Kindersley Minor Hockey Board
Meeting Minutes
December 10, 2009
Present: Brett Sautner, Monica Shields, Kim Vogel, Sarah Clappison, Len Cranston, Robin Walde, Donnie Dillabaugh, Roger McKenzie, Nancy Hebert, Ron Cannon, Peter Krahn, Dennis Dunn
Regrets: Trevor Dowd, Dean Galbraith
Absent: Mark Opseth
2009 - 2010 Executive and Division Coordinators:
President – Brett Sautner
Vice President – Ron Cannon
Secretary – Monica Shields
Initiation – Peter Krahn
Novice – Len Cranston
Atom – Roger McKenzie
Peewee – Robin Walde
Bantam – Trevor Dowd
Midget – Dennis Dunn
Girls – Donnie Dillabaugh
Referee Coordinator – Mark Opseth
Awards & Promotions – Jodi Deiana
Equipment Manager – Sarah Clappison
Member at Large – Nancy Hebert
Member at Large – Dean Galbraith
Town of Kindersley Liaison – Kim Vogel
Minutes - Moved by Robin Walde, seconded by Sarah Clappison that the minutes from the November meeting be accepted as presented.
Correspondence - None presented
Old Business - AA jerseys are done but the logos are very large and had to be done in two pieces. The bill is still to come and Sarah will bring it to the next meeting.
Equipment – the novice team took their goalie pads in to get buckles put on. It was discussed that we might want to dry-clean the jerseys at the end of the year. There is a cost but perhaps Hangers (Mike Hankewich) would sponsor part of the cost. Sarah will call him to see what the cost might be and if he is interested in absorbing some of the cost.
There were about 210 hams sold and they will be ready to go out December 11th.
Initiation Report – Things are going smooth, the courses for the coaches were well attended and the tournament is being planned.
Novice Report – So far, so good.
Atom Report – Good, the tournament is over and the only suggestions from the evaluation forms were that we could use older refs.
Peewee Report – Six teams is all they can go with for the home tournament as hotels are a problem possibly due to the Scotties SaskPower Tournament of Hearts the same weekend. The team is doing ok but is very large with 18 skaters.
Bantam Report – The tournament was good with good reports back from the evaluation forms. The Provincial team is chosen.
Midget Report – The tournament is cancelled and they are looking at a different weekend as they could not get teams to come and play. Coaches are happy. There is another player who wants to join and will be allowed at a reduced rate of two thirds of the regular cost as the season is a third over. Final date for registrations is February 10th so we are ok there. Dennis will email the particulars to Nora at the KMS office.
Girls Report – Everyone is registered and all divisions are reporting no problems.
Goaltending Report- December 13th at 7:30 pm there is a goalie clinic planned with four confirmed to attend. All coordinators to call the managers and tell them it is for goalies and for kids who wish to try it out. The first time out there will be no pucks on the ice.
Referee Report- No report.
New Business - Donnie suggested a column on the ref sheet for “years experience” for next year. Brett will talk to Larry about the Junior Klippers getting their ref certification. Discussion as well regarding the matching up new refs and refs with more experience so as to mentor them. Each new ref could have a designated ref with experience as a mentor. Brett will talk to Mark about setting it up.
Suggestion to get two keys to the girls change room as now it cannot be locked if there are more than two teams using it.
Roger suggested that next year we host the Atom Tournament a week or two later.
December ref cheques - Discussion regarding the current system of spread sheet s and ref sheets – leave as is and review for next season. Brenda had requested discussion regarding an extra cheque run before the Christmas break and it was decided to leave it as is with one December cheque run.
Scotts/PeeWee Tournament – There is no real conflict with these two events running at the WCEC on the same weekend.
Minor Hockey Day and the Klipper Game – Monica to call Nancy and get tickets for the Bantams and Midgets too. It was initially thought they might not want to come but the players do want to and the Klipper club would be glad to have them.
Provincials Rules – PeeWees, Pee Wee Girls, Bantams and Midgets are all going to Provincials.
Booth hours it has been suggested that we go back to the old format of calculating booth hours earned by Minor Hockey Board Members.
Moved by Donnie Dillabaugh, seconded by Peter Krahn that Kindersley Minor Hockey Board Members are expected to attend all regular meetings and that Kindersley Minor Hockey Board Members will be awarded 12 booth hours for their being on the Board.
For next season we will have to review the 48 booth hours given to each team. They could be dropped to 36 booth hours per team allotted as 12 to the coach, 6 to the assistant coach, 6 to the assistant coach and 12 to the manager.
The web page looks good and the more information we get on there the better – we can put on practices, games, sweater numbers and stats for example.
We will revisit for next season where we register all the teams in relation to where the AA program is registered.
There is a question regarding the allocation of money to the girls program and Sarah will check with Brenda for an answer.
Every division has budgeted for 17 weeks and 34 practices. Coordinators are to remind managers of the 34 practice standard. Let’s not run over the 34 or we run over budget. Monica to email the Coordinators a copy of the budget so they have one to work from. Provincial practices are paid for by KMS.
We need to include Provincial teams in the budget for next season.
Next Meeting - January 20 at 7 pm in the Town Office Basement Boardroom.
Adjournment - Nancy Hebert moved the meting be adjourned at 9:11 pm