Using Textbk (pg 172-173) or Planner make flashcards for the following elements (spell accurately) and their chemical symbols (use correct format):
hydrogen / helium / lithium / beryllium / boron / carbon / nitrogen / oxygen / fluorine / neon / sodium / magnesium / iron / nickel / cobalt/ argon / copper / tin / zinc / silver / lead / bismuth / cadmium / gold / mercury / bromine / potassium / chlorine / phosphorus / iodine / tungsten / sulfur / uranium / vanadium / yttrium / calcium / silicon / gallium / aluminum / manganese / chromium / platinum / francium / arsenic / germanium / antimony / tellurium / astatine / polonium / xenon / radium / curium / thorium / barium / strontium / plutonium / nobelium / bohrium / krypton / radon / rubidium / cesium / ununoctium / indium / thallium / ununtrium / scandium / seaborgium / rutherfordium / mendelevium / meitnerium / lawrencium / dubnium / hassium / copernicium / actinium / lanthanum / zirconium / californium / europium / thulium / titanium / einsteinium / molybdenum / americium / berkelium / ytterbium / selenium / holmium / hafnium / ununseptium / livermorium / ununpentium / flerovium / praseodymium / niobium / tantalum / technetium / rhenium / ruthenium / osmium / rhodium / iridium / cerium / darmstadtium / neodymium / promethium / samarium / gadolinium / roentgenium / terbium / dysprosium / erbium / lutetium / palladium
(1) PRECIPITATION Reaction type of ______ reaction that occurs when two soluble
compounds(can be ______in ______) are combined, producing another _____
soluble compound plus an insolubleCOMPOUND(CAN_____ be dissolved the water),
which isthe______
(a) PRECIPITATION reactions are ______replacement reactions, but not all
______replacement reactions are______reactions
(b) (e.g.) BaCl2 (aq) + Na2SO4 (aq) 2 NaCl (aq) + BaSO4 (s)
(2)ENDOTHERMICReaction is a chemical______that requires the ______
of ______FROM its SURROUNDINGS in the form of ______
(a)BONDS of the ______store MORE chemical ______energy than theBONDS
of the ______making the PRODUCT feel______than the REACTANTS
becauseit is taking heat ______from you
(b) (e.g.)______ABSORBS sunlight energy
(1) The green chemical,______(a catalyst)in ______allowsfor
______from the _____ to be ______in order to chemically CHANGE
carbon dioxide[___] and water [___] into oxygen gas [__] and ______[C6H12O6]
(2) (e.g.) H2O + CO2 + LIGHT energy C6H12O6 + O2
(3) EXOTHERMICReaction is a chemical______that ______energy INTO its
SURROUNDINGS in the form of ______and other forms of ENERGY
(a)BONDS of the ______store _____ chemical ______energy than the BONDS
of the ______making the PRODUCT feel______than the REACTANTS
because it is giving heat ______you
(b) (e.g.)______RELEASESenergyfrom the ______ingested
(______) ______(liquefied)and absorbed
(1) Digestive ______(a catalyst)in ______allows______ to be
______in order to ______CHANGEoxygen [__] and
______[C6H12O6] into carbon dioxide[_____] and water [______]
(2) O2 + C6H12O6 CO2 + H2O + ENERGY(in the form of ATP)
(4) Reduction - Oxidation reaction(or “______” reaction) is aCHEMICAL reaction in which
one element______electron(s), while simultaneously another elementloses ______
(a) “REDOX” reactions are represented by ______replacement, ______,
and ______ chemical reactions
(b) Oxidation is the REACTION in which a substance ______(or transfers)ELECTRONS
which causes that substance to become ______
(c) Reduced is the REACTION in which a substance ______(or transfers) ELECTRONS
which causes that substance to become______
(d) OXIDATIONand REDUCTIONoccur at the ______ time and they take place regardless of
whether or not ______[O] is present
(e) Identifying the oxidized and REDUCED elements in a ______reaction:
*1. 1st – Fictitious charges are assigned to each substance in a CHEMICAL equation
(Atoms of a “free” element are given a zero CHARGE and for a compound,
the ELEMENT on the ______always receives a “+” symbol and the element on
the ______always receives a “-” symbol
*2. 2nd – Always mark the charges over the ELEMENTS of a compound from left to
*3. 3rd – To “analyze” the reaction to determine which element was oxidized and which
one was ______,note the change to the “CHARGE” of eachELEMENT
on the ______sidecompared to the charge of the SAME element
on the ______side of the equation
*a. “0” = atom of the element is NEUTRAL having ______ electrical charge
“+” = atom has a______charge (more ______than electrons)
“-” = atom has ______charge (more ______than protons)
*b. If the charge of an ELEMENTchanges from a “+” on the ______
sideto a “0” on the PRODUCT side, then that element had to ______
electron(s), which means the element was ______
*c. If the charge of an ELEMENTchanges from a “-” on the REACTANT
sideto a “0” on the ______side, then that element had to ______
electron(s), which means the element was ______
*d. If the charge of an ELEMENTdoes ____change from the REACTANT
sidetothe PRODUCT side of the equation, then that element is considered
just a “______” in the reaction
Reduced = ____
*e. (e.g.) Mg + 2 HCl 2 MgCl2 + H2 Oxidized =____
[______replacement] Spectator = ____
Reduced = ____
(e.g.) 2 CuO + C 2 Cu + CO2 Oxidized = ____
[______replacement] Spectator = ____