The following matrix is a tool to assist the Contractor to demonstrate compliance with the MRP, recording evidence of the MAA acceptance of an Alternative Acceptable Means of compliance (AAMC), Waiver, or Exemption and should be populated as follows:

  • Compliance Method – State whether compliance against the Sub RA has been demonstrated. If an AAMC, Waiver or Exemption has been granted this should be listed, including the full MAA Approval number.
  • Cross reference – Detail the article(s) in the CFOE, the Ops Manual or Company’s Documentation that when followed ensures full compliance with the Sub RA.

Please Note: This specimen document has been prepared by the Military Aviation Authority for the guidance of those organizations applying for the Contractor Flying Approved Organizations Scheme (CFAOS). It is the Applicant Organizations responsibility to ensure evidence submitted in support of their application is to the latest MAA Regulatory Publications.

RA Number / RA Description / Sub RA / Compliance Method
AMC/AAMC/Waiver/Exemption / Cross Reference
(CFOE,Ops Manual, Company Documentation) / RA Applicable?
RA1005 / Contracting with Competent Organizations / 1005(1): General Principles / Yes/No
1005(2): Design Organizations / Yes/No
1005(3): Maintenance Organizations / Yes/No
1005(4): Contractor Flying Organizations / Yes/No
1005(5): Air Traffic Management Equipment / Yes/No
RA1016 / Continuing Airworthiness Responsibilities / 1016(1): Accountable Manager (Continuing Airworthiness) (AM(CAw)) / Yes/No
1016(2): Requirement for a Mil CAMO / Yes/No
RA 1024 / Accountable Manager (Military Flying) – AM(MF) / 1024(1): Roles and Responsibilities of the AM(MF) / Yes/No
1024(2): Appointment and Qualifications for an AM(MF) / Yes/No
1024(3): Post-Holders / Yes/No
RA 1028 / Contractor Flying Approved Organization Scheme (CFAOS) - Responsibilities / 1028(1): Responsibilities of a CFAOS Organization / Yes/No
RA 1120 / Military Air Systems Registration / 1120(1): Military Air System Registration / Yes/No
RA 1121 / Air Safety Arrangements for Military Registration of Civil-Owned Aircraft not Operated in the Service Environment / 1121(1): Approval-in-Principle / Yes/No
1121(2): Overall Air Safety
Arrangements / Yes/No
1121(3): Air Safety Strategy / Yes/No
1121(4): Detailed Submission forRegistration / Yes/No
1121(5): Control of Flying Operations, Aircraft Maintenance and Certification for Flight / Yes/No
1121(6): Indemnity / Yes/No
RA 1122 / Air Safety Arrangements for Military Registered Civil Owned Development Air Systems / 1122(1): Air Safety Arrangements for Military Registered Civil Owned Development Air Systems / Yes/No
RA 1123 / Certificate of Usage for Military Registered Civil-Owned Aircraft / 1123(1): Certificate of Usage for Military Registered Civil-Owned Aircraft / Yes/No
RA 1125 / Military Registered Air Systems Transferred Contractors / 1125(1): Military Registered Air Systems Transferred Contractors / Yes/No
RA 1130 / Corporate Memory and Standards / 1130(1): Corporate Memory / Yes/No
1130(2): Standards / Yes/No
RA 1200 / Defence Air Safety Management / 1200(1): Defence Air Safety Management / Yes/No
RA 1225 / Air Safety Documentation Audit Trail / 1225(1): Air Safety Documentation Audit Trail / Yes/No
RA 1380 / Performance Based Navigation / 1380(1): Performance Based
Navigation / Yes/No
RA 1390 / Reduced Vertical Separation Minimum / 1390(1): Reduced Vertical Separation Minimum / Yes/No
RA 1400 / Flight Safety / 1400(1): Flight Safety / Yes/No
RA 1410 / Occurrence Reporting / 1410(1): Occurrence Reporting and Investigation / Yes/No
RA 1420 / Service Inquiries (SI) Air Accident and Significant Occurrence Investigation / 1420(1):SI; Air Accident and Significant Occurrence Investigation / Yes/No
RA 1430 / Aircraft Post Crash Management and Significant Occurrence Management / 1430(4): APCM and Significant Occurrence Management – AM(MF)s / Yes/No
RA 1440 / Air Safety Training / 1440(1): Air Safety Training / Yes/No
RA 1600 / Remotely Piloted Air Systems (RPAS) / 1600(1): RPAS MAA Regulatory Publications / Yes/No
1600(2): RPAS Categorization / Yes/No
1600(3): RPAS Responsibilities / Yes/No
1600(4): RPAS Airworthiness/Air Safety Strategy / Yes/No
