P/ School’sveterans to be honed

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Well, the Fun Run held last Friday was certainly a huge success! The day ran smoothly after a few of us were a little concerned about the track. Fortunately the weather was kind and, apart from a few small puddles, the track was great. It was great to see so many students, parents, siblings, teachers and grandparents make the effort to complete laps of our circuit. The fundraising efforts have also been impressive, we are still receiving money so a final figure cannot be published yet, but we are quite impressed with the efforts and support of our wider school community.

All classes and multi-age groups have been busy getting their acts together for another fantastic Toolamba Primary School Concert. Each staff member has worked hard to ensure the students are prepared for the big night. Please find the ticket order form attached to this newsletter.

It has been great to see some sunshine over the weekend. I was fortunate enough to see some of our students compete in the St Brendan’s netball tournament last Sunday. Thank you to Pam Moran and her helpers for giving our Toolamba team the opportunity to participate.

I hope you are all enjoying discussing the Olympic Games with your child/ren. There was a hype of excitement this morning as a few of us watched the Boomers lead for most of the match against the Dream Team!

Let’s hope the sun shines over the weekend,

Craig Thompson


Catalogues willhave come home with your child today.

All orders are due in by 9am Friday 19th August.

Payment can be made by cash or cheque (cheques made out to Toolamba Primary School NOT Scholastic).

Orders can also be done online through the LOOP Parent Order system. These orders will be delivered to the school with the main order.

Thank you



It has been a very busy time for our section over the past two weeks. Grade 3/4A have welcomed Mrs Lloyd to their class and have continued with Ms Anset’s routine and curriculum planning.

Last week we all enjoyed the Fun Run. Students enjoyed stamping their tally as they completed each lap and everyone participated. Mr Tarant earned ten stamps when he ran the course and Mrs Lloyd managed to walk four laps. It was fun having so many parents encouraging and walking with their children.

We have been doing division for Numeracy. Students have been introduced to the concepts of grouping, remainders, carrying using arrays and counters. We have also looked at the important relationship between multiplication facts and division facts. Students have been encouraged to practise their tables at home to support their division strategies. The next Numeracy topic will be Chance and Data.

On Wednesday, the students had their Narrative Big Write, ‘An Adventure to… “We have been delighted with the amount of effort that the students put into their talk homework as it certainly showed in their writing. The imagination and vocabulary used was impressive. Thank

you for your support. Next week we will start learning about information reports.

Only a couple of weeks until the concert, excitement is building and we are all looking forward to the entertaining evening at Eastbank Shepparton. Students have been practising very hard and gathering the costume bags ready for the dress rehearsal on Tuesday 23rd August.

Don’t forget to return the yellow permission notes for the bus.


Father’s day is on the 4th of September and once again we will be having a stall on Wednesday, 31st August, so that our children can purchase a gift or 2 for their loved ones.

The parents and friends committee have purchased a number of items through an online company, but to make this stall successful and to give the children a range of gifts to chose from we need your help!

Donations of items for Dad’s can be dropped off in the entrance foyer from Monday. There will be baskets of varying $ amounts, please place your gifts in the basket with the price you wish your item to be sold at. This helps greatly with set-up on the day of the stall. Popular gifts in the past have included mugs, socks, BBQ or garden items, and more.

Many Thanks,

Katie and the PnF committee.


Please join the Parents & Friends group after assembly on Monday 15th August. Our children can play while we have a cuppa and a chat and catch up on all the exciting things that are happening in and around the school. Look forward to seeing you there.

Could children please return their registration forms and sponsorship money for the fun run by the 19th August?


Rebecca Trevaskis 0407218215


Teacher Awards : Sienna Miller, Grace Garner, Delilah Thomas, Jamie Bedwell, Callan Gundrill, Lucy Kinnane, Zac Sawyer, Ben O’Connell, Layla Ryan

JSC Awards : Kailey Ford, Ashleigh Bedwell, Imy Ryan, Mac Fifoot


We have had several incidents of reoccurring head Lice. Please take the time over the weekend to check your child’s hair and treat if necessary.


We would appreciate if any sponsorship money collected could be sent to school by 19th August.

To be able to claim your prize/s you must return the back page of the booklet to school, or complete the form below and return to school. Prizes cannot be claimed online.





Amount raised in cash $......

Amount raised online$......

Total amount raised$......

Prize Chosen…………………………………………


Thursday August 25th, 2016

This year’s theme is “On The Move”. Money for tickets can be sent along to school at any time. The cost of tickets is $10.00 per person. Tickets which have been paid for will then be sent home attached to the newsletter over the next few weeks.

All tickets need to be purchased before the concert as tickets will not be available for purchase on the night of the concert.

