Truman Bowl II

Round X: Bulldog Reloaded

Packet by: Keanu “I play the same character in every movie” Reeves


Characters encountered by this novel’s protagonist in the opening chapters include an old neighbor named Muley Graves and a former preacher, Jim Casy. The protagonist’s family is forced to make an arduous road trip along route sixty-six, and the oldest child, Noah, abandons the family after they arrive in California. For 10 points, name this novel about the struggles of the Joad family during the Great Depression, written by John Steinbeck.

ANSWER: The Grapes of Wrath

Born September 1899, he is considered to be one of the most important philosophers of the twentieth century. Leaving the University of Marburg in 1928 for the University of Freilburg his students include Emmanuel Levinas and Karl Lowith. His philosophy centered on the question of being and his work had an influence the likes of Jean Paul Sarte. For ten points name this German philosopher best known for his book Being and Time and his ties to Nazism.

ANSWER: Martin Heidegger

He was encouraged by his friend Marcus Hanna to try for the Republican presidential nomination and conducted his front-porch campaign from his home town of Canton, Ohio. He said the protective tariff would bring prosperity to all groups even though his Democratic opponent said his policies would “rock the boat.” Although he was originally trailing William Jennings Bryan early in the election, he ended up defeating him by a wide margin to become the 25th president of the Unites States. FTP, name this president who presided over the Spanish-American War.

ANSWER: William McKinley

This man was born February 7, 1812 in the Mile End Terrance. His father, John, was a clerk in the navy-pay office. He was the oldest of eight children. This author wrote weekly installments in journals such as Master Humphrey's Clock and Household Words. Name this British author of such works as Bleak House, The Pickwick Papers, and Great Expectations.

ANSWER: Charles Dickens

One of this conflicts most famous British generals was the 1st Duke of Marlborough, a famous ancestor of Winston Churchill. It began when Louis XIV invaded the Spanish Netherlands, prompting the renewal of an alliance between Britain, the DutchRepublic and the Holy Roman Emperor. For ten points, name this early seventeenth-century European war, prompted by the lack of an heir to the childless King Charles II of the titular country.

ANSWER: War of the Spanish Succession or Queen Anne’s War

Although the units for this quantity are dimensionally equal to joules, this quantity is measured in foot-pounds or, more properly, Newton-meters. The net value of this quantity is equal to the product of the moment of inertia and the angular acceleration. Taking the cross product of the force and displacement vectors will yield the vector for this quantity. For 10 points, name this quantity represented by the Greek letter tau, which is equal to r F sin θ.

ANSWER: Torque

The river Amstel goes through the center of this city and connects to a number of canals that eventually empty into the IJ. It’s only 2 feet above sea level. Home to the Van GoghMuseum as well as it’s famous red-light district. For 10 points, name this city, it’s capital and largest in the Netherlands.

ANSWER: Amsterdam

She was born in St. Petersburg in 1905 and studied social pedagogy at the University of Petrograd before coming to the United States in 1926. She was an ardent supporter of individual rights and was bitterly opposed to all forms of collectivism, ideas which are clearly seen in her earlier novels, We the Living and Anthem. For 10 points, name this founder of objectivism and author of The Fountainhead and Atlas Shrugged.

ANSWER: Ayn Rand

This novella centers around the life of Alex, a young man with "ultra-violent" tendencies. He and his droogs get into many scraps with other gangs around near-future England. After being set up by his so-called friends, Alex is sent to prison, and after two years he is selected for a controversial treatment called the Ludovico Technique. The final chapter was omitted when the book was published in the US, so the movie left European fans hanging, as it was based on the US version. Name this work, written by Anthony Burgess.

ANSWER: A Clockwork Orange

This Protestant poet took six years off to work on his commonplace book. He served as an official under Oliver Cromwell. He was considered by many poets and authors that followed to be the single major English poet. Name this man, most famous for his epic poem Paradise Lost.

ANSWER: John Milton

Although he was the favorite son of Henry II of England, his lack of land and title prompted many to give him the nickname Lackland. When Richard I was imprisoned after the Crusade, he made only a half-hearted attempt to bring him back to England. As King, he antagonized the English barons and Louis VIII of France to the point that both marched against him. Ironically, his sudden death prompted many of the barons to rally to his nine-year old son Henry III to repel Louis. FTP, name this man, arguably the most hated King of England who was forced to sign the Magna Carta at Runnymede.


One of his works consists of a series of songs entitled "Of Beauty," "Of Youth," "The Lonely one in Autumn," "The Drunk in Spring" and "The Drinking Song of Earth's Sorrow." This, for all intents and purposes his ninth symphony, is called Song of the* Earth. His Symphony No. 2 in C minor, which began as a tone poem called "Funeral Rites," also features the "Urlicht" song. Known for his "Tragic" and "Song of the Night" symphonies, FTP, name this composer of the "Resurrection Symphony" and the "Symphony of a Thousand."

