Regional Cymru/Wales Women’s Committee meeting
Friday, 15 September 2017
Holiday Inn, Cardiff
Attendees: - Tracey Sutton Postlethwaite, Alison Boshier, Sarah Davies, Alison Aquilina, Dawn Neave, Margaret Thomas, Laura Doel, Pam Singh, Mary Halligan, Aileen Bolt,
Apologies: - Katie Hall, Julie Coulson, Helga Howells, Mia Hollsing, Jane Gebbie, Moira Jenkins, Corrine John, Jo Rao, Karen Clinhanssen, Helen Burton.
In Attendance:Jenny Griffin (Area Organiser), Bev Powell (UNISON Finance & Administration Manager)
- Welcome and Introductions
The Chair welcomed those in attendance.
- Minutes of Last meeting
These were agreed as accurate.
- Matter arising
3.4.1It was noted that the Committee is currently not operating as a Self Organised Group – it has an elected Committee, which falls outside of the regional constitution. A discussion took place regarding the constitution and it was noted that proportionally women make up the majority of our members – as such the women’s group is the largest SOG.
In order to encourage attendance from other areas, video conferencing was discussed
ACTION:Jenny to explore video conferencing for next meeting.
A general discussion took place around the change of some groups from a Committee to a Forum e.g. Equalities Forum and E&T Forum. It was noted that a number of attendees expressed their frustration with the remit of a forum, and that they lacked a direction. There are no longer seats on the Equalities forum from each of the SOG’s and therefore attendance is mainly from individual Branches. The women’s group noted that no-one present had been in attendance at the last meeting.
ACTION:Jenny to circulate current Equalities calendar, to include the Equalities forum.
- Corrrespondence
- A new member had attended the last meeting had sent an email to say thank you, and detailed her efforts in Branch going forward.
4.2It was noted that the Equalities and Human Rights Commission have launched their ‘Strategy to Reduce Pay Gaps in Britain’. Jenny has spoken to CarmenBezzina (Disabled members) and Hugh McDyer (Black members) to discuss the launch with the EHRC.
ACTION:Jenny to feedback at next meeting
4.3It was noted that Oxfam Cymru have recently commissioned research into the changing nature and experience of work, and what makes decent work for ALL Women in Wales. The finding of the research will be launched 11 October 2017.
ACTION:Jenny to circulate launch details
4.3TSP gave details of correspondence she had sent to Carwyn Jones (First Minister) on behalf of Labour Link in relation to money spent on Regional Domestic Abuse Coordinators. The response from Carwyn Jones was disseminated to the group.
ACTION:Jenny to circulate copy of the letter from Carwyn Jones to the group.
4.4Clarity was sought regarding Domestic Abuse Coordinators i.e. where they are based, who they are and what do they do. A discussion took place around the need to ring fence funding for refuge centres and women’s aid organisations.
ACTION:TSP to get further information. Discuss a possible motion to Labour Link at the next meeting.
4.5A discussion took place around the various campaign activities undertaken by the women’s group. Jenny highlighted the ‘Women’s toolkit’ available for women activists.
ACTION:Jenny to re-circulate Women’s toolkit.
- Action Plan
5.1Bargaining & Negotiating
5.1.iSexual Harassment Policy
It was noted that a number of Branches had sent in a copy of their policies (either specifically or as part of another policy e.g. grievance, bullying and harassment etc
A discussion took place on the change of attitudes and that rape cases are on the increase. The group agreed the need to challenge perception as a whole(not just men’s perception) in relation to sexual harassment. It was agreed to look at awareness raising materials for this issue
ACTION:.Jenny to explore existing sources of information – posters etc. ACTION Jenny/LD to also explore a press release/personal opinion piece linking in Christmas and the potential for further claims.
ACTION:Everyone to send examples of sexual harassment, including office ‘banter’ to Jenny for inclusion.
ACTION:Jenny to source a best practice/sample Sexual Harrassment Policy which can be sent to all Branch Secretaries as a campaign ‘kit’.
5.1.iiWork Place dress code
A discussion took place regarding the varied implantation of policies and their title, e.g. ‘Public Presentation Policy’. Members gave examples of restrictions e.g. can’t have tattoos, coloured hair, wear nail varnish etc. It was felt that these restrictions made employees feel less reflective of their communities. The group discussed the health and safety implications of dress code restrictions.
ACTION: - Everyone to feedback in relation to whether there has been an issue within their own organisation that impact specifically on women. Send copies of the dress code policies to Jenny.
