Course Outline for SELCA Training

ISO Programming

Conversational Programming

Selca special language Programming “PROGET2”

Rotary table programming

5 axes tilting Head and table programming


S3000 series controls.

Machining center should be ready to run and customer should have tool holders, tool pull studs in hand, and example prints to program.

  1. Explain main operating screen. The OEM determines operating screen. Some of important abbreviation are; sp, fp,ex, sx:Sp=programmed spindle speed. Fp=programmed feed rate. Ex=executed lines of the program. Sx= 1 second of executed time, the program actually runs.
  1. Go through F11 – F18 soft keys for machine. The OEM sets up these keys. They very from machine to machine. Purpose is to operate the tool changer and Selections for handwheel or jog function, or any other function of the machine.
  1. Go through F1 – F10 soft key for Selca. These keys are used to control the CNC. There are a lot of steps to each key similar to a ladder effect. If you are deep into a ladder you can hit the Menu 0 key twice to take you back to the NC operations main menu. To take you back to screen #1 from any place in the Ladder hit thekeys menu0, menu0, Esc.
  1. Origin Setting and multiple part origins. Are Explained in the programming manual in Part1, Pg. 2-4 through 6.
  • We can use up to 99 origins; origin 0 is Machine home and can not be changed.
  • Origin 1 through 99 is in relation with origin 0 so the machine knows where it is at all the time.
  • Shortcut for finding center of a block with use of program parameters.
  1. Find an edge by any method you choose, set origin of your choice to its axis 0.
  2. Move machine to find opposite edge to get actual value moved.
  3. Then go to MDI and type in “P1=axes name” Example for X axes: P1=X then cycle start.
  4. Type in P1=P1/2 then Cycle start.
  5. Type O1=XP1 and cycle start. This sets the correct value into the origin for center of part.
  6. Note use P1 for X, P2 for Y & P3 for Z.
  1. Tool change in MDI and in a program plus Show how to save an MDI program.
  • Will be on tool change emergencies.
  • The OEM will define Procedures for recovery of tool changer.
  • Reset the tool table, and explain how a random or fixed tool rack works.
  • Check programming manual Part 1, pg. 2-8 through 9 for help.
  1. How to set Tool length corrections, and when to use G48 I0, or G48 K (tool number) for setting part origins with Z. Short cut to use P3 for setting tool length. Reference programming manual Part 1, pg. 2-11. Shows setting of the tool parameter table. Part 11, pg. 2-6 in the programming manual Shows the O-codes & T-codes.
  1. Speed, Feed, M03, M04, M13, M14, G00, R,and what might happen if G0 is programmed.
  1. Coordinate System G16, G17, G18, & G19 Explained in programming manual, Part 11, Pg. 2-6 &2-27
  1. File Management: Show hot keys,“F2 & F7” and explain .ext files and how to create own directory, how to copy files, and download from server.
  • Shift –F2,“hot Key” to set the F2 key to use either Floppy drive or server drive for editing or copying files.
  • Shift –F7, “hot key” should be set to hard drive for execution of files.
  • Shift F9,“File Management” is a shortcut in edit to open the drive selected so you can see all directories and programs in that drive and set the path to only see the files you need.
  • Easy way to open drives:
  • menu0, menu0
  • Edit
  • Shift + F9allow you access to change directories and file extensions.
  • Then select directory press enter.
  • select program you wish to use and press enter
  • Press the Esc button.
  • File management help in the programming manual starting Part 1, pg. 3-20
  1. Program structures, creating programs, and editing.G90= absolute, G91= incremental,I = one characterstring is incremental; example X5 Y3I Z1 this line means X & Z are absolute and Y is incremental. Show all keys for advanced editing. Reference to the manual,Part 1, pg. 3-1
  1. Show graphics while programming & Explain graphics keys and the differences between graphics mode and edit mode. Reference in manual, Part 1, pg. 3-6 through 11
  1. Program G81-through G88 Use of conversational and program special drill codes G781 through G796. Reference to fixed cycles in programming manual, Part 11, pg. 2-20 through 24.
  • Reference to super fixed cycles in programming Manual Part 11, Pg. 5-18 through 20.