ANSWER: Gustav Mahler

This element is in the 11 group on the periodic table. It is also an essential mineral in small amounts and helps with bone repair and maintaining the integrity of bone tissue. This element is has the second highest conductivity and is also malleable and ductile. It does not react in water, and is a transition metal. Name this element, number 29 on the periodic table, symbol Cu.

Answer: Copper

Before becoming an author this man dabbled in the breeding of fancy poultry, which was a national craze. He established a monthly trade journal during this time called The Poultry Record. His first book was The Book of the Hamburgs, which were the type of fancy chicken he was raising. In all this man wrote 55 novels, 82 short stories, an unknown number of scripts, and over 200 poems. He is most famous for The Wonderful Wizard of Oz.

ANSWER: L. FrankBaum

Originally an Army captain and Delta force member he left the armed forces for a job in SWAT for the Los Angeles Police Department before being recruited to the Counter Terrorism Unit by Christopher Henderson. Known for the ends justify the means attitude and proficient use of torture. For ten points name this action hero portrayed by Kiefer Sutherland on the TV show 24.

ANSWER: Jack Bauer

Originally neutral in meaning, these beings have now taken on a negative evil nature. Having roots dating back to Mesopotamia, they are often said to be the source of diseases and causes of harm. For ten points name this evil entity said to be the opposite of angels.

ANSWER: Demons

Legend holds that Dangun Wanggeom was the founder of the first kingdom in this location around 6000 ago, today called Gojoseon. After its demise, the states of Baekje, Silla, and Goguryeo competed here during its so-called Three Kingdoms era. By 1392, the Joseon Dynasty would unify this peninsula, and would go on to introduce the Hangul script and resist periodic Manchurian and Japanese invasion. Name, for ten points, this Asian peninsula, now divided into North and South following a 1950 American police action.

Answer: Korea

A restricted version of this was first published by James Gregory. Isaac Barrow proved the first general version, and Barrow's student, Isaac Newton, developed the surrounding mathematical theory. Gottfried Leibniz synthesized it for infinitesimal quantities. The first part of this guarantees the existence of antiderivatives for continuous functions. The first part of this shows that an indefinite integration can be reversed by a differentiation, while the second part allows one to compute the definite integral of a function by using any one of its infinitely many antiderivatives. Name this mathematical theorem.

ANSWER: Fundamental Theorem of Calculus

This genus of the kingdom bacteria contains round, Gram positive bacteria. This genus of bacteria is known for having species responsible for many cases of meningitis, bacterial pneumonia, and endocarditis. Another species of this genus is crucial to the production of Swiss cheese. Name this bacterial genus, most well known for causing “Strep” throat.

Answer: Streptoccocus

Beginning his career by painting for the Bishop of Liège in 1424 and Phillip the Good, the Duke of Burgundy, this painter eventually moved to Bruges, painting portraits of wealthy Italians in Belgium. Considered to overshadow his brother Hubert, he collaborated with him on one this painter’s most famous works, the Arnolfini Wedding. Name this Flemmish painter who is credited as the father of oil paintings by creating such works as the Ghent Alterpiece and the Annuciation.

ANSWER: Jan vanEyck


This novel is set in the near future in a totalitarian theocracy that has overthrown the United States government. The central character has but one purpose in life and that is to reproduce for the ruling class, as she is of the titular subservient group if people. Name this book, written by Margaret Atwood, a work of science fiction that won many awards in the 1980s.

ANSWER: The Handmaid's Tale
This Norse god is destined to be the last of the gods to perish at Ragnarök when he and Loki kill each other. He is described as having keen senses. Other legends say that he will sound the horn that warns the Æsir of the beginning of Ragnarök. For 10 points, name this guardian of Bifrost, the bridge between Asgard and Midgard in Norse myth.

ANSWER: Heimdall

This living psychologist is a faculty member of Harvard known for this theory of multiple intelligences, where people have different strengths and learning styles. There are eight recognized intelligences including linguistic, naturalist, intrapersonal, interpersonal, musical, spatial, logical-mathematical, and bodily-kinesthetic. For 10 points, name this psychologist.

ANSWER: Howard Gardner

Born Edward Kennedy, this pianist and bandleader is often considered to have elevated jazz music to on par with classical music. He led his jazz orchestra, or big band, from 1923 until his death in 1974, when his son Mercer took it over until his own death in 1996. Some of his most famous charts include “Do Nothing Until You Hear from Me,” “Caravan,” “Take the ‘A’ Train,” and “It Don’t Mean a Thing (If It Ain’t Got That Swing).”

ANSWER: Duke Ellington


For ten points each, name these Iberian royal figures who sponsored world exploration.

[10] These “Catholic Monarchs” of Spain sponsored Christopher Columbus’s famous 1492 voyage to find sail to Asia by heading west.

