AASHTO Standing Committee on Highway Traffic Safety
May 2 – 4, 2012
Schaumburg, Illinois
Hyatt Regency Woodfield
Tom Sorel, Minnesota, Chair
Tom Cole, Idaho, Vice Chair
Wednesday, May 2 4 PDH (approx)
1:00 PM—1:45 PM Opening Session
- Welcome from Illinois DOT – Aaron Weatherholt, Illinois DOT Deputy Director of Highways
- Meeting overview, new SCOHTS members, and self introductions
- Subcommittee on Safety Management update – Sherri Lebas, Louisiana, Subcommittee Chair
1:45 PM—2:30 PM Legislative Update – Tony Kane, AASHTO
- Overview of reauthorization proposalsand association perspectives
- Federal partner perspectives:
- NHTSA—Michael Witter
- FMCSA – Brandon Poarch
- FHWA – Beth Alicandri
- Discussion:
- States’ reactions and support needed for potential program changes
2:30 PM—3:15 PMToward Zero Deaths
- Update of national effort
- Discussion:
- AASHTO‘s and other organizations’adoption processes and related challenges
- Implementation steps for AASHTO and individual states
- Implementation of safety culture strategies
3:15 PM—3:30 PMBreak
3:30 PM—5:00 PMPerformance Measures and Management – Tony Kane
- AASHTO activities—Tony Kane
- Federal agencies performance management activities
- Discussion:
- What are the key issues, states’ needs, and next steps?
- What will it take to implement a new definition of serious injury?
Thursday, May 3 7 PDH (approx)
7:30 AM—8:30 AMBreakfast
8:00 AM—9:00 AMHighway Safety Manual—Priscilla Tobias, Illinois
- New Chapters on Freeways and Interchanges – Jim Bonneson, Kittelson and Associates
- Discussion items:
- CMF approval process
- Implementation activities – upcoming needs
9:00 AM—9:30 AMHuman Factors Guide
- Update on NCHRP Report 600 – John Campbell, Battelle
- Discussion:
- Implementation opportunities and support needs
- Integration with the Highway Safety Manual
9:30 AM—10:30 AMSHRP2 Naturalistic Driving Study
- TRB update—Ken Campbell, SHRP2
- AASHTO SHRP2 implementation activities
- Implementation Discussion—Tom Welch
- Discussion items:
- Research questions
- Research and database support needs
10:30 AM—10:45 AM Break
10:45AM—11:30 AM What’s New in EMS
- CrashHelp, Web and Smart Phone Technologies for EMS – Benjamin Schooley, Claremont Graduate University
- Alabama’s First Responder Solution Technique – Tim Barnett, Alabama
- Discussion
11:30 AM—12:00 PMSpeeding and Speed Management
- GHSA survey on speeding and aggressive driving – Barbara Harsha, GHSA
- Discussion:
- State experiences and strategies
- Increased speed limits on interstates
- Next steps
12:00 PM—1:30 PMLunch
- New Mississippi River Bridge Project: Connecting Illinois and Missouri—Jeffrey Church, IDOT District 8 Project Implementation Engineer
1:30 PM—2:15 PM Suspended/Revoked Licenses
- AAMVA best practices and recommendations – Neil Schuster, AAMVA
- Illinois State Police program
- Discussion:
- State programs and challenges
2:15PM—3:00 PMNHTSA Update – Michael Witter
3:00 PM—3:15 PMBreak
3:15 PM—4:00 PM FHWA Update – Beth Alicandri
- Focused Approach
- Proven Countermeasures
- Data Activities
4:00 PM—4:30 PMNCHRP and TRB Update – Mark Bush, Richard Pain - TRB
4:30 PM—5:00 PMSafety Workforce Challenges and Recommendations – Tim Barnett
- Discussion:
- Program delivery/staffing
- Workforce development
- Research and support needs
5:00 PMAdjourn
Friday, May 4 3PDH (approx)
7:30 AM—8:30 AM Breakfast
8:30 AM—9:00 AMSafety and Operations
- Discussion:
- Interaction of safety, operations, and intelligent transportation systems
- Opportunities for coordination among AASHTO and other groups
9:00 AM—9:45 AM Local Roads
- Discussion:
- State activities
- Research needs and action items
10:00 AM—10:30 AMInstitutionalizing Safety into Transportation Planning Processes
- NCHRP Project 8-76 - Susan Herbel, Cambridge Systematics
- Discussion
10:30 AM—10:45 AMBreak
10:45AM—12:00 PM Business Meeting
- Resolutions
- Committee Liaisons
- Items for reports to Board of Directors and other AASHTO Committees
- Review of research needs decisions
- Review of Strategic Plan implementation and other action items
- Plans for SCOHTS and Safety Management for upcoming year
- Future meetings
12:00 PMAdjourn