Eldin Fahmy and David Gordon
University of Bristol
November 2002
1. / Introduction / 32. / Mapping Deprivation In The Southwest / 4
3. / How Much Is Enough? / 7
4. / Determining Poverty Thresholds / 9
5. / The Geography Of Deprivation In The Southwest / 17
6. / Conclusion / 23
References / 25
Appendices / 28
The primary purpose of this report is to produce an area based ‘deprivation’ index that can be used to reliably inform the geographical analysis of morbidity and mortality in the South West region. There is now overwhelming evidence available from Britain and other industrialised countries that demonstrate that poverty is a significant causal factor of increased mortality and morbidity rates at area level. However, although poor people and households suffer from greater levels of ill health, it is also clear that those with incomes and standards of living just above the poverty threshold also have worse health than their more wealthy peers (for example see Townsend and Davidson, 1982; Acheson, 1988: Gordon et al, 1999; Shaw et al, 1999; Davey Smith et al., 2001). The command of resources over time needed to live healthily are greater than the resources needed to just avoid poverty (Bradshaw, 1993; Bhatia and Katz, 2002).
Therefore two different 1991 census based indices are developed in this report;
1) An index of the Low Cost but Acceptable (LCA) budget standard e.g. just above the poverty threshold (Parker, 1988; 2000).
2) An index of the Minimum Income for Healthy Living (MIHL) budget standard e.g. the costs of healthy living. (Morris et al, 2000).
The results for the South West region from these two new indices are compared with those from more ‘traditional’ national representative poverty and deprivation indices such as the Index of Local Deprivation (ILD) and the Breadline Britain index.
A significant problem when developing health related deprivation indices for the South West region is that a greater proportion of the population live in rural and semi-rural areas than in UK as a whole. Deprivation indices that are nationally representative are known to underestimate the extent of ‘rural’ poverty and overestimate the extent of ‘urban’ poverty, particularly where no allowance is made for the usual additional costs of living in a rural area (Bruce et al, 1995; Payne et al, 1996; Shucksmith et al, 1996; Bramley et al, 2000; Martin et al, 2000). This problem is often compounded when complex weighting procedures are used in the construction of the deprivation index (Senior, Williams & Higgs, 2000). In this analysis we have allowed for the unavoidable additional costs of rural and semi-rural living and the complex relationship between socio-economic factors and geographical location and the chances of living on a low income.
At the end of the twentieth century poverty remains a major and deep-rooted problem both in the UK and across the western industrialised nations. Academic research within the UK reveals growing levels of poverty and inequality since the 1970s (eg. Mack and Lansley, 1985; Gordon and Pantazis, 1997, Gordon et al., 2001). Alongside this increasing social polarisation, the spatial concentration of poverty in particular neighbourhoods and on certain estates has also increased, despite a raft of national initiatives aimed at combating poverty since the 1960s. Although such initiatives have generally been targeted at inner city areas and industrial, urban communities, growing levels of poverty can be found in all localities - including rural communities and traditionally ‘affluent’ areas (see eg. Chandola et al., 2000; Chapman et al., 1998).
However, increasing evidence of poverty and deprivation in rural areas raises a range of challenges for the identification and spatial mapping of poverty. According to most accounts the Southwest is a predominantly ‘rural’ region. However, there is no unambiguous definition of rurality, nor is there any universally accepted approach to its measurement. A range of measures are available (eg. settlement size, population density, land-use, and accessibility of services, multivariate classification), and the categorisation of urban and rural areas in large measure reflects the approach adopted. Figure 1 (below) shows the settlement profile of the Southwest region based on the 1991 Office for National Statistics’ (ONS) classification of urban areas[1]. As Figure 1 illustrates, although the geography of the Southwest is overwhelmingly rural, the majority of the region’s population live within ‘urban’ areas. The definition of ‘urban’ settlements used by the ONS is for many purposes restricted to settlements of more than 10,000 inhabitants. Using this narrower definition,a majority (65%) of the Southwest’s population live in urban areas, nevertheless a considerably smaller proportion than for England and Wales as a whole (79%) (ODPM, 2002: 29).