ANSWER: Ferdinand II of Aragon & Isabella I of Castile

[10] This king of Spain, Holy Roman Emperor, and grandson of Ferdinand and Isabella supplied ships to Ferdinand Magellan, who was actually Portuguese.

ANSWER: Charles V or Charles I

[10] This fifteenth-century Portuguese prince used funds available to him as grand master of the Order of Christ to back exploratory voyages along the coast of Africa; his support led to improvements in navigation, shipbuilding, and cartography.

ANSWER: Henry the Navigator or Henry, Duke of Viseu

Identify the following about a magician who sells his soul for 10 points each:
This literary character is damned because he prefers human to divine knowledge.

This man originally popularized the story with his The Tragical History of Dr. Faustus.

ANSWER:Christopher Marlowe
200 years later, this man reworked the story into a hybrid between a play and a poem.

ANSWER: Goethe
Given the following, name these works associated with Michael Pollan FTPE.
[10]A controversial documentary about corporate farming, it has recently been converted to book form.

ANSWER: Food, Inc.
[10]This work chronicles Pollan's attempt to make four different meals using very different means.

ANSWER: The Omnivore's Dilemma
[10] In this book, Pollan has a clear and simple message "Eat food. Not too much. Mostly Plants." This can be found printed on the cover, around broccoli, beneath the subtitle "An Eater's Manifesto."

ANSWER: In Defense of Food

For 10 points each, name the following psychologists.

She was a psychologist who worked on Attachment Theory and is known for “the strange situation” where children interact with a stranger and a caregiver.

ANSWER: Mary D. Salter Ainsworth

This psychologist helped expand the social learning theory and conducted the infamous Bobo doll experiment.

ANSWER: AlbertBandura

This Swiss psychologist developed the Theory of Cognitive Development, which is outlined in 4 stages.

ANSWER:Jean William FritzPiaget

It was marketed in Sweden as the film “so funny it was banned in Norway,” and remains banned in several southern states in the United States. For 10 points each:

[10] Pontius Pilate has a severe speech impediment, his friend Biggus Dickus has a terrible lisp, and numerous women don fake beards in order to participate in the stoning of a blasphemer. Much of the plot to this film revolves around the title character, who participates in a rendition of Always Look on the Brightside of Life as he is being crucified.

ANSWER: Life of Brian

[10] Much of the outrage over this film resulted from the supposed insult to Jesus Christ, who only appears twice, and only in a respectable manner, once in the manger at Bethlehem and later at this event. Most of the relevant characters cannot hear him, believing him to have said “Blessed are the cheesemakers” during this event, occurring in Matthew 5-7.

ANSWER: Sermon on the Mount

[10] According to the DVD commentary, the Pythons claim that a subplot of the film involving this group lampooned the diversity of left-wing fringe groups more interested in fighting each other that the conservative opposition in Britain in the 1970s. Brian joins this group in the raid on Pilate’s palace, before they get into a fistfight with a rival but similarly-named group.

ANSWER: People’s Front of Judea

It author frantically, and unsuccessfully, requested that its title be changed before publication to “Under the Red, White, and Blue”, after struggling for months on an appropriate title. For 10 points each:

[10] The narrator describes the titular character as “one of those rare smiles with a quality of eternal reassurance in it, that you may come across four or five times in life.” That same protagonist is later shot to death in his swimming pool by George Wilson after his wife Myrtle is run over by Daisy Buchanan.

ANSWER: The Great Gatsby

[10] The Great Gatsby is the third work of this man, also known for an unfinished work about a Hollywood movie mogul called The Last Tycoon, as well as a work about the psychiatrist Dick Diver and his affair with Rosemary Hoyt.

ANSWER: F. Scott Fitzgerald

[10] Fitzgerald had a notable encounter in a men’s room with this man, who wrote about it in his autobiography A Moveable Feast. That same author wrote about the efforts of the fisherman Santiago to capture a marlin in a Pulitzer Prize winning novel.

ANSWER: Ernest Hemingway

Name this countries and events related to the 2010 megadisaester

[10]Originally a colony for slaves this country gained its independence in France in 1914, making it the first independent country in Latin America. Another historic first for this Greater AntillesIsland was the first black-led nation. For ten points name this island country that was recently annihilated by a 7.0 earthquake and the poorest country in the northern hemisphere.


[10]This country’s capital was the first capital in the New World also having the first university, cathedral, and castle. This second largest country in the Caribbean in both area and population shares the island of Hispaniola. For ten points name this Spanish speaking neighbor of Haiti.

ANSWER: Dominican Republic

[10]The 7.0 earthquake that dropped the Haitian capital of Port-u-Prince sparked off fears this event would occur, just like the 2007 earthquake in Indonesia. This natural disaster occurs when large amounts of water are displaced then rush back into the area. For ten points name this disaster a Japanese word meaning ANSWER: Harbor wave.