Tuesday, November 18, 2003
The Santa Monica College Academic Senate will meet in B144 at 11:15 a.m.
v v Senate agendas are available at
Public Comments:
Information Items:
1. President’s Report -- Lesley Kawaguchi
2. Occupation Program Reviews -- Janet Harclerode, chair, Program Review
3. Report on vocational chairs meeting -- Bob Ware, chair, Occupation
4. Sabbaticals workshops -- Sharon Jaffe, chair, Sabbaticals Committee
5. Accreditation update -- Gordon Dossett, co-chair, Accreditation
6. Thanksgiving Raffle -- Kym McBride, chair, Social Committee
7. Holiday Potluck -- Dana Morgan, co-chair, Environmental Affairs
Action Items:
1. Approval of the minutes of the October 28, 2003, Academic Senate meeting
2. Approval of revised Student Evaluation Form for Distance Education courses --
Diane Gross, chair, Distance Education
3. First Reading of Administrative Regulations 4111.4, 4331, and 4332 -- Gina Jerry, chair,
Student Affairs
4. Approval of New Course and Distance Ed Course -- Curriculum Committee, Sal Veas,
New Business:
Action Items: Nov. 18, 2003
It is recommended that the minutes from the following meeting of the Santa Monica College Academic Senate be approved as distributed:
Minutes of the October 28, 2003, Academic Senate Meeting
Present: Barbara Baird, Alan D. Buckley, Mary Colavito, Guido Davis Del Piccolo, Frank Dawson, Charles Donaldson, Gordon Dossett, Tina Feiger, Gilda Feldman, Laurie Frederic, Dennis Frisch, Ethan Gallogly, Diane Gross, Janet Harclerode, John Henderson, Steve Hunt, Sharon Jaffee, Gina Jerry, Lesley Kawaguchi, John Kennedy, Lucy Kluckhohn, Deborah Kraut, Helen LeDonne, Fran Manion, Ricky Manoff, Moya Mazorow, Kymberlyn McBride, April Mizuki, Pete Morris, Peter Morse, Jim Pacchioli, Sue Ann Pinner, Paris Poirier, Anne Powers, Toni Randall, Elaine Roque, Vicki Rothman, Stuart Sam, Barbara Schelbert, Lantz Simpson, Michael Soldatenko, Howard Stahl, Susan Sterr, Jim Stramel, Richard Tahvildaran-Jesswein, Dayna Taus, Gary Todd, Esau Tovar, Sal Veas, Robert Ware, Linda Webster, David Zehr.
Excused: Espy Bolivar-Owen, Suzanne Borghei, Fran Chandler, Vicky Drake, Makiko Fujiwara-Skroba, Suzanne McDonald, Dana Morgan, Marc Trujillo.
Absent: Brenda Antrim, Rory Barnett, Roma Brownlie, Katarina Cerovic, Gwen Dophna, Georgia Farber, Kathy Flynn, Lynn Goodin, Janie Jones, Laura Manson, Saul Rubin, Elena Stark.
Guests: Maria Alvarado, Edie Spain, Hari Vishwanadha, Fariba Bolandhemat, Sendeu Flippin, Jo Kidd, Angelica.
Chair Kawaguchi declared a quorum at 11:22 a.m.
Public Comments:
1. Alan Buckley encouraged faculty to encourage their students to apply for the 2004 Dale
Ride Internship.
2. Hari Vishwanadha reminded faculty of the viewing of "A Clockwork Orange" on Friday,
October 31, in Art 214, at 6 p.m., and Leonard Mlodinow's lecture on Thursday, November 6, at 11:15 a.m. in the Concert Hall.
3. Sue Ann Pinner reminded faculty of "An Evening of Art Songs" featuring Suzie Hanks
and Natalie Limonick, Saturday, November 1, 2003, at 8 p.m. in the SMC Concert Hall.
4. Angelica announced that the Student Progressive Alliance will sponsor a student walk out
on November 3, Noon to 2 p.m., beginning at the Clock Tower and proceeding to Dr.
Robertson's office, to protest the effect on students of Board of Trustee program cuts.
Lantz Simpson, Phil Hendricks, and Gordon Dossett will be speaking at this event.
5. Jo Kidd notified the faculty that the daughter of Lyle Stevenson was injured in an
automobile accident.
Information Items:
1. President's Report , Lesley Kawaguchi, President
o Dr. Robertson and Vice President have been ill recently and unable to participate fully in recent meetings.
o The Coordinating Council has reached a consensus that the college explore the possibility of opening part of BAE, renamed the "Bundy Site," to accommodate the Nursing Program and other classroom needs.
o Six faculty members will be attending the Fall 2003 Statewide Academic Senate Plenary Session in Pasadena.
