4Consistent control
(but not perfect) / 3
Reasonable control
(some features better controlled than others) / 2
Inconsistent control
(control of several features but not of others) / 1
Little or no control
Central idea / Focused Central Idea:
- clear to reader; no digressions
- clear awareness of audience
- present and focused; may have slight digression
- awareness of audience
- Several ideas may compete
- Focus is inconsistent
- Little or no focus
- No sense of audience
Elaboration / Full:
- Details in sentences
- Explanation, examples, reasons, and/or anecdotes within paragraphs
- Purposeful supporting details
Purposeful supporting details found at both
- Sentence level
- Paragraph level
- Few brief details clarify an idea
- Underdeveloped statements
- Little more than list
- Skeletal narrative/plot
- Sparse
- Not purposeful detail
Organization / Strong:
- Narrative organization has no lapses
- Other modes may have minor lapses that don’t detract
- Overall plan is apparent – may have minor lapses that don’t detract significantly
- Clearly shows relationship of ideas
- Narrative organization is generally intact
- Other modes may lapse
- A list of general statements
- Organizational structure unclear or inconsistent
- Unclear relationship of ideas
- Jumps from point to point
- No organizational plan
- Fails to show relationship of ideas
Unity / Consistently Coherent:
- Strong, intentional lead
- Closing more than restatement
- Consistent point of view
- Appropriate transitions connect ideas and events
- Few, if any, digressions
- Few if any, point of view shifts
- Introduction/lead and closing present but not sophisticated
- Some transitions used to show relationship of ideas and events
- May have weak opening and closing; closing may be contrived, fake, or trite
- Major digressions
- Lack of logical elaboration of central idea
- Weak or ineffective use of transitions to connect ideas
- Limited or no lead/opening
- Limited or no closing
- Unity is never created because jumps idea to idea
- Lackstransitions to connect ideas and events
Vocabulary / Purposeful & Crafted
- Precise words create images
- Careful & memorable word choice
- Avoids anemic, vague words
- Specific word choice evident
- Descriptive language
- Imprecise
- Ordinary/bland
- Vague
- Imprecise or general
- Overused
- Repetitive
Information / Even and Intentionally Selected:
- Precise information
- Creates images
- Uses figurative language
- Purposefully crafted message
- Clarifies message
- Intentionally selected
- May have few general statements
- Some related but not necessary information
- Mostly general
- Uneven or
- Tells everything that the writer knows
- Not present
- Unclear
- Vague
- Repetitive
Voice / Strong & Clear:
- Enhanced by word choice
- Enhanced by selected information
May not be present all the time / Seldom Emerges: only in
- Some specific vocabulary
- Some specific information
Tone / Present and Appropriate: / Present Some of the Time
Flattens when information and vocabulary are not specific / Rarely emerges: / Not Present:
Rhythm / Purposefully Varied Sentences:
- Modifiers and subordination are effectively embedded
- Rhythmic flow of sentences
- Overall sentence variety and structure, though may occasionally be lacking
- Occasional awkward sentence construction
- Sentence beginnings not varied
- Sentence types not very varied
- Little variety in sentence length
- Monotonous sentences
- Several extremely awkward sentences