Troop 505 Court of Honor Monday, May 21, 2006 7:30 P.M.


Taylor: (color guard advances and posts the colors)

Thank you guests, leaders, and of course, parents who without you none of this would be possible. Please stand for the pledge of allegiance (pledge)

Tonight we are here to honor the scouts of troop 505 who have advanced in rank and to present a variety of other patches and badges. I am Taylor Clem and I am the SPL. Tonight’s ceremony will be conducted by Trevor Lauten

Trevor: Thank You all for coming this evening. Now let us open this ceremony, in thought of the one who makes this entirely possible, God. Please prepare yourself for prayer. Please join me in The Lord’s Prayer.


Please be seated.

Before we honor those who have made progress down the trail of scouting, let us remember the meaning or the scout law, and what makes one a scout.

(As each point is said different scouts comes up and light a candle)

Trustworthy, - a scout tells the truth and can be trusted to do as he was told. He does not lie cheat or steal his way through any of his challenges

Loyal- A scout remains loyal to his country, his family, his friends, and his troop. He stands up for his friends, and for others. He does not allow injustice.

Helpful – a scout goes out of his way to help those around him, he spends hours helping those in his world.

Friendly – a scout makes friends, he befriends those around him and is open with those around himself. He does not cut others down for fun.

Courteous- a scout, is polite, and cordial in all his social endeavors in all his outings, he does the small polite acts that others overlook that others over look.

Kind – a Scout is never one to hurt something. He is uplifting to those around him, he inspires others to be the best they can be, and He is a light in the world.

Obedient – a scout does what is asked of him though he may not understand or agree with it. He does not disrespect just authority, and does the best he can at what is asked.

Cheerful – a scout never gets down, and does not let feelings of depression, he is a source of cheer for others, and brings those around him up. He helps other around him, is happy and actively helps those around him hurting

Thrifty - a scout never wastes, everything a scout takes is used, and repaid. A scout never should have out standing debts. A scout saves, and does not haphazardly throw around his possessions.

Brave- a scout stands up for what he believes in and is not one to fall into to the thoughts and whims of his peers. He does not always do what’s easiest, or what popular. His bravery is an inspiration to others

Clean- a scout is clean in body actions and in mind. He does not dirty his body with toxins, drugs or the other dirt of the world. A scout is clean in everything he does.

Reverent- a scout respects all those around him. He is respectful of god, and others beliefs.

He never ruins the flag or disrespects that which is sacred.

Trevor: These 12 basic principles guide the scout down his path of scouting.

Merit badges are proof of a scout’s knowledge in the skills used in life. Scouting prepares boys for life. The skills a scout learns in his merit badges on his path to Eagle will serve him for the remainder of his life

(Presentation of Merit Badges by Mr. Pavlick)

Trevor Now, Mr. Dismuke will present the rank advancements. Will the parents please come up with the scouts as they receive their ranks.

(Presentation of rank advancements by Mr. Dismuke)

Mr. Dismuke : Tenderfoot: As a Tenderfoot Scout more will be expected of you. You have learned various skills, which will serve as a basis as you travel on your Trail to Eagle. You have learned some basic first aid skills, and how to tie knots. The activities you participate in will become more challenging.

Second Class: You have learned many things since you earned your tenderfoot rank. You have learned skills such as finding your way through the woods and treating various animal bites. Congratulations

First Class: In qualifying for First Class rank, you have advanced from Scout hiker to more skillful living in the outdoors for longer periods of time. In this experience, you have become a Scout camper, better able to take care of yourself and others. As we present you with your First Class badge, I charge you to continue your development as a Scout camper, so that you may better serve others.

Star; Fellow Scouts, you have left behind what may have been the receiving end of Scouting. Before you stretches a worthier, more mature part of your Scouting experience --- the giving part. The merit badge trail holds much for a Scout who is earnest and courageous. If you follow this trail far enough, the highest Scouting badge will be yours.

Life: Now that you have achieved Life rank, you are only one step from Eagle. You have begun giving back to Scouting by passing on the knowledge you have gained along the trail, which has led you to where you are today. Becoming a Life Scout now brings on new challenges. You will continue to give service to others, but now, instead of following, you will learn to lead.

Trevor: Tonight we have a special honor, Doctor John Lauten, Assistant Scoutmaster and also, my dad, is being awarded his wood badge beads and has given us the honor of taking part in this great event, so I am honored to introduce Mr. Halbach to present the award .

Mr. Halbach: (Wood badge ceremony) In 1948, the "Wood Badge" training program came to the United States. Wood Badge is designed to give Adult Scouters the leadership and training skills needed to provide a high quality Scouting program for the youth of America. Wood Badge has gone through several changes since its introduction to the US Scouting program in the 1940's. What has not changed is the quality of leader the program helps build and the strength of the Scouting program that helps build boys into men. Wood Badge is the advanced training program of the Boy Scouts of America.

Adults who have completed the practical experience and completed a self prepared "Ticket" that reinforces and implements what was learned at the practical experience, are awarded 2 wooden beads on a leather thong, (the Wood Badge), a taupe neckerchief with a patch of MacLaren tartan on the back, (the MacLaren tartan in honor of the man who donated Gilwell Park to the Scouts) a woggle made of leather that is the right length for making fire by friction with a bow, and a parchment certificate. The Beads, Woggle, and Taupe Neckerchief are worn by tens of thousands of Adult Scouters all over the world who have completed the Wood Badge training. Wood Badgers are considered to be members of the 1st Gilwell Scout Group.

I will now award the Wood Badge, given by the Boy Scouts of America to John Lauten in recognition of completing the National Wood Badge requirements.

Let us congratulate our newest Wood Badger, Dr. John Lauten.

Trevor: Now Mr. Dismuke has some announcements

(Scoutmaster’s Minute)

(T-shirt distribution announcement)

(Troop announcements and upcoming events)

(Scoutmaster’s Benediction)

Taylor Clem : (Closing Ceremonies: Retrieve the colors)

Trevor: There are refreshments in the back, we hope you enjoyed this evening’s Court Of Honor. Thank You