It was noted there are WASPI campaign coordinators across Wales. All members should raise this in their branches and encourage participation. Also to ensure members are aware of the campaign and associated activities.
ACTION:Jenny to share WASPI petition link
The group noted two demonstration dates 1st October in Manchester and 17th October in London re: pay cap and austerity. The group were asked to promote within branches and to everyone whether unison members or not. It was noted some Branches were arranging transport – members were advised to speak with their own Branches in the first instance.
5.2.iiPro Women Pro Choice
There was a discussion about buffer zones for abortion clinics abuse. It was noted that South Wales Police had been working well in the Cardiff area as there has been a lot of conflict.
5.2.iiiStrep B
There was uncertainty of the provision of Strep B vaccination in Wales.
ACTION:Jenny to find out more about the campaign in Wales.
5.2.ivFunding for women’s aid organisations
Further to the conversation in ‘4. Correspondence (4.4)’ above, the group to look at a motion to labour link to ring fence funding. The group also discussed branch collections of women’s items that could be delivered to local women’s aid organisations. A request was made that each Branch contact their local organisations before conducting a collection in order to avoid duplication of items, and are of particular need.
The group discussed Unison’s charity – ‘There for YOU’. The group discussed the need to signpost to these services and give out information on unisons welfare provision. This should be done in conjunction with branch welfare officers.
5.2.vMerthyr Rising
A discussion took place around the set up for Merthyr Rising 2018. It is expected to expand the area to the street from the square and there will be an additional area in Cyfarthfa castle. Confirmed dates 25th May to 27th May 2018.
As per 2017, it was suggested that the women’s group work with the Cwm Taf Area branches to access an ‘equalities’ space on the larger stall.
The group will need to consider volunteers for the event, as volunteer take up for 2017 was very low. In addition, the group may need to source additional promotional items, for which a regional pool bid may be required. The event could be an ideal arena to raise funds for womens aid organisations (such as bands for £1 which would also assist with public engagement on the day).
ACTION:Jenny to speak to Peter Crews to confirmif this is a viable option before proceeding further.
5.2.viDevelopment weekend 2017
Nothing to report as the development weekend was to proceed the meeting.
Branches have been sending in their own policies on the menopause which are being collated by Jenny. A discussion took place regarding the need to raise awareness of the menopause (for both men and women) and understand the issues. The group are also keen to ensure that younger women are aware of the menopause as it can affect some women earlier in their life.
Jenny stated that the TUC have undertaken a survey on the menopause and will be launching their findings and a toolkit at the Senedd on 26th October.
It was noted that Information has already been circulated to Branches i.e. draft Menopause Policy, employer example policies, Unison’s guide and factsheets etc.
A discussion took place around social workers as it was commented that the average social worker is a woman around 46 years old – potentially they could all be facing the menopause.
ACTION:Jenny to include the menopause campaign work within the women’s toolkit and re-launch to ensure menopause remains on the agenda.
5.3Ending Violence against Women & Girls
5.3.iFemale Genital Mutilation
A discussion took place.
ACTION:Jenny to send out an update on FGM legislation
5.3.iiInternational Day for the Elimination of Violence towards Women
The group gave feedback on activity planned within each of their Branches.
Various ideas were discussed – bake cakes, dress down day, candelight vigil, selling white ribbon badges to raise money for local women’s groups etc
It was suggested that Branches pool their monetary collections to provide for a greater donation to a specific organisation. It was noted that this would need to be agreed by the Branches.
A discussion took place regarding the increased number of homeless women, and its affect.
The group discussed the possibility of a sponsored event e.g. sponsored walk? Sleep out? The logistics of arranging an event such as this were discussed, and it was agreed that it would not be possible for 2017.
ACTION:TSP to forward Welsh Women’s Aid contact details to Jenny to coordinate efforts.
5.3.iiiOnline safety for women
No action at present.
5.4 Increasing Women’s Participation
5.4.iNational Women’s Conference 2018
It was noted that the deadline for motions is 28 September 2017. The deadline for delegate registration is Friday 24th November at 5.00pm. Jenny re-iterated that Branches must ensure delegates are registered prior to this date otherwise members will only be able to attend as a visitor and therefore cannot vote.
It was noted that the number of delegates is worked out on the percentage of women in the Branch.
A discussion took place regarding the increased cost of room bookings.
AA and AB have been nominated to go to nationalwomen’s conference from the regional committee.
