Community Action Plan for September Campaign
Purpose: To make the chiropractic doctor the authority and go to person in the community for the management of pain. This will complement what F4CP will do nationally.
Background:F4CP sponsored Month of September is recognized as “Drug Free Pain Management Awareness Month” by the American Hospital Association National Health Care Calendar. The Foundation will be conducting nationwide campaign during the entire month pointing out the abuses of Opioids and promoting chiropractic as the first choice in the management of pain.
June (Specific tasks for F4CP)
F4CP notifies stateassociationsthat are contributors (not just group members) of our plan and urging them to organize their members to take advantagelocally of what we are doing nationally.
F4CP sends a special email to member list announcing the month of September and benefits. Repeat message in July and August.
F4CP schedule aconference call with the editors of Dynamic Chiropractic and Chiro Economics letting them know of our plans and requesting promotions (We should do this as soon as our plans are finalized
F4CP should prepare a special poster for the month of September that can be posted in the doctor’s office for the duration. Explore the use of an electronic file to provide copy to members. The size should be something that could be posted on the doctor’s bulletin board. (Should be sent to doctor in early August.
Prepare a handout to patient that a doctor can distribute talking briefly about the month, the problem with Opioids and why DCs should be first.
Prepare a sample newsletter that doctor could add to his/her patient newsletter specifically announcing the month etc.
July: (Specific tasks for doctors)
Contact local newspapers (small and mid-size) offer advertorials electronically-customize with doctor’s names or association.
Contact local TV station and personally provide PSA requesting a September airing. Start requests at end of July.
Contact local legislative body (Board of Supervisor or City Council) requesting a Proclamation for month of September.
August (specific tasks of individual doctors)
In late August or early September, the Foundation should schedule a webinar for doctors to best utilize its tools during September. Has it posted on line and consider a second during mid-month?
F4CP organize special events at the Florida meeting in August.
Week One
Doctor’s Reception area:
Post F4CP poster in office
Post advertorial and an accelerator in reception area. (Rotate weekly)
If doctor has patient lectures schedule one on Opioid abuse.
Magazine: Be sure the magazine or newspaper where there is a F4CP ad is in reception area and earmarked.
Distribute information sheet to each patient that visits during the month of Sept.
Community Outreach:
Schedule presentation to local service club utilizing the F4CP video
If there is some health fair (more likely Labor Day) set up booth
Social Media:Recommend accelerator for them to post (separate set each week)
Mainstream Media; Placement of one or more advertorials should have already been completed.
Week Two (Same as week 1 with exception)
Doctors Reception Room
Community Outreach
Social Media (new set)
Mainstream Media Consider placing an ad in the local newspaper with either local or state proclamation.
Week Three (Same as week 1 with exception)
Doctors Reception Room: Schedule day when doctor visits are donated to Campaign. Consider seeking contribution from patients. (the latter is tricky)
Community Outreach
Social Media
Mainstream Media
Week Four (Same as week 1)
Doctor’s Reception Room
Community Outreach
Mainstream Media
Social Media