction from a historical and religious perspective?

Wisdom Literature

-How do you define wisdom?

-Name four Wisdom books in the Hebrew Bible.

-What is a psalm?

-What is a proverb?