ACTION:Jenny Griffin to register delegates and book hotel accommodation.
A discussion took place regarding possible motions to Conference. At the last meeting, 2 topics had been tabled – the facility time cap and the effect of professional registration in education – both of which have a detrimental effect on women.
It was noted that due to the Trade Union (Wales)Act, Wales was largely sheltered from the affects of the TU Bill and would not longer face a cap on facility time.
AB had drafted a motion on professional registration for school support staff. Jenny had sought further guidance from Jess Turner (RO Schools Lead) – the motion has now been passed to Dominic Macaskill (Head of Local Government) as it crosses with local government.
ACTION:Jenny to feedback at next meeting.
5.5.iRefugee Crisis
No action at present
5.5.iiInternational Day of the Girl Child 11/10/17
Jenny re-iterated the planned film screening at Cardiff Story Museum to mark this date. It was noted that guest speakers had been arranged – Margaret Greer (UNISON Race Equality Officer) and Caroline Jones (Action Aid). Margaret Thomas Regional Secretary is also due to attend to support the event. Everyone was asked to publicise the event within their Branches and to their friends/family.
Details of an additional event being held at the Seneddon 13th October were also circulated – ‘Championing Girls Rights’.
ACTION:Jenny Griffin to circulate further details of the event.
5.5.iiiInternational Women’s Day 8/3/18
Various ideas were tabled to mark the date. Attendees were asked to send ideas within the month so that we can start planning the event.
A sponsored event was suggested and to set a date in the 14 days around International women’s day.
ACTION:Everyone to forward event ideas for discussion at next meeting.
- Budget.
Jenny explained the Committe now have to do an activity based budget, which includes events such as Merthyr Rising. The Committee is on track with their spending, although, it was noted that the lack of attendance at some meetings and events will lead to an underspend.
There are a number of promotional items still to arrive and be invoiced including purple ‘Women in Unison’ sashes and had flags, plus 2 banner stands (1 x English, 1 x Welsh).
It was noted that policy weekend is being held shortly - AB is due to attend – expenses to be covered by the women’s budget.
The AGM is planned for 25 November, which will also need to be accounted for within the budget.
- Reports
No reports received.
- Any other business
8.1A number of attendees expressed an inability to attend the AGM set for 25/11/17. Jenny stated that the dates have been set for a year, and have been advertised on the Regional calendar. In addition, other meetings have been arranged across the Region making it difficult to rearrange. It was noted that if the AGM is not quorate, then the meeting will be postponed or cancelled.
8.2It was noted that the WET seat on the Women’s Committee was vacant. Helga Howells (Wales Water) had put her name forward. This was proposed by AA and seconded by AB.
ACTION:Jenny to notify Helga and update networks.
8.3Jenny reminded everyone about the petition for the Pay Up Now campaign.
ACTION:Jenny to circulate the link for the petition.
8.4A discussion took place around the removal of the pay cap for police, and the current arrangements for other police staff. MH advised they will now start negotiating and they have balloted members this year about staff pay.
8.5A discussion took place about the consequences of the Trade Union (Wales) Act within non-devolved organisations e.g. police.
8.6The group discussed the video for the robin hood tax - everyone was asked to promote the Robin Hood tax amongst their Branches and colleagues. The tax would cover the money that we would lose from leaving the EU and cover the costs of the NHS and would be an unnoticeable cost to big businesses.
ACTION:Jenny to circulate the Robin Hood Tax video
8.7AA advised that Irene Humphreys and Pam Singh are both retiring this year. The Committee agreed to send flowers and a card.
8.8The group were informed that the mainstream shopping chains i.e. Tesco, Morrisons etc normally have a Community Officer, through which you can arrange a Pamper Box for refuge centres.
8.9A discussion took place about promotion of the activity of the women’s group, using social media e.g. blog, Facebook, website etc. It was noted that whilst there is a blog page for the group, it was not accessed widely. The group does not currently have a Facebook page, but it was agreed that Facebook may be more user-friendly.
It was agreed that these avenues all require commitment to keep the content relevant and up to date. The Facebook group could be a closed group, but there are issues around monitoring activity – in addition, not all members use this tool.
It was noted that LD has a background in journalism, and was nominated as the Communications Officer for the group.
ACTION:Jenny and LD to meet and discuss next steps for an online presence.
- Venue of next meeting
25th November 2017 – The Village Swansea suggested and Margam Park.
Discussion on venue - TSP suggested Rhayader.