Figure 1: Urban Areas in the Southwest, 2002
Source: ONS1991 Urban Settlement Boundaries [computer file] ©Crown copyright
However, in terms of its administrative geography the Southwest is classified as a predominantly rural region according to most classifications. Figure 2 (below) illustrates the geographic predominance of rural areas when based upon 1991 ward boundaries and an urban/rural classification developed by the Office for National Statistics (see ONS, 1999; Wallace and Denham, 1996 for further details). However,together the ‘rural’ authorities (ie. mixed, predominantly, or wholly rural) account for less than one fifth (17%) of the region’s population according to 1991 Census of Population data. A rather differentpicture emerges when using alternative methodologies and larger spatial scales (eg. at county or district level). For a fuller treatment of these measurement issues see ODPM(2002) and Martin et al. (2000).
Figure 2: ONS Urban and Rural Wards in the Southwest, 1991
Notwithstanding the difficulties involved in defining rural and urban areas it is clear that developing indicators of disadvantage for the Southwest involves taking account of the distinctive dynamics of poverty in both urban and rural areas, and the distinctive needs of residents in urban and rural communities. This has important implications both for the measurement of poverty and social exclusion at an individual level using survey techniques, and in terms of the selection of area-based indicators of deprivation which draw upon existing administrative data.
When people experience persistent low incomes they are forced to make increasingly difficult choices about which areas of expenditure to cut back on. People restrict expenditure on some areas of their lifestyle more than others, and the choices people make when restricting expenditure are influenced by a wide range of factors such as age, sex, social class, family circumstances, education, culture, etc. However,these choices are also influenced by the person’s geographical location. Recent research suggests that rural residentsoften have somewhat different priorities to urban dwellers (see eg. Payne et al., 1996). It thus follows that poverty in rural areas is also distinct from poverty in urban areas. On this basis the definition and measurement of poverty should take account of individual level differences in expenditure patterns between urban and rural areas.
However, a much larger body of literature has focused upon the appropriateness of conventional area-based indicators of poverty and disadvantage in rural contexts in view of persistent concerns over the ‘urban bias’ of standard measures (eg. Dunn et al., 1998; Shucksmith et al., 1996). Payne et al.’s 1996 study of Cornwall, for example, puts a strong case for developing rural deprivation indices since multivariate (regression) analysis shows that the chances that different types of household will be poor varies between urban and rural areas (see Section 4, below). The United Kingdomis an overwhelmingly urban society, and this has understandably influenced the selection, standardisation procedures and weightings used in the development of deprivation indices (see eg. Martin et al., 2000).
The challenges involved in the measurement of rural poverty, and the ‘urban bias’ of official deprivation indices such as the DETR’s Indices of Local Deprivation (DETR, 2000b) and the Jarman Index (1984) have been well documented (eg. Martin et al., 2000; Hodge et al., 2000; Shucksmith et al., 1996). In particular, there are two main types of concern. Firstly, it is argued that the nature of rural deprivation is not reflected adequately in the standard indices. Poor access to jobs and services due to isolation, transport costs and inadequate public transport are far bigger issues for rural than large-scale urban communities. Whilst rural areas are generally characterised by lower levels of registered unemployment, the seasonality of work together with low wages and low rates of economic activity are major problems for many rural areas which are frequently overlooked. Secondly, it is argued that the dispersed nature of rural deprivation means that poverty in rural areas often remains hidden. In remote rural areas ward-level statistics are inappropriate in locating very small clusters of often acute deprivation. This observation emphasises the importance of developing sub-ward level statistics of deprivation in the Southwest (see eg. Gordon, Fahmy and Cemlyn, 2002).
