Monitoring Checklist TEMPLATE- Lung Inflammation Protocols
Project Title:
ACEC Approval Number:
Box Number/s: No. Mice in group: Individual ID:
NOTE: place an ‘x’ against any clinical signs that are present. Use the intervention instructions at the base of the sheet to ensure that the correct action is taken. NAD- No abnormalities detected.
% change from start
Category 1 signs
Rough Coat
Reddening at injection site
Decreased activity
Shallow or increased respiratory rate
Isolated from cagemates
Category 2 signs
Reddening and swelling at injection site
Coughing/ sneezing
Abdominal swelling
Hunched posture
Category 3 signs
Pale or cyanotic ears/nose/feet
Gasping respiration
Unresponsive to stimulus
NAD- no action
Category 1- monitor again in 4 hours, if not improved seek advice from CI or veterinarian
Category 2- contact Chief investigator and veterinarian for advice
Category 3- euthanase immediately. Ensure post mortem performed. Submit adverse event report to ACEC
More than 15% weight loss- euthanase immediately
Any combination of signs-
More than two signs in any one category- treat as next highest category
Signs from more than one category- treat as for highest category
Guidelines to Use of Monitoring Checklist
1. Use the general Animal Services monitoring checklist (provided in the procedures/treatment record folder – red folder) to record monitoring information until animals enter the active research protocol.
2. Once a procedure has been performed on an animal use this specific checklist.
3. Ensure all monitoring checklists are held in the red folders in the room in which the animals are held.
4. Monitor animals in accordance with and as frequently as required by the Animal Care and Ethics approval.
5. One monitoring sheet per group of animals can be used. A group may be a cage, and experimental group, or all of the animals in that research protocol.
6. If an abnormality is detected with one or more animals in the group then that animal (or animals) must be transferred to an individual monitoring checklist i.e. there must be one checklist per animal exhibiting a problem.
7. Record the group ID on the group checklist (e.g. cage number). Leave the individual ID section blank.
8. If an animal is transferred to an individual monitoring checklist record the group ID (e.g. cage in which they are housed) and individual ID on the individual checklist. This means that any checklist with an “x” against anything other than NAD should have a corresponding individual animal checklist. If the animal returns to normal it can be returned to the group checklist (make a notation to this effect on the individual checklist)
9. Where an abnormal clinical sign in an animal has been detected, use the Animal Services Unit provided “sick’ card to identify the cage.
10. Where an abnormal clinical sign in an animal has been detected make a notation in the ASU provided checklist in the red folder of the action taken. Make sure the animal identification is included in this notation.