2. SMCFA PAC Fall Fundraiser, Andrew Walzer, Faculty Association
o The Faculty Association will be sponsoring a "Campus Equity Week" to highlight the treatment of part-time faculty and has materials for faculty to distribute to their students.
o The Faculty Association is still soliciting contributions for its political action committee.
3. Elections and Rules Committee, Richard Tahvildaran-Jesswein, chair
o The Committee has received a formal complaint that the immediate past president is not serving as chair of the Professional Development Committee, as required by Senate by-laws. However, the past president has declined to serve and the Academic Senate confirmed Peter Morse to chair PDC. Thus, Peter Morse is the chair of PDC.
o The Committee is preparing to conduct next year's Senate elections online. Nominations for Senate president, secretary, treasurer, and other offices are due in March 2004 and the elections will be conducted before Spring Break.
o As co-chair of the Faculty Association job task force, Dr. Tahvildaran-Jesswein urges faculty to join the Board of Trustees meeting on Monday, November 3.
4. Sabbaticals Workshops, Sharon Jaffee, chair, Sabbaticals and Fellowships
o A sabbaticals workshop will be conducted on November 18 at 4 p.m. and November 20 at 11:15 a.m. The Committee will notify all eligible faculty that there will be eight semester sabbaticals available in 2004-2005.
5. Possible revisions to Incompletes Policy, Gina Jerry, Chair, Student Affairs
o The Committee is considering whether the faculty should assume sole responsibility for course withdrawals. Admissions and Records would prefer that the faculty take more responsibility although they have concerns about possible adverse consequences (an increase in withdrawals and, consequently, more student fails). There are also problems involving faculty members who submit grades online. Please discuss this matter with your respective departments.
6. Conference funding, Peter Morse, chair, Professional Development
o The Committee received a good response to its online query of faculty regarding preferences for faculty development activities. The Chancellor's Office has suggested that Districts use all their available professional development monies and not try to carry those funds over to subsequent fiscal years. The Committee will notify faculty, staff, and management about additional funds that may become available for travel.
Action Items:
1. Approval of Minutes, September 30, 2003
o M/S (Tovar/Ware). Approved unanimously, as perfected.
2. Approval of adjunct faculty nominees to the Academic Senate, 2003-2004
o M/S (Kawaguchi/Tavildaran-Jesswein) to name the following part-time faculty as Senators for 2003-2004, except for Roma Brownlie, who will not be able to serve:
o Roma Brownlie (CSIS); Charles Donaldson (English); John Henderson (Physical Science); Ricky Manoff (History); April Mizuki (Modern Languages); Paris Poirier (Communication); Barbara Schelbert (ESL); Elena Stark (Life Science); Dayna Taus (Counseling).
o Approved unanimously.
3. Approval of Academic Senator, Behavioral Studies Department
o M/S (Kawaguchi/Tahvildaran-Jesswein) to name Christian Hart as Academic Senator representing the Behavioral Studies Department.
o Approved unanimously.
4. Approval of two appointees to the Curriculum Committee, 2003-2004
o M/S (Kawaguchi/Harclerode) to appoint the following faculty to the Curriculum Committee as representatives of their respective areas:
o Suzanne Borghei, History; Wendy Parise, Early Childhood Education
o Approved unanimously.
5. Approval of New and Revised Courses, Sal Veas, chair, Curriculum Committee
o New Courses from Curriculum Committee:
§ Art 10C; Art 20C; Art 60B; KIN PE 17: Boxing for Fitness
§ Approved unanimously.
o Revised Courses from Curriculum Committee:
§ PRO CR 29A: Officiating Fall Sports; PRO CR 29B: Officiating Spring Sports
§ Approved unanimously.
6. Approval of motion to have the Curriculum Committee revisit Administrative Regulation
5113, "Program Discontinuation Process"
o M/S (Dossett/Zehr): Therefore be it resolved that the Academic Senate requests the Curriculum Committee to reexamine and, if necessary, to revise Administrative Regulation 5113.
o Approved unanimously.
7. Approval of Administrative Regulations 5110 and 5111 (partial)
o From the Curriculum Committee, to approve changes in AR 5110, "Curriculum Committee Structure, Functions, Responsibilities, Meetings," and AR 5111, "Establishment of Courses and Programs Originating Within Departments" as perfected.
o Approved unanimously.
New Business:
M/S/approved (Donaldson/Feiger) adjourning at 12:43 p.m.
committee, Diane Gross, chair
The Distance Ed Committee has amended #2 of the standard Instructor Evaluation Form so it better reflects the online course environment. The only changes are noted in blue.
Once the Senate approves these changes, a system will be set up allowing an Instructor who is scheduled to be evaluated to “activate” the form within a particular time frame.