1600(5): RPAS Air System Safety Case (SC) / Yes/No
1600(6): RPAS Clearances / Yes/No
1600(7): RPAS Occurrence Reporting / Yes/No
1600(8):RPAS Certification / Yes/No
1600(9): RPAS Continuing Airworthiness / Yes/No
RA 1910 / Quality Assurance of Aviation Fuel from non-MOD Sources / 1910(1): Quality Assurance of Aviation Fuel from non-MOD Sources / Yes/No
RA 2101 / Aircrew Qualifications / 2101(1): Entitlement to Conduct Flying Duties / Yes/No
2101(2): Certificate of Qualification on Type / Yes/No
RA 2102 / Aircrew Competence in Role / 2102(1): Certificate of Competence / Yes/No
2102(2): Periodicity of Assessment of Competency / Yes/No
RA 2103 / Currency and Continuation Training / 2103(1): Currency Requirements / Yes/No
2103(2): Continuation Training / Yes/No
RA 2115 / Aircraft Commanders / 2115(1): Responsibilities of an Aircraft Commander / Yes/No
2115(2): Authority of an Aircraft Commander / Yes/No
RA 2120 / Pilots' Instrument Rating Scheme / 2120(1): Instrument Rating Requirements / Yes/No
2120(2): The Instrument Rating Test (IRT) / Yes/No
RA 2125 / Aircrew Instructors Training / 2125(1): Aircrew Instructor Training / Yes/No
RA 2130 / Safety Equipment, Survival Drills and Training / 2130(1): Safety and Survival Training / Yes/No
2130(2): Safety and Survival Training Currency / Yes/No
2130(3): Wearing and Carriage of Aircrew Equipment Assemblies (AEA) and Safety Equipment (SE) / Yes/No
2130(4): Safety Harnesses / Yes/No
2130(5): Survival and Rescue Equipment / Yes/No
2130(6): Ejection Seat Anthropometrics / Yes/No
RA 2135 / Aircrew Medical Requirements / 2135(1): Aircrew Medical Certificate / Yes/No
2135(2): Aircrew Fitness-to-Fly / Yes/No
2135(3): Pilot Operations – Upper Age Limit / Yes/No
2135(5): Flying After an Accident or In-Flight Medical Incident / Yes/No
2135(6): Initial & Refresher Aviation Medical Training / Yes/No
2135(7): High G Training / Yes/No
2135(8): Temporary Medical Restrictions to Flying Duties / Yes/No
RA 2201 / Carriage of Maintenance Documents in UK Military Aircraft / 2201(1): Documents to be Carried / Yes/No
RA 2210 / Flight Servicing and Continuous Charge Operations / 2210(1): Flight Servicing Regime Limitations / Yes/No
2210(2): Continuous Charge Operations / Yes/No
RA 2211 / Authorization of Aircrew to Carry Out Maintenance Tasks / 2211(1): Authorization of Aircrew to Carry Out Flight Servicing / Yes/No
2211(2): Authorization of Aircrew to Carry Out AirSystem Maintenance Work / Yes/No
2211(3): In-Flight Corrective Maintenance / Yes/No
2211(4): Training of Aircrew to Enter a Cockpit Containing Aircraft Assisted Escape Systems (AAES) / Yes/No
RA 2220 / Maintenance Test Flights / 2220(1): The Flight Test Schedule / Yes/No
2220(2): Aircrew Competency and Authorization for Test Flights / Yes/No
RA 2301 / Responsibility for an Air System / 2301(1): Transfer of Custody of AirSystems / Yes/No
2301(2): Flying Requirements Post Maintenance / Yes/No
2301(3): Air System Acceptance Checks / Yes/No
2301(4): Exceeding Parameters and Hazardous Incidents / Yes/No
RA 2302 / Responsibilities in the Air / 2302(1): Responsibilities in the Air / Yes/No
RA 2305 / Supervision of Flying / 2305(1): Supervision of Flying / Yes/No
2305(2): Embarked Aviation Operations / Yes/No
2305(3): Aircraft Limitations / Yes/No
2305(5): Aircrew Briefing / Yes/No
2305(6): Air Exercise Planning and Airspace Integration / Yes/No
2305(7): Taxiing of Aircraft / Yes/No
RA 2306 / Authorization of Flights / 2306(1): Authorization of Flights / Yes/No
RA 2307 / Rules of the Air / 2307(1): Rules of the Air / Yes/No
RA 2309 / Flight Procedures / 2309(1): Landing away from Active Airfields / Yes/No
2309(2): Fire Precautions and Smoking in Aircraft / Yes/No
2309(3): Carriage of Loose Articles and Stores / Yes/No
2309(4): Dropping or Jettisoning of Articles / Yes/No
2309(5): Handing over Control in Aircraft with Dual Controls / Yes/No
2309(7): Flying in the Company of Civil Aircraft / Yes/No
2309(9):Aerobatics / Yes/No
2309(10): Air to Air Refuelling (AAR) / Yes/No
2309(11): Electromagnetic and Cosmic Radiation / Yes/No
2309(12): Oxygen and Cabin Pressure / Yes/No
2309(13): Altitude Limitations / Yes/No
2309(14): Simulated Emergencies / Yes/No
