This leaflet has been designed to give you information about the topics we will be covering during November and December. It is always subject to change as opportunities for learning appear.
13th November – Children in Need (dressing as super heroes)
Wb 16th November – walk to the park (a separate letter will be sent out. We are not inviting parents to join us on this occasion)
14th/15th/16th December afternoons will be Christmas concerts and crafts (a separate letter will inform you of which class performs on which day)
17th December – Christmas party
18th December – Term ends after school
4th January 2016 – Curriculum day – no children in school
5th January 2016 – New term starts for children
Mrs. K. Wells Mrs. L Matthews
Miss. J. Anderson Mrs. C. Roberts
Mrs. S TindaleMs. C. Elrick
Mrs. K. Readman Ms. T. Guymer
Mrs. H. Fitzakerley Mrs. R. Aktar
Reception Curriculum Information for Parents
Our topic for Autumn 2 is
Light and Dark
This leaflet gives you a brief outline of curriculum content for our topic together with hints and vocabulary you may wish to use with your child at home. We hope you find it useful.
Curriculum Area / Outline, hints, vocabularyLiteracy
(Speaking and Listening, Reading, Writing) / Stories
The Enormous Turnip
The Gingerbread Man
Owl Babies
The Christmas Story
We will be becoming familiar with the stories and using them as the starting point for ordering stories and writing simple captions, finding out about characters and settings
Read Write Inc.
Children will take part in daily phonics sessions – learning sounds and blending them to make words (Watch out for more information about Read Write Inc. or look it up on the internet)
Learning songs and poems about Autumn, Festivals, night and dark
Maths / Oral counting up to 50 (saying the numbers)
Counting up to 10/20 objects accurately (giving a number to each object and knowing that the final number gives the total)
Reading and writing numbers to 5 and beyond
(forming the numbers the right way round and correctly)
Comparing weights using a balance
Discovering more about Numicon
Creative Expression
Understanding the World
Physical Development /
- Autumn – why do the leaves change colour and go crispy?
What clothes do we need to wear and why?
- Festivals of Light – Bonfire night, Diwali, Hannukah, Christmas
How do we celebrate?
Why do we celebrate these festivals?
- Nocturnal animals – owls, badgers, hedgehogs, rabbits, bats, foxes
- What do they do in the day time? What do they eat?
Moving and Handling / In PE we are continuing to learn to get changed independently
Discovering different ways of moving, using different parts of our bodies
Beginning to work on low level apparatus (benches and stools)
Personal, Social and Emotional Development /
- Learning to talk about what we are doing
- Learning to talk about how we feel
- Learning to negotiate and manage feelings