Mainstreaming e-Development: Implementing National ICT Strategies (Session 2) – Oct 20th, 2004


Washington DC Participants:

Nagy Hanna, Chair of the e-Development TG, Senior Adviser, ISGVP

Khaled Sherif, Sector Manager, ECSPF, World Bank

Samia Melhem, Senior Operations Officer, infoDev, World Bank

Oleg Petrov, Moderator & Facilitator of the e-Development Thematic Group

Armenia Participants:

Government of the Republic of Armenia

Ms. Mary Harutunyan, Head of the Information Department

Phone:(374 1) 52 87 12, E-mail:,

Information Technologies Development Support Council
Mr. Armen Grigoryan, Secretary

Phone:(374 1) 55 95 16, E-mail:,

Ministry of Education and Science

Mr. Robert Stepanyan, Head of the Department

Phone: (374 1) 58 01 26, E-mail: ,

Central Bank of Armenia

Mr. Samvel Arakelyan,

Head of IT Operations Department
Phone: (374 1) 54 25 82;

E-mail: ,

Civil Service Council
Mr. Khachatur Bezirjian,

Advisor to the President

Phone: (374 1) 53 04 37,


Ministry of Social Security

Mr. Araik Petrosyan,

Deputy Minister,

Phone: 565365

fax 563791


"Norq" Ministry of Social Security

Mr. Hayk Chobanyan,

Executive Director of Information Analytical Center

tel. 247502, 240572,

mobile. (374 9) 412506


RA Minister of Justice

Mr. David Harutyunyan, (or his deputy)

tel. 582157


Civil Service Council

Mr. Manvel Badalyan,


Phone. 528660


IT Foundation

Mr.Garegin Chougaszyan


Phone (374 1) 52 82 82


Ministry of Finance and Economy

Mr. Arthur Zaprosyan,

Head of IT Department,

tel. 595209,

mobile (374 9) 488585


Ministry of Regional Administration

Mr. Vache Terteryan

Phone: 52 26 82


RA Government

Mr. Grigor Margaryan

Head of the Communication department within the Government of RA

Phone: 52 79 15


RA Ministry of Foreign Affairs

Mr. Vahe Aghabekiants

Advisor to Minister


Phone: 54 40 41 +209

RA Ministry of trade and economic development

Mr. Aram Mayilyan

Head of the IT development department


Ms. Jenya Azizyan

Senior specialist of the IT development department


Phone: 56 68 61

RA Ministry of transport and communication

Mr. Ashot H. Sargsyan

Vice chairman of the Informatization department


Phone (374 1) 52 66 30

Mr. Ashot P. Sargsyan

Officer on ICT technical installation


Phone: 58 10 47

E-Armenia Foundation
Levon S. Galstyan,

Executive Director
Phone:(374 1) 57 02 60, (374 9) 42 52 27,

E-mail: ,
Hakob Hakobyan, Armenia Development Gateway

Project Director,


Arman Kouchoukyan

Deputy Director


Phone (374 1) 27 88 16


David Sandukhchyan

Project manager


Phone (374 1) 58 36 20

Internet Society of Armenia

Grigor Saghyan

Vice president


Phone (374 1) 52 63 26

Azerbaijan Participants:

Elmir Velizadeh - Office of President of Azerbaijan, Chief of Center of Information Resosurces and Technologies

ltimas Mammadov- Ministry of Communications and IT, adviser to the minister

Sahib Nacafov - Ministry of Communications and IT, chief engineer

Ilyas Aylisli - Head of "E-govenrment" project team

Jamil Ismayд╠lov - "E-govenrment" project manager

Georgia Participants:

Peter Mamradze - Head of the State Chancellery

Malkhaz Chrelashvili - State Chancellery

Anna Nakashidze - GeorgianState Communication Commission

Irakli Pantskhva - Head of the General Courts Department

Kote Vardzelashvili - Deputy Minister of Justice

David Gogichaishvili - UNDP

Leri Gigineishvili - Institute of Informatics and Telecommunications

Merab Lebanidze - Regional Development Agency

Giga Shubitidze - Department of General Courts

Teimuraz Kancheli - Georgia Gateway

Nino Inasaridze - Georgia Gateway

Kazakhstan Participants:

Esekeev Kuanyshbek,

Deputy Chairmanof Informatization, Agency of Information and Communications

Shuzheeva Aziza,

Head of Department of Informatization, Agency of Information and Communications


Zhailaubaeva Asiya,

Deputy Department of Informatization, Agency of Information and Communications

Isin Nurlan,

President, ZAO “NIT”

Sarsenov Saken,

Vice-President, ZAO “NIT”

Ensebaev Ruslan,

Head of E-Government Department , ZAO “NIT”

Kremenchutsky Anatoly,

General Designer Head, ZAO “NIT”

Bigarinov Rustem,

General Designer Head, ZAO “NIT”

Kaysinova Nurgul,

Head of Department, ZAO “NIT”

Kazkenov Beibit,

Head of Government Database Department, ZAO”NIT”

Afonin Yuri

Main Engineer - programmer

Kyrgyzstan Participants:

Mr. Zakir Kenzhebaev

Mr. Abdykalil Tokoev

Mr. Ulan Nurgazievich Brimkulov

Dean of the KAF-Internet department

tel. 62-01-39

Mr. Jumaliev Kubanychbek Satarovich

Secretary of Kaf-Internet department

Tel. 62-01-39

Mr. Kydyraliev Turgun Naamatovich

GSAC/GTAC consultant

Tel. 62-03-57,

Mr. Nurbek Turdukulov

Deputy Minister, MOTCTel. 611176

Mr. Nurmatov Bayish Nurmatovich

Deputy Director of State Communication Agency


Lysogorov Yuri Evgenievich

Director of State Agency on IT


Nurdin Shakirov

Deputy Director of State Agency on IT

Abdullaev Talant Tynychbekovich

IT consultant, UNDP


Ten Anatoly Anatolievich

Technical director of Kyrgyztelecom


Nurbek Tochubaev

Public Fund “Information future”


Moldova Participants:

Sergiu Sîtnic - Deputy Director General of the Moldovan Department of Information

Tel: +373 22 504 421; fax: 228 020

Technologies (DIT)

Emil Guţu, - Director Digital Development foundation,

Tel: +373 22 271 646; fax 753572

Victor Burunsus – Project Officer, ECSPF,

Tel: +373 22 233 565; Fax: 237 053

Sergiu Panaghiu – Office Technology Specialist,

Tel: +373 22 233 565; Fax: 237 053

Ukraine Participants:

Lyudmila Musina– Deputy Minister, Ministry of Economy and European Integration of Ukraine

Peter Yatsuk, Deputy Director of the State Department of Telecommunication and Informatization

Igor Yukhnovski, Deputy Head of the Committee of science and education of Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine

Evgen Kolotilov – Executive director , CEO of Ukraine E-Development Association

Yuriy Primak – post graduate, National Academy of Public Administration, Office of the President of Ukraine

Ivan Atamanchuk – post graduate, National Academy of Public Administration, Office of the President of Ukraine

Vitaliy Baev – post graduate, National Academy of Public Administration, Office of the President of Ukraine

Uzbekistan Participants:

Ms. Abdullaeva Sh. "Deputy Minister, Agency for Foreign Economic Relations"

Mr. A. Mamatkhanov"Head of Living Standards Division,Ministry of Economy"

Mr. A. Makhkamov "International Economic Relations Division Head, Ministry of Foreign Affairs"

Mr. Sh.Valiev"Deputy Chairperson, State Statistics Committee of the Republic of Uzbekistan"

Mr. A Khodjaev "Deputy General Director, Uzbek Agency of Communication аnd Informatization"

Mr. N.Talibdjanov "Uzbekistan Development Gateway Project Manager, Center for Economic Research"

Mr. L. Norov "Development Officer, Center for Economic Research"

Mr. O.Khan "Manager,Private Communication Group,“ALCATEL SEL AG”

Mr. Fazliddin Rakhimov “Procurement Officer, World Bank”

Mr. Vadim Strashnikov “IT Specialist, World Bank”

Mr.Nasreddinhodjaev, “UNDP”