Post 100: THE POWER OF ONE (Video 3)
At the Shaklee Global Conference just two weeks ago, eight “generations” (Shaklee’s term for business leader levels) of our Shaklee team shared their two-minute stories, one followed by the next.
This is the third in the series, Jenni and Nathan Oates’s story. It is incredible what they went through before joining Nathan's parents at the Global Conference. Their life was completely transformed as a result, and they were the very first people in the entire company to earn FastTRACK ($100K in 15 months). Others on our team have earned FastTRACK since, by following their leadership example.
Today we are going to discuss my FAVORITE Shaklee product--The Opportunity, and this is the perfect start.
Contact Jeanine for this video
Post 101: I have introduced you to many of Shaklee’s products, but there are many more…over 300, in fact. They’re not even all in the product catalog! If you would like to browse the products and learn more about them, please ask the person who invited you to be a part of this event for the link to their personal Shaklee website. Beyond the website, we have additional resources and information we can share with you about specific products if you would like to learn even more.
There is a website I subscribe to,, that you can use to find out A LOT more, including many webinars and audio files about specific health concerns and how Shaklee products have helped.
You can also find videos about Shaklee’s products, the science behind them, and Shaklee Effect stories at
If you would like to discuss a specific need and ask for guidance as to where you should start, or if you have any questions, please let us know.
Post 102: My Shaklee Effect. I shared my video yesterday, here is my journey with Shaklee over the past year and a half: I made the decision to start with Shaklee because I saw the opportunity to not only feel better for myself and my family but to help others to do the same. I remember thinking…”I can’t do this business, I am not a salesperson.” My friend Heather in turn said to me “good, b/c we aren’t looking for salespeople, we are looking for people who can share from their heart and help others.” That really stuck with me…and I thought I would give it a try because I loved the products and wouldn’t mind getting them paid for so my husband doesn’t give me a hard time about the credit cards bills each month (ie pay for my Shaklee habit) When I began I followed my heart and would have honest conversations with some family members I cared about, invited some closer friends over for a presentation, and a couple Facebook posts on how the products were personally helping me. WOW….my business started to EXPLODE. I couldn’t believe it, but SO many people needed this gift of Shaklee as much as I did….then it hit me…”leading with love” and having meaningful conversations with people truly is the heart of growing this business and that is truly the core of what I do every day. The biggest blessing this business has brought me, is transforming the health of my father. He is now 79 year old healthiest person I know, but he struggled with his health for 4 decades. He was a type 2 diabetic, had acid reflux, high blood pressure, high cholesterol, and was diagnosed with irreversible kidney damage. He was on countless meds and his health was failing worse and worse. He began with Shaklee 180, Vivix and Vitalizer and in 2 months lost 20 lbs and weaned himself off of EVERY single medication he was on. Furthermore, he went back to the doctor to get his bloodwork done for his IRREVERSIBLE kidney damage and his numbers began to reverse. The doctors didn’t know what else to say except “whatever you are doing, keep doing it.” That was the eye opener that fueled my passion. Nutrition can truly heal the body. I strive every single day to share that passion and knowledge with others and help others live a healthier and better life through Shaklee. All in all, I am so blessed for the success I have had in this business in the past year and a half. I was a senior director in the first month, a coordinator by the second and a senior coordinator by the 4th month. By June of 2014 I had earned a car payment and an all expense paid trips to Playa Del Carmen, Mexico, Maui, Hawaii and Califronia. I have earned $9,000 in FastTrack bonuses, been chosen to be part of an amazing Shaklee Moms leadership group, and even starred in my own Shaklee Effect Video, and I was even asked to present in front of 5,000 people at our global conference in Long Beach in August of 2014, and present again with our team in just last week in Cleveland. We talked about the POWER OF ONE. ONE QUESTION, ONE CONVERSATION, ONE CHOICE, can truly CHANGE YOUR LIFE. But, the most priceless thing to me is the community of people this business has brought into my life and how it has helped me to become the person I have always wanted to be. The friendships that this business has brought into my life are ones I prayed for my entire life. I was once a lonely Mom who felt like there was no hope and I now feel like I have purpose, passion, friendships, and vision for who I am and where I am going in my life. Shaklee has truly been a blessing in our lives beyond any expectation we ever imagined. I cherish every day and every story that I hear of someone life that is touched and changed because of Shaklee. I strive to teach my 3 children to live a healthier and better life and to one day pass this business and vision down to them and hope that they will continue our legacy to help others BE HEALTHY and LAUGH MORE.
For those of you that many not have seen it yesterday, here is My Shaklee Effect:
Post 103: IT’S YOUR BUSINESS, YOU DECIDE The beauty of a Shaklee business is that it can be designed around your life in a way that works for you. With Shaklee, you decide how, when, and where to work...and whether you want to work part-time, full-time, or by fitting it into the nooks and crannies of your busy days…which is so easy to do today because of the freedom of our mobile devices. The opportunity to earn extra cash, 5-star trips, car payments, even an unlimited career income is all possible…again, by taking small, consistent steps.
