InterCall FAQs



General questions about InterCall

InterCall’s audio service (Reservationless-Plus)

InterCall web conferencing (Unified Meeting)


  1. Why are we switching conferencing providers?

MeetingPlace is housed in the Louisville data center, which is closing in 2011 and, as part of our overall strategy for unified communications, the Company has decided to move conferencing services to a global conferencing partner to improve services and deploy enhancements based on the needs of the business.

  1. Why did the Company choose InterCall?

InterCall is the largest global conferencing provider in the world. They offer integrated audio and web services as well as other advanced features not currently available with MeetingPlace.

  1. Will there be training provided on the new system?

Yes, InterCall training is available online.

  1. How do I request InterCall support?

If you have questions about InterCall, call the InterCall Service Desk.

  1. When is MeetingPlace being decommissioned?

MeetingPlace will be decommissioned on 11 November 2011.

  1. Do I have to reschedule all of my existing MeetingPlace meetings?

All previously scheduled meetings can be conducted on MeetingPlace through 11 November 2011. All meetings after 11 November 2011 need to be scheduled/rescheduled using your new InterCall account.

  1. What is going to happen to my MeetingPlace recordings?

All MeetingPlace recordings will be available until 11 November 2011. If you have a meeting recording that must be maintained after this date, e-mail .

  1. If I have a WebEx host license, can I use WebEx for data and InterCall for voice?

Yes, if you have a WebEx host license, you can use InterCall for audio and WebEx for data. Contact the MGTI Service Desk or e-mail or more information.

  1. Where can I find more information on InterCall?

Reference guides on telephone keypad commands, joining and hosting web conferences, audio features and settings, as well as online training are available online.

  1. How will InterCall handle Mercer’s CAP code requirement?

Mercer colleagues will still be able to charge meetings via CAP codes. Instructions on how to use InterCall’s CAP code feature is available in the InterCall User Guide online.

  1. How do I know if I should use InterCall for highly attended meetings?

If you are scheduling a meeting for more than 125 participants, complete the town hall request form online and someone from Marsh & McLennan Companies’ conferencing services will assist you.


  1. Does InterCall’s audio service (Reservationless-Plus) offer the same features as MeetingPlace?

Yes, InterCall offers the same features as Meeting Placeas well as the following enhanced features:

  • Bypass dialing a number and meeting ID with InterCall’s “let us call you” feature (currently available in Australia, Canada, Singapore, the United Kingdom, and the United States).
  • Your personal meeting ID is available 24x7x365 which means you no longer have to “schedule” your calls.
  • Invite up to 125 participants.
  • Live operator assistance is available for every call by dialing *0 or 00 for individual assistance.
  • Ten-digit passcodes makes InterCall more secure.
  • Increased control for meeting owners
  1. How do I know what my InterCall account information is?

All of your account information was included in an e-mail from . If you cannot find this message, call the InterCall Service Desk.

  1. Can I change my conference ID?

Yes, to change your conference ID, call the InterCall Service Desk.

  1. Does my InterCall conference ID need to be ten digits long?

Yes, for security reasons, your conference ID it must be ten digits long.

  1. What is a leader PIN and why should I use it?

A leader PIN is a four-digit code that identifies you as the host. When you use your leader PIN, you have access to advanced features that help you manage your call. Clickherefor more information on InterCall’s telephone keypad commands.

  1. Where do I find my leader PIN?

Your leader PIN is included in the initial message you received from . If you cannot find this, call the InterCall Service Desk.

  1. Can I change my leader PIN?

Yes, to change your four-digit leader PIN, call the InterCall Service Desk.

  1. What happens if I forget my leader PIN when I am initiating a conference call?

If you enter the incorrect PIN three times, you will be disconnected.You can find your leader PIN in the initial message you received from .

  1. Where can I find a complete list of InterCall keypad commands?

A complete list of InterCall telephone keypad commands is available online.

  1. Where can I find a complete list of InterCall’s international dial-in numbers?

You can access a complete list of InterCall’s international dial-in numbers by clicking the link in your Outlook invitation, or by following these instructions:

  • Go to
  • Confirm that you have created an online account.
  • Enter your username and password.
  • Click Login.
  • Go to My Dial-In Information (lower right hand corner) and click Reservationless-Plus.
  1. What is the maximum number of participants onan InterCall meeting?

Up to 125 people can participate in an InterCall meeting.

  1. Do I need to schedule each of my calls with InterCall?

No, your InterCallconferenceis available 24x7x365. All you need to do is share the dial-in number and conference ID withparticipants, or click the InterCall Unified Meeting button in an Outlook invitation and the meeting information will be added automatically. For information on installing the InterCall Unified Meeting software, which adds the InterCall button to Outlook, see question two in the next section.