  • Program references in Director: outline \ drilling \ g81, g82, g83, g84, g85, g86, g781, g791
  1. Execute a program on machine then show how to do fast searches using fast and normal keys. Reference to manual Part 1, pg. 4-5 through 9. Reference to program example in directory: outline \ sub_rout \ call.Example of typical call program:
  • N3 [G733D1=.002 [good finish settings
  • N4 [G733K.007D1=.007[good semi finish settings for 0.01 inch stock
  • N7 [G52X0Y0Z0 [OFFSET SHIFT FOR any axes or G851
  • N9 M3S3000F400 [SET FEED & spindle speed + turn on spindle
  • N12 [G54 [XMIRROR
  • N13 [G55 [Y MIRROR
  • N14 [G57 [XY MIRROR
  • N15 LG:\programname;[CALL PROG FROM HARD DRIVE
  • N16 M30 [End of program
  1. Subroutines: L=1, L1 K5, this format is a counter above M30.
  • Internal sub programs:L1 through L99 can be used for internal subprograms. L5 for example in the main program is a call and looks for L=5 under the M30. Note: a subprogram under M30 must begin with (L=?), body of program, and then end with G32.
  • External subprograms: Cancall a program fromanother program using,“LG: \name; “will execute a program in the hard drive defined by the program name. LG: \DIR\SUB DIR\ Program name; Will Execute a program from any drive with correct path listed in call. Above line “LG:” means look in G drive which is the hard drive. “\DIR” = main directory in hard drive or file folder in windows language. “SUB DIR” = file folder inside file folder. “\Program name;” = Name of program ending in file extension of .PRG
  • Reference to manual Part 11, pg. 4-7
  • Reference to program examples:outline\sub_rout\call, autocall, autotool, insidlop, & simploop
  1. Program for cutter comp, G49 I= (Radius of End mill) or G49 K= (Active tool #), and G41,G42, G40. Show collision control for cutter comp, D0=1. Reference to manual Part 11, pg.2-13 Reference to program examples: outline\comp-on\ g41-iso, g41-pg2, g41-coll, & g41-d01
  1. Rotation start point for all angle position isat the3:00 position on a dial clock, this equals angle zero, for all Selca programming.CCW “counter clock wise” is a plus value. CW “clock Wise” is a minus value.
  1. Common off set of Origin uses, G52 Reference to manual; Part 11, pg.2-16
  1. Axes angular shifts uses, G51 Reference to manual; Part 11, pg.2-16
  1. Mirroring Axes use, G54 – G59 Reference to manual; Part 11, pg. 2-19 Reference to programming examples; outline\iso-3dg\ g54-iso
  1. Show G851XYZ uses for blending on the fly. Reference manualPart 11, pg. 6-5
  1. This is the end of ISO programming part and start of conversational part.
  1. Program polygonal pockets, circle pockets, plus G73, G787 & G797. Reference to manual; Part 11, pg. 5-12 through 13 & 5-47 Reference to program examples; outline\pockets\g73-77, g77-d0-3, g77point, pocket, parallel, & g787
  1. Polar coordinate programming works, “G75 cancels” “G76” turns on Polar where X= radius & Y=angle. Reference to manual; Part 11, pg. 2-8 Reference to programming examples; outline\comp-on\g76
  1. Show how G754, G753 works, “Axis reversal”. Reference to manual; Part 11, pg. 5-13 Reference to program examples; outline\iso-3dg\g754iso
  1. Show Scaling factor and how it can be used to ramp out a Profile.G61 K1.05, or G61 X1.05Y1.05Z1.05 Reference to manual; Part 11, pg. 2-28 Reference to programming examples; outline\extras\ramp-out
  1. Show G846XY uses to neglect Z in program and test on machine. Reference to manual; Part 11, pg. 6-5
  1. Axis travel delimitation G761 Reference to manual; Part 11, Pg. 5-21 Reference to program examples; outline\advanced\g761-iso, g761-zlv
  1. Spiral milling G735 Reference to manual; Part 11, pg. 5-45 Reference programming examples; outline\iso-3dg\g735iso, ex8-g735, ex6-g735, &pk735iso. Thread millingin outline\paramete\idthread, odthread. Note: J2 allows start at the bottom and work to top in the G735 block.
  1. Engraving; Reference to manual; Part 11, pg. 5-40 Reference to programming examples; outline\extras\engrave
  1. Show in graphic how to see outline of profile, L=1 after G49Irad, In front of program, (G49 I0, $5-13”for different colors”, L1 K1,) Reference to manual for color changes in graphics. Part 1, pg. 3-9 Reference to programming examples; outline\ex-files\g666-iso, ex7-g666, & profchek