1. The instructor’s organization of this course is
2. The clarity of instructor provided course content is
3. The student’s opportunity to ask questions and/or make comments is
4. I would describe the instructor to other serious students as being
4331, and 4332 -- Student Affairs Committee, Gina Jerry, chair
Article 4100 Admission and Registration
AR 4111.4 Mandatory Assessment, Course Placement, and Challenge Procedures
1. Mandatory Assessment
All first-time college students (Matriculant 1) attending Santa Monica College who meet the criteria below will be required to complete both an English/ESL and a Mathematics assessment test prior to enrolling in a fall or spring semester. Enforcement will be carried out through the college’s student information system at the time of registration and will result in an “assessment hold” being placed on the student’s record. The hold shall be removed once both tests are completed at SMC or appropriate prerequisite waivers granted by a counselor or department chair are entered into the system. Students completing assessment tests at other colleges may submit their results to a counselor for verification and processing. Students with disabilities should contact the Disabled Students Center regarding accommodations.
Mandatory assessment will be enforced in the following manner:
A. All students enrolling in more than 6 units during their first semester (fall or spring) will be required to complete the assessment tests, regardless of their academic goals.
B. Students enrolling in up to 6 units during their first semester (fall or spring) may enroll in such units without having to complete the assessment tests by the time the semester starts. These students, however, will be required to complete both tests before enrolling in the next regular semester.
2. Eligibility for English/ESL and Math Classes
Before enrolling in any Santa Monica College English, ESL or Math class, a student must take the Santa Monica College English, ESL or Math Placement Examination administered by the Assessment Center.
Santa Monica College assessment scores are valid for one calendar year. Students are allowed to retest once every three years. Retesting will be permitted no sooner than two weeks after the initial test was taken. However, once a student enrolls in an English, ESL or a math course at SMC, the student may not re-take the placement examination for that subject area
Students may have one or more placement tests waived by a counselor or appropriate department chair or designee if the student meets specific requirements.
3. English, ESL, & Mathematics Assessment Results Challenges
Santa Monica College has in place a Prerequisite, Corequisite, and Advisories policy (BP 5272). Based upon the intent of such policy, the following procedure will be followed in granting challenge requests for students dissatisfied with their English, ESL, and Mathematics assessment scores:
A. Students who are dissatisfied with their initial English, ESL and/or Mathematics assessment(s) may retest through the Assessment Center. All students must have retested before going to the appropriate department to request an assessment test results challenge.
B. Retesting will be permitted only once and shall take place after a two-week waiting period following the initial test. Students are responsible for any charges incurred for retesting. Scores from the retest will invalidate previous test results.
C. If still dissatisfied with the scores of the second test, the student may request an assessment challenge only if his/her test results’ standard error of measurement (SEM) indicates that placement in a higher-level course is likely. If this criterion is met, the student may then proceed to the appropriate department to schedule a challenge examination. The Assessment Center will advise chairs if a student is eligible for an assessment challenge through the department.
D. Students challenging their English or ESL retest results will be asked to complete a written essay in response to a topic of the department’s choosing. The essay will be read and graded by three faculty members, and will be assigned a placement recommendation.
E. Students challenging their Mathematics retest results will be asked to complete an objective exam(s) which will be scored by the department chair or designee.A score of 70% or better on the challenge test(s) is required to move to a higher level course.
F. Placements will go into effect immediately, will be valid for a period of one calendar year, and shall be final.
4. Chemistry Challenge Examination Results and Request for Waivers
Students may take the Chemistry Challenge Examination once. Retesting will not be permitted. Upon obtaining a passing score, students will be permitted to enroll in Chemistry 11. If dissatisfied with assessment results, students may proceed to the Physical Sciences department chair to request a prerequisite waiver, which may be granted at his/her discretion.
Reviewed and/or Updated: 12/11/2001
Article 4300 Student Progress and Graduation
AR 4331 Academic Renewal
Academic Renewal is a process intended to facilitate degree and certificate completion and/or removal from academic probation. The student must meet with a counselor and complete an academic renewal petition. A maximum of 30 semester units may be disregarded under this policy. Final approval of the petition will be granted by the Office of Enrollment Services.
To qualify for academic renewal, the student must meet the following criteria:
1. The student’s educational objectives have changed such that repetition of coursework is no longer appropriate.
2. Coursework to be disregarded is limited to "D" and “F” grades.
3. The student must have completed a minimum of 36 semester units of 2.0 GPA or a minimum of 24 semester units of 2.5 GPA or a minimum of 15 semester units of 3.0 GPA at an accredited college subsequent to the coursework to be disregarded. Units must be consecutive and must have begun anytime after the coursework to be disregarded.