The front row seats are reserved for wheelchair and disabled patrons who are able to receive a complimentary carer's ticket.

Seats will not be allocated and patrons are requested to move to the centre of the row and not leave single seats as the concert is often a sell out.

Students required at Eastbank at 6.30pm

Doors open at 6.30pm. Concert starts 7.00pm sharp.


(Please return slip to school along with money)

Eftpost available

Name: ………………………………………..…………

Number of Tickets@ $10......

Disabled ticket ......

Wheelchair chair seat required: ......

Cost of total number of tickets: $......


If you would like to receive a copy by email as well as a paper copy, please complete the details below and return the form to school.


Email ……………………………………………………….


GRADES 3 / 4 Monday 14th November

Wednesday 16h November


GRADES 5 / 6 Monday 21st November

Friday 25th November


Camp charges have been raised against family accounts. This enables parents to make instalments over the next few months. Payments can be made by BPAY, cash, Cheque or EFTPOS

Any queries please contact the office


Statements for school family accounts will be sent out on a monthly basis.

Instalments can be made by using the BPAY details on your statement. EFTPOS is also available at the office.


Out of School Hours Care is available at Toolamba Primary School; after school Monday to Friday from 3.15pm to 6pm during school terms. The price is $16.00 per session.Bookings can be made by ringing the After Hours Care number which is0457 847 970. Please ring this number rather than book through the office.

Enrolment Forms are available from Fiona or the office. To make a booking for Mon, Tue, Wed or Thurs you need to ring before 12pm on that day. Bookings for Friday need to be made before 5.30pm on Thursday.


Occasional Care is available at Toolamba Kinder on Tuesdays from 9am-3pm and Fridays from 9am to 2pm. Next term sessions on a Friday will also run till 3pm. If you would like to book a place for your child, please call the Kinder on 5826 5320



The Murchison-Toolamba Football Netball

Club would like to showcase our local

Primary School netball teams in a matchto

be held on Saturday 20th August at 9.00am on the Murchison Netball Courts. The MTFNC will provide free entry to parents of players from the Murchison and Toolamba TNA Division 1 and 2 teams.

We have two netball courts and would love to have Division 1 and Division 2 playing at the same time. Families will then be able to watch our 15 & Under team in action against Undera, before watching the senior netballers and footballers take the field in a regular Kyabram & District Football Netball League fixture against Undera.

Please see your coach or phone Tracy Jackson on 0429605850for further details.


Looking for someone to do office administration work 8 hours per week. Flexible days. Tasks will include inputting data on excel spreadsheet, opening letters, scanning invoices, paying bills and coordinating spray book and spray stock take.

Please email or more information


Meets 1st Tuesday of each month.

For more information contact:

Helen Morritt5826 5005

Bill McDonald5826 5182

Sally Moseley5826 5125




ABN 93 869 688 754 Accredited Glazier AS1288 - V1163

6 Clarke Street, P.O. Box 1408 Shepparton 3632
Phone: 5831 6171 Fax: 5831 6172

Bovine Inseminations


1740 Finlay Road, Tongala, 3621

Phone (03) 5859 0763FAX: (03) 5859 0219


The next Junior School Council Hot Dog Day will be held on Friday 19th August. Orders must be in at 9.00am, on Thursday 18th August.

Hot dog orders are due in by 9.00am on Thursday. Orders are collated, money is counted and rolls are ordered on Thursday. PLEASE NO LATE HOTDOG ORDERS. We would appreciate your support with this.



Hot dog (in rolls or bread) @ $2.50

Total enclosed $…………

Change require $......



Hot dog (in rolls or bread) @ $2.50

Total enclosed $…………

Change require $......



Hot dog (in rolls or bread) @ $2.50

Total enclosed $…………

Change require $......


Wed 17th Aug Last Day For Costumes To Be Returned.

Prop Making Working Bee

Tues 23rd AugSchool Concert Rehearsals

Thurs 25th AugSchool Concert

Fri 16thSept End Term 3

Assembly 1.00pm

Mon 3rd OctStart Term 4

Mon 10th Oct}Whole School Swimming

Fri 14th Oct}

Wed 12th Oct}Book Fair

Fri 21st Oct}

Mon14th Nov}3 / 4 Camp

Wed 16th Nov}Campaspe Downs

Mon 21st Nov} 5 / 6 Camp

Fri 25th Nov}Anglesea

Sat 26th NovLion’s Club Twilight Festival

Tues 20th DecEnd Term 4

Assembly 1pm

Wren Street, Toolamba. 3614

Ph: (03) 58265212 Fax: 03 5826 5464


Dear Parents/Guardians/Carers,

It has come to my attention that several students in the school have head lice and I seek your cooperation in checking your child’s hair this weekend Saturday 13th August and Sunday 14th August

Head lice do not transmit infectious diseases – they are transmitted by having head to head contact with someone who has head lice.Head lice are common in school-aged children and are the most adaptable of creatures. They have survived living solely on humans for 10,000 years!!!!