  1. Create a program to pick corners out with smaller tool at first. At the programmed block containing G41 D0=1, add D2=1. At end of program add this line; 666Lname: Then must execute this program in graphic mode. Reference to manual; part 11, pg. 3-14 Reference to program examples; outline\ex-files\g666-iso, & ex7-4
  1. Show what compile does and explains how programs can be written here and ran on a Fanuc. Also uses for G62 K2= Incremental I & J values, G62 K1= absolute I & J, to run Fanuc Program on Selca. Reference to manual; Part 11, pg. 2-10
  1. End of conversational programming part and start of PROGET2
  1. Proget2 programming course. Reference to manual; Part 11, pg. 3-1 Reference to programming examples; outline\ex-files\ ex1, ex2, ex3, ex4, ex5, ex6, & ex8
  • REFERENCE SHEET NOTES: for PROGET2 programming.
  • All block lines must start with a “G code” after the comp is turned on.
  • G10= Start location point on a line, withunknown angle
  • G11= End location point on a line, withunknown angle and you can have multiple end points.
  • G13= Ruler and Protractor where XY= location point on a line and J= Known angle
  • G20= Compass where “XY” location = known center point of circle andI= Radiusof circle. The sign of the radius indicates direction of cut, where CCW radius is a plus value,CW radius is negative value.
  • G21= Circle template I= radius J= Chamfer.
  • Special function proget2 only- G40, G41, G42 “must define the approach type” whereK2 is a circular approach type to turn cutter radius comp on or off. K1 is a linear approach type.
  • A line pierces a circle in two places.K1= first intersection point. K2= Second intersection point. These codes are place in the lines with G10-G11-&G13 only.
  1. Profile pocket programming with or with out section profiling,G777, G701, G778. Proget2 works best for this G777. Reference in manual; Part 11, pg. 5 -7 Reference to program examples; outline\ex-files\ ex1-g777, ex7g777
  1. Parametric programming. Reference to manual; Part 11, pg. 4-1. Reference to programming examples; outline\paramete\nwfacexz, ECT.
  • Parameter programming Conditional branch = {if then} L1go to.
  • Greater than is: >
  • Less than is: <
  • Greater than or equal to is: >=
  • Less than or equal to is: <=
  • Other than is:
  • Math functions on page 36 of hand outEnter like P1=(value)
  1. Element programming. Reference to manual; Part 11, pg.3-24 through 30. Reference to program example; outline\elements\ex19, drlprofj, prof-drl
  1. 2.5-D programming with section profiles and simple form. Reference to manual; Part11, pg.5-34 & 35 Reference to programming examples;outline\advanced\g736-f, g726rule, rulesurf, g726surf, & g736-m
  1. End of advanced Proget2 programming and start rotary training.
  1. Rotary table work 201/G203.Reference to manual; Part 11, pg. 5-27 Reference to programming examples; outline\rotary\ g201-a, g201b, g201c, g201-pmrotpock
  1. End of rotary and start of 5 Axes training.
  1. 5 axis head programming. Reference to manual; part 11, pg. 5-31 Reference to programming examples; outline\5axes\ g69, g69g68, g6869751, g748, g748-749, & 5axescal
  1. End of course.
  1. See program examples by clicking on hyperlink.

This information provided by K.C. Sales & Service Inc. Please call to schedule a training appointment to: ATTN: Charles Harrington,

K.C. Sales & Service Inc.

338 Willow St.

Howard City, MI49329

Office # 231-937-7886

Fax # 231-937-6742

Cell # 616-304-7932


Average training times:

Basic training course to #21 of the above course outline manual: 8 Hours, of instruction.

Conversational training, to #33 of the above course outline manual: 8 Hours, of additional instruction. During this time we usually make sure your network connections are correctly set up and working, plus we also make sure your post processor is posting programs for Selca correctly, “if not I will assist in modifying your post”, “this is done at the normal service rate”.

Advanced 2.5-D programming and Proget2 language training to #39 of the above course outline manual, typically takes an additional 8 Hours, of instruction. This type of training is usually for customers who do not use CAD CAM software for programming.

Rotary and 5 Axes training will end the programming course and usually takes about 8 hours each for complete training, with actual job running proof on customer’s part.

Probe Training, tool touch probe takes about 4 hours of training time to complete, center measure probe takes about 8 hours to complete full training course.