So if you want or need more money or guilt-free trips to Target, if you want more time with your friends and family, if you want the ability to travel where and when you want to and for as long as you want to, and if you feel you want and need better health but don’t know where to start or how you’ll afford it…this is an opportunity to consider.
People need and want the good news that Shaklee offers: • They want to look and feel good • They want better work/life balance • They want a way to earn an income that is consistent with their values • They are concerned about being ready for retirement • They are finding it hard to enter or re-enter the traditional job market • They want to live in homes that are free of toxins • And they want to do their part to help the environment Shaklee has solutions for all of these very common needs and desires!
Remember how I said you are in business for yourself but not by yourself? We promise to guide you every step of the way and teach you the simple system to follow so that you can create the future you want for yourself.
Post 104: Our CEO Roger Barnett This is Roger Barnett's keynote address at our Global Conference just a couple weeks ago. I hesitated to post it here because it's long but it really gives you a complete sense of what Shaklee is all about, "Why Shaklee," and what Roger's mission and vision is for our future and the tremendous impact we can have on the health and financial future of people all over the world. Roger is our CEO and the owner of Shaklee. He is the kindest, most approachable, most responsive, smartest, visionary leader I've ever met! He CARES so much for others and want to MAKE A DIFFERENCE in the world. How many billionaires do you know like that? He stopped me at the very first conference I attended after I spoke on staged and told ME I did a great job and thanked me for coming which made a HUGE impression on me. He's done nothing but exceed my expectations and wow me ever since. With his leadership, Shaklee will continue to grow exponentially, and with innovations that will continue to knock our socks off! I know Dr. Shaklee is beyond proud that his legacy has continued EXACTLY the way he wanted it!
Post 105: There are a lot of reasons why people get involved with Shaklee, but there are three main ways that people can join:
- You can use the products and experience a transformation of your own.
- You can share the products with the people that you know and care about and earn discounts, a little extra spending money, or enough to cover a second car payment.
- Or you can increase that effect and build a team of like-minded people with the potential to earn a significant income and long-term financial rewards.
Post 106: You have heard a lot about my personal health testimony and transformation. What I haven't yet mentioned is how that led to starting my own Shaklee business. From the moment I began to feel healthier, I knew Shaklee was something I needed to share, but I was very hesitant at first. It wasn't until the day that my four year old at the time came up to me and said, "Mommy, I'm so glad you're not sick anymore" that realized Shaklee was something everyone needed to know about - whether for health, financial reasons or both. My kids were watching a healthy version of their Mom for the first time in their lives and not only was I able to be there for them physically, but I was helping our family financially too - something I always thought my health would prevent. It was an amazing thing that I decided had to be shared! And, I'm not the only one. Check out this video of all those who have had their own Shaklee Effect...
Post 107: When you consider a business opportunity, it’s important to look at global trends and where they are heading, as well as the stability of the company you are considering partnering with. When you look at wellness trends, Shaklee is at the intersection of five massive global growth trends, which are predicted to continue to grow to a $3 trillion industry. Over the past 10 years, Shaklee has also doubled in size and is rapidly approaching $1 billion in global sales for the first time in its history. This is so important because so many companies out there are popping up and then disappearing. Shaklee is not only here to stay, we’re growing. Click below to hear more...
Post 108: The more and more I encounter people who have been with Shaklee for a while - whether as stay at home moms, busy professionals, or retired grandparents, the more I hear one common tie...they all say that in addition to being incredibly rewarding because you are helping people on a daily basis, Shaklee is the best self help course they could have ever hoped for. There is just something about the Shaklee culture that forces you to look within yourself and discover what it truly is you want out of life. And by doing that, you develop a confidence that you may have not previously known you had! I love this brief video, done by no other than a Rocket Scientist - that's right, a Rocket Scientist! Take a moment and check it out...
Post 109: I often hear people say, "I don't have time for the business."
I love this graphic because it truly explains the truth. Most of my business is built through social media and it is truly a simple way to share Shaklee with others. I started this business with the intent to pay for my "Shaklee habit" and it grew into so much more than that.
Post 110: Do you dream of better health AND WEALTH?
It feels amazing to be a stay at home mom, but still earning income and contributing to our family financially.
I started out dreaming of getting some products paid for…now my DREAM is to retire my husband by 2020.
Can you DESIGN your life or does work always design your life?
Post 111: What are your DREAMS??
What IF you could live a more rewarding lifestyle designed by YOU?
What if you could have that extra money for something YOU want.
What if you could go on a VACATION and not have to pay for it.
These are all things I never realized were possible before Shaklee and now I am living proof that it is possible. All you need is a dream and I provide a simple plan for success.
Post 112: What if….What if you could lay the foundation for a lifetime of good health? What if you could define a better balance between work and family?