2309(15): Refuelling Aircraft - Engines and/or Rotors Running / Yes/No
RA 2310 / Role Specific Fixed Wing / 2310(1): Supersonic Flight / Yes/No
2310(3): Spinning / Yes/No
2310(4): Asymmetric Power / Yes/No
2310(5): Single-Engine Air System Engine Shutdowns / Yes/No
RA 2315 / Role Specific Rotary Wing / 2315(6): Rotary Wing Air System Ground Runs / Yes/No
RA 2320 / Role Specific Remotely Piloted Air Systems / 2320(1): RPAS Collision Avoidance / Yes/No
2320(5): Control of RPAS / Yes/No
2320(6): Control-Data-Link / Yes/No
2320(7): RPAS Operating Bases / Yes/No
RA 2325 / Air Weapons Carriage, Training and Demonstrations / 2325(1): Carriage of Air Weapons / Yes/No
2325(2): Air Weapons Training and Demonstrations / Yes/No
RA 2327 / Air Combat and Evasion Training / 2327(1): Air Combat and Evasion Training / Yes/No
RA 2330 / Low Flying / 2330(1): Low Flying / Yes/No
RA 2335 / Flying Displays and Flypasts / 2335(1): Flying Display Organization and Management / Yes/No
2335(2): Display Flying, Role Demonstrations and Flypasts (Mil) / Yes/No
2335(3): Separation Distances, Minima and Restrictions / Yes/No
RA 2340 / Flying of Passengers on UK Military Aircraft / 2340(1): Flying of Passengers onUK Military Aircraft / Yes/No
RA 2345 / Aircrew Fatigue Management / 2345(1): Management of Aircrew Fatigue / Yes/No
2345(2): Use of Temazepam in the Management of Work and Rest in Aircrew / Yes/No
RA 2350 / Air System Emergencies / 2350(1): Air System Emergencies / Yes/No
RA 2355 / Static Line and Freefall Parachuting, Fast Roping and Abseiling / 2355(1): Approval for Static Line and Free Fall Parachuting, Fast Roping and Abseiling / Yes/No
2355(2): Procedures for Static Line and Free Fall Parachuting / Yes/No
2355(3): Procedures for Fast Roping and Abseiling / Yes/No
RA 2360 / Portable Electronic Devices / 2360(1): Portable Electronic Devices / Yes/No
RA 2370 / Test and Evaluation / 2370(1): T&E Organizations / Yes/No
2370(2): T&E Activity Approval & Supervision / Yes/No
2370(3): T&E Competent Persons / Yes/No
2370(4): Conduct of T&E Activity / Yes/No
RA 2375 / Approval and Use of Flight Simulator Training Devices / 2375(1): Approval of Flight Simulator Training Devices / Yes/No
2375(2): Use of Flight Simulator Training Devices / Yes/No
RA 2401 / Documents and Records / 2401(1): Air System Document Set (ADS) / Yes/No
2401(2): Use and Carriage of Documents in the Aircraft / Yes/No
2401(3): Flying Logbooks and Recording of Flying Times / Yes/No
2401(4): Aviation Duty Holder/Accountable Manager (Military Flying) (AM(MF)) Orders / Yes/No
2401(5): Authorization Record / Yes/No
2401(6): Meteorological Records / Yes/No
2401(7): Training Records / Yes/No
RA 2501 / Contractor Flying Approved
Organization Scheme (CFAOS) / 2501(1): CFAOS Application and Approval / Yes/No
2501(2): CFAOS Approval Changes / Yes/No
2501(3): Contractor Flying Organization Exposition (CFOE) / Yes/No
2501(4): CFAOS MRP Applicability / Yes/No
2501(5): Contracted Activities / Yes/No
RA 3049 / Defence Contractor Flying Organization responsibilities for UK Military Air System Operating Locations / 3049(1): DCFO Operating Location Requirement / Yes/No
3049(2): DCFO Operating Location Support Services / Yes/No
RA 3225 / Mandatory Air Traffic Control (ATC) Instructions / 3225(1): Mandatory ATC Instructions / Yes/No
RA 3313 / Air System Diversions / 3313(1): Air System Diversions / Yes/No
RA 4051 / Flight Testing of Aircraft / 4051(1): Flight Testing of Aircraft / Yes/No
4051(2): Flight Test Schedule / Yes/No
RA 5220 / Special Flying Instructions and Restrictions on Flying / 5220(2): Responsibility of Contractors / Yes/No
RA 5880 / Military Permit to Fly
(MRP 21 Subpart P) / 5880(1): Military Permit to Fly / Yes/No
5880(2): Military Permit to Fly Procedure / Yes/No
5880(3): Flight Conditions / Yes/No
5880(4): Approval of Flight Conditions / Yes/No
5880(5): Issue of Military Permit to Fly / Yes/No
5880(6): Changes / Yes/No
5880(7): Transferability / Yes/No
5880(8): Inspection / Yes/No
5880(9): Validity / Yes/No
5880(10): Renewal of Military Permit to Fly / Yes/No
5880(11): Obligations of the Holder of a Military Permit to Fly / Yes/No
5880(12): Record Keeping / Yes/No


MAA_OA_CFAOS_STAN_001 Version_17.0 April 2018