DES SLT Committee Minutes for Nov. 15, 2016
Members Present:
Administration Dana Jarrett; Erica Nelson, Katie Bower
Teachers- Janine Baetzhold (K) , Jen Smith (1st), Patricia Maier (2nd), Shari Rawls (3rd), Linsday Hannum (4th), Kyle Verlin (5th), Heather Ish (EC), Mary Tew (Connect), Sheri Carroll (TA)
Parents-Rachel Barger, Holly Becker, Misty Davis (PTO), Marnie Donoghue (co-chair), Sandy Laken, Brian Mobley, Angie Phillips, Jen Sidden (co-chair), Laura Wansley
Absent: Kyle Verlin (5th), Heather Ish (Related Services), Jess Martin (parent rep)
SLT School Survey- Marnie Donoghue presented survey overview.
205 survey respondents, 71 pages of comments- Overall parents were happy with DES but some suggestions were made for improvements.
Takeaways Compiled from Survey:
ESL Inclusivity- How do we get more ESL parents involved? Only 2 parents/guardians submitted the Spanish survey.
Homework- most who commented about homework felt there was too much.
Leadership visibility/engagement- Parents want to see administrators are more school/community events and want more interaction and connection with students.
SLT Suggestion: Have grade level meetings specific to the needs concerns of parents.
K-1st- Getting to Know DES and other parents.
2nd-3rd- Assessments and Read to Achieve.
4th-5th- Possibly work with Mr. Smith to talk about the changing world (technology use, bullying, changing friendship dynamics, peer pressure, etc.).
Perhaps hold a meeting with Baily Middle parents (current and former DES parents) to talk about what to expect at middle school.
Large class size/differentiated learning
Wish for more one on one time and more differentiated learning based on skill level.
Want more teacher assistants (not decided by DES but state)
Need for early intervention and remediation was mentioned.
Feedback was that most parents (96.6 %) prefer an email from the teacher followed by notes in the agenda (53.7%).
Erika Nelson- Would like feedback/constructive criticism on how best to communicate with parents regarding transportation (late buses, bus changes).
Teachers- Many compliments.
Testing- Parents feel there’s too much testing/teaching to the test. Technology (iPads) have reduced testing periods.
Balance balls- Liked by parents, but teachers expressed issues with class room space, storage for cleaning, children falling off and getting hurt.
School culture- Many parents are happy.
Parents expressed concerns about cafeteria but atmosphere has improved with a parent volunteer lunch monitor.
TD- Issues parents had last year seem to be resolved.
New Learning Technologies- Parents like the science lab and Spanish instruction from Davidson College students. Interested in outdoor learning/STEM.