Preference Protocol

Defining the child’s preferences will be imperative to the success of this project. We want to find objects or activities that strengthen those behaviors we are striving for and make them more likely to occur. There are several methods that can be implemented to identify what interests and motivates your child.

The first steps are to:

  • Observe your child in all environments, what does he/she go for (objects, food, activities)
  • Document what the child plays with while alone
  • Document what the child likes to play with others
  • Who are the people in the child’s life that he/she is most interested in
  • Document the behaviors your child displays when interested in an object and/or activity (a vocalization, subtle smile, smile, laugh, attempt to engage another person etc.)

This information can then be documented on the Preference Survey, which identifies those items that naturally occur in the child’s environment.

The next step will be to test or sample reinforcers. This can be done incidentally as the reinforcers are applied or naturally occur in the child’s environment. Document the child’s response to the reinforcers. Does it seem appealing and motivating to the child?

A more formal approach to testing reinforcers may be necessary particularly for children whose interests are difficult to identify. If this is the case a more formal preference assessment can be implemented. This involves exposure to a wide variety of reinforcers, then taking data on the child’s choices to determine preference. There are two processes for formalized preference assessments, Time Based and Paired Choice.

Time based-The child is presented with 6-10 items individually and time spent with each item up to 1 minute is recorded. Then the items are ranked based on the child’s time spent engaged.

Paired Choice-Several of the child’s interest items are identified and the item(s) chosen are paired with every other item. The procedure for this is to; present the items, prompt the child to make a choice, remove the item not chosen, record choice, replace with another item.

Preference Survey

1)Make a list of known reinforcers for this individual:

Food or drink preferences:

Social games or interaction preferences:

Toys, games, object preferences:

Activity preferences (swinging, spinning, movies, etc.)

2)What does this individual do when on his/her own?

Where does he go? What does he do?

Think about sensory activities that the individual seeks out. List ways that the individual can obtain this kind of activity.

3)With regard to how he spends his own time, are there other activities or objects that might serve a reinforcing function for this person? (for instance, if the person enjoys playing in his spit, this suggests he would enjoy a sink full of water, a water table, a puddle, a hose in the yard, etc.). List comparable activities or objects that would serve the same function. Think about natural opportunities for this activity to occur.

4)From the reinforcers that you have identified, which ones can be delivered quickly and frequently?

5)From the reinforcers that you have identified, which ones can only be delivered at the end of an activity?

Are there reinforcers that can only be provided a limited number of times daily? Specify the reinforcer and the number of times (or other limitation).Paired Choice Preference Assessment Form

List of stimulus items






Preference Assessment

Place items two at a time in front of child. Say, “Pick one”. Always consider items that are naturally reinforcing and can easily be plugged into an activity. For example, if the person likes to spin on a rolling chair have one close by or have the person sit on the chair during an activity. Staff can give the person a spin each time the desired behavior is achieved. Circle the number picked. Pair each item with each other item as indicated by number. Determine percentage of preference based on number of times chosen divided by number of trials.

Trial #Stimulus item





Percent of Trials Chosen for Each Item

Stimulus ItemNumber of Number of Percent of

times chosen/trials=trials chosen






Rank Order of Stimulus Items






Time Based Preference Assessment

Record the order of items. Circle item selected and record the amount of time spent with each object. Rotate order systematically after each trial.

Trial #





Stimulus ItemTrial Selected







  1. Have child sit in a chair facing the table
  2. Have all the material needed within arms reach (data sheet, pen, stimulus items, shield)
  3. Place the items below the table or out of the person’s sight until your ready to present them. If the items are small enough they can be placed behind a shield on the table in the order that you have recorded them on the data sheet.
  4. Lift the shield , or quickly present all the items and say “pick one”, wait 30 seconds. If no item is chosen within 30 seconds, end the session and record NS (not selected) for all remaining items.
  5. Once an item has been chosen, replace the shield or remove the items from the person’s line of vision.
  6. Rearrange the items by picking up the item from the far left and put it on the far right. Slide all of the items down so that the line is centered in front of the student. Record the order of the items on the data sheet and then begin the next trial.
  7. If the child tries to use both hands and/or tries to take more than one item, block them, prompt to put hands down, and while blocking repeat “pick one.” Of this occurs on more than 3 trials, stop the session.