Sacramento County Child Protective Services - Outcomes Dashboard

Key to “Status” (far right): Improved No Change Monitor Action Needed

Children have the opportunity to grow up with their families and are removed from their families only when necessary to keep them safe
Indicator / National
Goal / Prior Period
Data* / Target / Graph / Most Recent Data / Status
Safely decrease foster care population (children in out-of-home placements) / N/A / 2,152
Point in Time
1/1/13 /
from prior CY /
Point in Time
1/1/14 /
Safely decrease all entries into foster care (Strategic Advance) / N/A / 1,238
CY 2012 /
from prior CY /
CY 2013 /
Safely decrease reoccurrence of maltreatment within 6 months (S1.1) / 5.4% / 4.9%
Jan-Jun 2012
(Count=75) / -5%
from prior CY /
Jan-Jun 2013
(Count=137) /
Children belong in safe & stable families
Indicator / National
Goal / Prior Period
Data* / Target / Graph / Most Recent Data / Status
Decrease group home placements (for children in foster care) / N/A / 8.6%
Point in Time
(Count=185) / -10%
from prior CY /
Point in Time
(Count=220) /
Improve timely reunification within 12 months – Entry Cohort (C1.3 Strategic Advance) (SafeMeasures Data) / 48.4% / 49.3%
July – Dec 2012
(Count=212) /
from prior CY / Data not yet available / N/A / N/A
Safely decrease re-entries into foster care (C1.4 SIP) / 9.9% / 12.8%
CY 2011
(Count=105) /
from prior CY / 18.2%
CY 2012
(Count=144) /
Permanency (continued)
Indicator / National
Goal / Prior Period
Data* / Target / Graph / Most Recent Data / Status
Increase the number of children achieving permanency within 12 months after being in care 24 months or longer. (C3.1) / 29.1% / 24.1%
CY 2012
(Count=192) /
from prior CY /
CY 2013
(Count=113) /
Increase adoptions within 12 months for children in care 17 months or longer. (C2.3) / 22.7% / 20.3%
CY 2012
(Count=180) /
from prior CY / 16.8%
CY 2012
(Count=120) /
Decrease the number of children in care 36 months or more (C3.3 Strategic Advance)
Note: data excludes non-dependent guardianship, SILP and transitional housing youth. / 37.5% / 21.1%
Point In Time
(Count=396) /
from prior CY / Data not yet available / N/A
Children receive supports that are trauma informed and focused on their physical health, emotional, educational and behavioral well-being
Indicator / National
Goal / Prior Period
Data* / Target / Graph / Most Recent Data / Status
Increase timely medical exams / N/A / 91%
Oct 2012
Count=1876 /
from prior CY / 79.7%
Oct 2013
Count=1307 /
Increase timely dental exams / N/A / 74.6%
Oct 2012
(Count=929) /
from prior CY / 57.1%
Oct 2013
(Count=727) /
Increase number of children graduating from High School / N/A / N/A / N/A / Data not yet available / N/A / N/A
Increase placements with siblings (all or some) / N/A / 68.6%
Point in time
(Count=923) / +10%
from prior CY /
Point in time
(Count=1071) /
Increase in relative placements (for all children entering care) / N/A / 16.5%
CY 2012
(Count=204) /
from prior CY /
CY 2013
(Count=303) /

*Data comes from the UC Berkeley website unless otherwise noted and does not include Probation youth or youth 18 or older

CY= Calendar Year

The Division is currently working on indicators for emotional well-being linked to the implementation of the Katie A. Core Practice Model.

Rev 6/18/14