COMMUNICATION 214 | Radio Management | Fell 180 | Fall 2016
OFFICE:016B Fell Hall (In Main Office Area of WZND)
PHONE:(630) 401-2181
OFFICE HOURS:Monday 11AM to 1PM and by appointment
Keith, Michael C. (2010). The Radio Station. (8th Edition). Burlington, MA: Focal Press.
1 3-ring Binder (Provided to you)
1 package of dividers (Provided to you)
1-day planner/calendar (Whatever works for you, organization is key!)
The purpose of this course is to enhance your knowledge of the day-to-day operation of a radio station and the environment in which radio functions. You will also gain experience in the special event planning and coordination. Each person will gain further knowledge in their respective department. Full operation of WZND as a business and a radio station is expected to be maintained by all directors and assistants throughout the semester.
Upon successful completion of this course you will have learned:
1. Be capable of performing all job duties for your department and all general duties for directors and assistants as listed in the WZND Constitution.
2. Provide the Bloomington-Normal, ISU and World Wide Web communities with a quality entertainment/information radio service and further established WZND as a responsible member of these communities.
3. Be a successful contributing member of the WZND Board of Directors by participating in Directors’ Meetings and thoughtfully considering all issues brought before this Board. Evaluating ideas, making suggestions, sharing your opinions and cooperating with other members to make decisions that will further improve WZND are important components to a successful Board of Directors.
4. Set and accomplish measurable department and station goals that will further the progress of WZND.
5. Develop the necessary leadership and organizational skills for working within a broadcast business environment.
6. Insure the continued success of WZND through selection and training of new directors and assistants.
7. Improve your radio and business skills and make yourself more marketable in your chosen field.
Students will be evaluated in several different areas. Students will also be
evaluated on the variety of skills and knowledge acquired in this course and the development of their leadership and management skills.
1. Management Content: Students will be evaluated on their management and leadership skills.
- Time Management—Students will be evaluated on their use of work time per week for completing required office hours, meeting attendance, holding necessary meetings, and prioritizing tasks.
- Department Management—Students will be required to manage the staff and work of one department in the radio station. Besides the regular work associated with the department, goals will be established at the start of each semester that must be accomplished. The student assists in the creation of the goals.
- Radio Station Management—As a group, students are responsible for the overall running of the radio station WZND. No department is successfully able to run without the cooperation of the other departments. Students will be evaluated on their teamwork approach to running the radio station and their efforts and success in improving the radio station.
2.Portfolio—Each student will prepare a portfolio reflective of their individual work over the course of the semester. Portfolios may consist of written work and recorded work depending upon the student’s department responsibilities.
- Examinations—Students will take quizzes during the semester and one exam will be given.
- Department Research Paper—Students will research their specific job at WZND using The Radio Station.
There are book chapters that you specifically should refer to in your paper. We will discuss this. Certain sections of the chapters will be more relevant to your job. Every student should use elements from Chapter 1.
All students will receive an individual midterm and department midterm evaluation. This class is based on a thousand-point scale as follows:
Time Management200
Department Management300
Station Management100
Research Paper100
Quizzes 50
Total 1000
**Late assignments will be penalized 25% per day. All assignments must be completed in order to receive a passing grade in this course. Assignments more than one week late will not be accepted. If you anticipate issues for a deadline, please contact me BEFORE the due date. I’ll have to assume the worst if you warn me the day of an assignment.
This is your class. You are here to learn how a radio station functions. You are also here to learn how to become a manager. Ask questions, offer suggestions, share your observations. One of the best ways to learn is from each other.
18/23Intro to Class and ISU’s Radio History
28/30Constitution and Policies
39/6Hiring and Portfolios
49/13Project Mgmt., Time Mgmt. & Goals
59/20Office Communication
Quiz on Week 1-4
69/27Branch Organization, General Manager/FA/DE
710/4Studio Manager, Front Office, Engineering
Department Paper Due
910/18News and Sports
1010/25 Production/Imaging, Multimedia, Social Media
1111/1Promotions, PR, ER
1211/8 Client Services and Traffic
1311/15TV10-MBO/Portfolio Work Day
1411/22Fall Break
1511/29Portfolio Due
1612/6Review/Final Recommendations
17 FinalFinal
Any student needing to arrange a reasonable accommodation for a documented disability should contact Student Access and Accommodation Services at 350 Fell Hall, 438-5853.
Life at college can get very complicated. Students sometimes feel overwhelmed, lost, experience anxiety or depression, struggle with relationship difficulties or diminished self-esteem. However, many of these issues can be effectively addressed with a little help. Student Counseling Services (SCS) helps students cope with difficult emotions and life stressors. Student Counseling Services is staffed by experienced, professional psychologists and counselors, who are attuned to the needs of college students. The services are FREE and completely confidential. Find out more at or by calling (309) 438-3655.