What can you do?

I seek your cooperation in checking your child’s hair and in those instances where head lice or eggs are found, treating your child’s hair.

Please see the attached pamphlet Treating and Controlling Head Lice, from the Department of Human Services. This pamphlet has informative guidelines regarding detecting and treating head lice and eggs.

How do I treat my child for head lice?

The attached pamphlet (as noted above) has informative guidelines regarding detecting and treating head lice and eggs. The school also has additional information available regarding treatment and controlling head lice

If head lice or eggs are found on your child’s hair you need to inform:

  • the school and advise when the treatment has started.
  • parents or carers of your child’s friends so they too have the opportunity to detect and treat their children if necessary.

When can my child return to school?

Health regulations requires that where a child has head lice, that child should not return to school until the day after appropriate treatment has started. Please note, this refers only to those children who have live head lice and does not refer to head lice eggs.

Toolamba PS is aware that head lice can be a sensitive issue and is committed to maintaining your confidentiality.

Kind regards

Heather Kennedy


While children are at school many families will have contact with head lice. The information contained here will help you treat and control head lice.

Catching head lice

Head lice have been around for many thousands of years.

Anyone can get head lice.

Head lice are small, wingless, blood sucking insects.

Their colour varies from whitish-brown to reddish-brown.

Head lice only survive on humans. If isolated from the head they die very quickly (usually within 24 hours).

People get head lice from direct hair to hair contact with another person who has head lice. This can happen when people play, cuddle or work closely together.

Head lice do not have wings or jumping legs so theycannot fly or jump from head to head. They can only crawl.

Finding head lice

Many lice do not cause an itch, so you have to lookcarefully to find them.

Head lice are found on the hair itself and move to the scalpto feed. They have six legs which end in a claw and theyrarely fall from the head. Louse eggs (also called nits) arelaid within 1.5 cm of the scalp and are firmly attached tothe hair. They resemble dandruff, but can’t be brushed off.

Lice can crawl and hide. The easiest and most effectiveway to find them is to follow these steps:

Step 1 Comb any type of hair conditioner on to dry,brushed (detangled) hair. This stuns the liceand makes it difficult for them to grip the hairor crawl around.

Step 2 Now comb sections of the hair with a finetooth, head lice comb.

Step 3 Wipe the conditioner from the comb ontoa paper towel or tissue.

Step 4 Look on the tissue and on the comb for liceand eggs.

Step 5 Repeat the combing for every part of thehead at least four or five times.

If lice or eggs are found, the hair should be treated.

If the person has been treated recently and you only findempty hatched eggs, you may not have to treat, as theempty eggs could be from a previous episode.

Treating head lice

Treating head lice involves removing lice and eggs fromthe hair. There are two ways you can do this:

1. Buying and using a head lice lotion or shampoo,following the instructions on the product

2. Using the conditioner and comb method (describedunder ‘finding head lice’) every second day until therehave been no live lice found for ten days.

If you choose to use a head lice product always read andfollow the instructions provided with the product carefully.

The following points may also be helpful:

• Head lice products must be applied to all parts of thehair and scalp.

• No treatment kills all of the eggs so treatment must involvetwo applications, seven days apart. The first treatment killsall lice; the second treatment kills the lice that may havehatched from eggs not killed by the first treatment.

• Cover the person’s eyes while the treatment is beingapplied. A towel is a good way to do this.

• If you are using a lotion, apply the product to dry hair.

• If you are using a shampoo, wet the hair, but use theleast amount of water possible.

• Apply the treatment near the scalp, using an ordinarycomb to cover the hair from root to tip. Repeat thisseveral times until all the hair is covered.

There is no need to treat the whole family - unless theyalso have head lice.

Concentrate on the head - there is no need to cleanthe house or the classroom.

Only the pillowcase requires washing - either washit in hot water (at least 60ºC) or dry it using a clothesdryer on the hot or warm setting.

Testing resistance

Head lice products belong in one of the following categoriesdepending on the active compound they contain:

• pyrethrins

• synthetic pyrethroids (permethrin, bioallethrin)

• organophosphates (maldison or malathion)

•herbal with or without natural (non-chemical) pyrethrins.

Insecticide resistance is common, so you should testify lice are dead. If they are, treat again in seven daysusing the same product. If the lice are not dead, thetreatment has not worked and the lice may be resistantto the product and all products containing the sameactive compound. Wash off the product and treat assoon as possible using a product containing a differentactive compound. If the insecticide has worked, the licewill be dead within 20 minutes.