Latin American History
Ms. West
Social Studies Department Philosophy
The Social Studies department at ColegioPanamericano envisions its students as articulate critical thinkers equipped with the skills to analyze key turning points and evaluate causes and effects within the social sciences. Students will then be able to utilize these skills by making relevant connections between past and modern day events, as well as understand and appreciate diverse cultures. These connections will allow students to become independent, adaptable and socially responsible citizens.
This course is designed to cover varying themes, issues, events and relationships in Latin America from Pre-Columbian times to the present. Instead of simple memorization, critical thinking skills will be emphasized in order to explore Latin America via multiple perspectives.
Major units of study include:
- Pre-Columbian Civilizations
- The Spanish Conquest & Colonization
- Independence Movements
- Neo-Colonization & US Imperialism
- Nationalism Revolution
- Immigration & Globalization
Throughout this course, students will learn to use key reading strategies to interpret various types of texts. They will also be expected to elegantly express their understanding through various styles of writing.
Students will be assessed on an on-going basis throughout daily classroom activities. Formal assessment tasks will include quizzes, tests and one major project per quarter. These will be assessed on a 4-point scale via rubrics provided ahead of time.
- 1 binder divided into 4 sections
- agmail account
- an electronic device (not a phone!)
Homework is extremely important as it reinforces what we do in class. Homework will be posted in class and on my website. Late assignments will be made up after school. Failure to do so in a timely manner will result in a zero.
If you miss class for any reason (music, sports, field trip, appointment, sick, etc) it is your responsibility to get notes from a classmate. Check the absent folder for handouts.
Please arrive to class prepared and on time. It is rude to be late.
Please enter the room quietly, head to your seat and follow the instructions written on the board. If there was homework assigned, please make sure you turn it in at the start of class.Most importantly- be sure to switch your brain to social studies!
I expect you to participate in a positive and respectful manner. Always. This means you face the person who is speaking and raise your hand when you have something you’d like to say. No interruptions nor inappropriate language please.
When I need to get your attention, I will count down from 5. I expect for all voices to be off and all eyes on me by the time I get to 1.
- Group Work
You will be working in groups quite a bit. Learning to be a productive group member is an important skill that you will use for the rest of your life- I swear!
- Language Policy
This class will be taught in English therefore you will be expected to use English in class (obvio!). However, I understand that there may be times you need to translate things and/or use Spanish. I am totally fine with that and can probably help you
- Bathroom Policy
You may not use the bathroom during class unless it is an emergency.
You will be dismissed by table (by me, not the bell). The first table ready to go- seated quietly with all materials put away- will be the first table out. Please make sure you clean up around you and push in your chair before you leave.
A positive attitude, an eagerness to learn and respect for others will help you to achieve success. I advise you to take organized notes, plan ahead for assignments, and come to class prepared and ready to participate.Most importantly, please ask for help when needed.As your teacher, my main job is to help you. Please know that I am here for you and can be available outside of class time. Just ask!
I ______have read, understand and agree to follow the requirements and procedures stated above.
Student signature: ______
Parent signature: ______