The analyses contained in this report seek to advance understanding of poverty and deprivation in ways which are sensitive to the unique circumstances of the Southwest. In doing so they therefore seek to reflect the distinctive dynamics of poverty in urban and rural communities within the Southwest. As noted above, the probability of poverty for different household types varies between urban and rural areas. Moreover the cost of living in remote rural areas is typically higher than urban areas (ref). These considerations are reflected in the methodology used in this report (Section 5). However, before considering these issues in further detail it is important to first consider: (a) what is meant by ‘poverty’ and how should it be measured? (Section 3), and; (b) what income is necessary in order to avoid poverty and live healthily for different households in 2002? (Section 4).
This report uses a budget standards methodology to determine the level of income needed by different households to avoid poverty and to live healthily. The budget standards approach brings together social science, statistical and physiological data on society’s standards and patterns of behaviour and combines them to produce a detailed costing of a minimum adequate level of living (eg. Bradshaw et al., 1993; Parker et al., 1998, 2000). Budget standards methodology was originally pioneered by Seebohm Rowntree to explore whether poverty was caused by financial mismanagement or by low incomes (Rowntree, 1901). In order to address this question Rowntree distinguished between (a) ‘primary’ poverty – families whose income was insufficient for the maintenance even of ‘physical efficiency’, and; (b) ‘secondary’ poverty – families whose income would have been sufficient for the maintenance of physical efficiency were it not that some portion of it was absorbed by other expenditure.
To measure primary poverty Rowntree carried out preliminary research into the amounts and types of foods, the levels of rents, cost of heating and lighting, etc. deemed necessary to maintainphysical efficiency. Rowntree’s estimates of the income needed to avoid poverty were set deliberately low in order to test whether there was any level of income at which people could not maintain a non-poor lifestyle no matter how hard they tried(Veit Wilson, 1986). Rowntree’s primary poverty linethus implied a very harsh definition of poverty:
And let us clearly understand what a merely physical efficiency means. A family living upon the scale allowed for must never spend a penny on railway fare or omnibus. They must never go into the country unless they walk. They must never purchase a half penny newspaper or spend a penny to buy a ticket for a popular concert. They must write no letters to absent children, for they cannot afford to pay the postage. They must never contribute anything to their church or chapel, or give any help to a neighbour which costs them money. They cannot save nor can they join a sick club or trade union, because they cannot pay the necessary subscriptions. The children must have no pocket money for dolls, marbles or sweets. The father must smoke no tobacco and drink no beer. The mother must never buy any pretty clothes for herself or her children, the character of the family wardrobe as for the family diet being governed by the regulation 'nothing must be bought but that which is absolutely necessary for the maintenance of physical health and what is bought must be of the plainest and most economical description'.
In 1992 Stitt and Grant (1993) updated Rowntree’s approach and methodology in order to draw a similar poverty line for the UK, and thus to address the question of how much poverty is caused by inadequate incomes in the UK in the 1990s. On this basis a couple with two children would need an income of at least £129.31 per week in 1992 in order to avoid primary poverty as originally defined by Rowntree (Stitt and Grant, 1993: 100). In both cases, this conception of poverty is used as a heuristic device – even the most vehement critics of poverty research would be hard pressed to argue that this approach exaggerated the extent of poverty.
However, since the 1960’s a more expansive, ‘relative’ approach to the definition and measurement of poverty has taken hold, partly as a result of the groundbreaking work of Peter Townsend (eg. 1979, 1993). In this view poverty describes an inability to obtain the ‘conditions of life’ which allow individuals to participate in the customary roles and norms of behaviour of a society (Townsend, 1979). Similarly, Gordon et al. (2001: 9) refer to poverty in terms of ‘the enforced lack of socially perceived necessities’. Although budget standards approaches are generally not based upon a consensual view of what constitutes minimum necessities of life in modern Britain (see however Middleton et al., 2000; Middleton et al., 1994) a broader understanding of poverty is also reflected in recent budget standards studies. Bradshaw et al. (1993),for example, developed a ‘Modest but Adequate’ budget modelled upon an approach first used in 1948 by the US Bureau of Labour Statistics to describe a level of income sufficient to ‘satisfy prevailing standards of what is necessary for health, efficiency, the nurture of children and for participation in community activities’ (Wynn, 1970: 36 [emphasis added).
More recently Hermione Parker and colleagues have up-dated the work of Bradshaw et al. (1993) in order to develop ‘Low Cost but Acceptable’ (LCA) budgets for UK households (Parker et al.: 1998, 2000). In common with the approach developed by Bradshaw et al. (1993) the LCA budget is based upon a much broader conception of poverty than that used by Rowntree to construct a primary poverty line. The LCA poverty threshold is defined as:
A living standard which takes account of psychological and social as well as physical needs. Warmth, shelter and a healthy, palatable diet are necessary but, on their own, insufficient. Social integration is also necessary (such things as being able to buy presents for children and grandchildren, have birthday and Christmas outings, go to clubs or pubs, share a drink with friends). So too is the avoidance of chronic stress.
(Parker at al., 2000: xx)
The LCA budgets thus covera wide range of expenditures (from food, housing, fuel and clothing to holidays, arts, entertainments and leisure goods) for a range of household types. The budgets were calculated using pricing data derived from national retail outlets (including mail order) and, where necessary, local shops and services. Low-income focus groups were then used to validate this process by gaining information on the shopping patterns, diets, etc. of low-income households. Using this approach a couple with one full-time earner and with two children would need an income of at least £223.35 per week in 1998 in order to avoid poverty as defined above (Parker et al., 1998: 80). Similarly, a pensioner couple living in local authority accommodation and with a car would need £159.12 in order to avoid poverty as defined above (Parker et al., 2000: 85).
A similarly multi-dimensional understanding of poverty and well-being is used by Morris and colleagues in order to determine a minimum income for healthy living for single young men (aged 18-30) (Morris et al., 2000). Original survey data, as well as data derived from the 1994-96 Family Expenditure Surveys (FES) and other, ad hoc sources were used to price a budget covering not only basic physiological needs for healthy living such as good nutrition, decent housing but also such items as exercise, recreation and social integration and support networks. On this basis a single, healthy man in employment aged 18-30 would need an income of at least £131.86 in 1999 in order to live healthily (Morris et al., 2000: 885).
Using the income thresholds calculated on the basis of the above approaches it is thus possible to estimate poverty thresholds for a range of different household types using the budgets developed by Stitt and Grant (1993), Parker et al. (1998, 2000) and Morris et al. (2000). The income needed by households to avoid poverty and to live healthily depends upon the composition of households and their different circumstances. However, measuring the real ‘spending power’ of households of different sizes and compositions is a major problem when determining poverty thresholds. It is evident that economies of scaleexist within households so that it does not cost a family of four twice as much as a family of twoto maintain the same standard of living. However, how much extra largerhouseholds need to have the same standard of living as smaller households is less clear.
Conventionally equivalency scales are often used in order to adjust income thresholds to real need for different household types. One of the purposes of budget standards is to derive equivalence scales independently of expenditure data (Bradshaw et al., 1993). In this research,income thresholds fromthe most extensive and up-to-date source - the LCA budget standard (Parker et al.: 1998, 2000) - are used to adjust household income to real need, supplemented where necessary by other sources. This equivalisation scale has then been applied to the MIHL and Rowntree budget standards. A more detailed description of the equivalisation procedure is given in Appendix 1.
Whilst many of the same social and demographic factors are important predictors of poverty and deprivation in both rural and urban areas their relative significance often differs. Table 1 (below) illustrates the variation in the relative odds that households will fall within the bottom twenty per cent of disposable household income according to various established predictors of poverty and deprivation. Thus, for example, the odds of lone parents having low actual incomes are significantly higher in rural areas (1:6.3) than in urban communities (1:4.7). This may reflect the scarcity of well-paid employment and affordable childcare in remoter rural areas.
Table 1: Odds of being in the bottom 20% disposable household income, 1991 FES – Multivariate Analysis