  1. How do I start my InterCallaudio meeting?

To start an audio meeting:

  • If you are at your PC, click the Unified Meeting icon in your computer's system tray (lower right) and choose Start Meeting. (For information on installing the InterCall Unified Meeting software, which adds the InterCall button to your system tray, see question two in the next section.)
  • If you are calling from a BlackBerry, open the meeting invitation and click the link labeled "Click here on your BlackBerry to automatically dial the phone number and conference code."
  • Otherwise, follow the instructions in the meeting invitation to dial the local phone number and enter the conference code. When prompted, enter your leader PIN.
  1. How do I join someone else’sInterCall audio meeting?

If you are in Australia, Canada, Singapore, the UKor theUS, click the “let us call you” link in the Outlook invitation and enter your telephone number when prompted. If you are in another location, or if you are not using your PC, dial the Reservationless-Plus dial-in number included in the Outlook invitation and enter the organizer's conference code followed by #.

  1. What is the “let us call you” feature?

The “let us call you” feature lets you bypass dialing a phone number and conference code by having the system call you. The “let us call you” link is in the Outlook meeting invitation(currently available in Australia, Canada, Singapore, the United Kingdom, and the United States).

  1. Does “let us call you” work everywhere and for everyone?

The “let us call you”feature is available in Australia, Canada, Singapore, the United Kingdom, and the United States. People outside these countriesmustclick the BlackBerry link or dial the local or toll-free telephone number and enter the ten-digit conference code to join a call.

  1. What happens if I try to use “let us call you” in a country where the feature is unavailable?

If someone tries to use the “let us call you” feature in a country where it is unavailable, instructions on how to dial-into the conference display on their computer.

  1. How do I know if anyone else has joined my audio-only call?

If you want to know if anyone else has joined the audio-only call,login to the web conference by clicking the link in the Outlook invitation and clickManage my voice conference call.

  1. Can the toll-free number and my conference code be populated in the “location” field within my Outlook invitation?

Because so many numbersare used to access InterCall, Outlook invitations do not automatically populate the location field. However, if you manually enter this information once, you can reuse it when scheduling future meetings by clicking the down arrow in the location field.

  1. Can I get a list of the default settings for audio conference calls?

Yes, click hereto review a list of all default settings for voice conferences. Some settings can be changed to accommodate your personal preference for call setup (e.g., tone and name versus tone only when someone joins your call).

  1. What happens ifI enter the wrong conference code?

If you enter the wrong code, you will be prompted to try again. If you enter the incorrect conference code three times, you will be disconnected.

  1. How do I keep my back-to-back meetings separate?

Meeting leaders can “lock the meeting” by pressing *7 or #7 on the telephone keypad, or by clicking Close meeting room door in the Participant Pane on the web conference. When a meeting is locked, additional participants cannot join until the leader “opens the door.” Clickherefor more information on this and other telephone keypad commands.

  1. How do I make sure everyone has disconnected from my meeting?

The leader can disconnect participant lines by pressing #99 on the telephone keypad. Click here for more information on this and other telephone keypad commands.

  1. Can I switch between InterCall voice meetings without hanging up?

Yes, you can transition between calls by pressing #2 on the telephone keypad and following the prompts. Clickhere for more information on this and other telephone keypad commands.

  1. How do I request operator assistance during a call?

At any time during a call, you can request an operator simply by pressing *0 on your phone keypad or 00 for individual assistance.

  1. How do I mute my line?

You can mute your line by pressing *6 on your telephone keypad.Clickhere for more information on this and other telephone keypad commands.

  1. If I am the leader, can I mute other participants’ telephone lines?

Yes, the leader can mute the lines of all meeting participants by pressing #5. If you are logged into the web conference, you can also right click a name or telephone number to mute or disconnect the line.

  1. Will group mute (#5) continue to work for participants who join my call after I execute the command?

Yes, if you have selected the group mute feature, all participants that join the conference will be muted.


  1. Do I need the Unified Meeting software installed on my computer to host a web meeting?

Yes, before hosting a web meeting, the Unified Meeting software must be installed on your computer.

  1. How do I install the Unified Meeting software?
  1. In your computer's control panel, open Run Advertised Programs and locate the installation program. (Start | Control Panel or Start | Settings | Control Panel).
  2. Select Intercall_Unified_Meetingand click Run.
  3. When the installation is complete, from the Start menu choose Programs | InterCall Unified Meeting
    | InterCall Unified Meeting. This places the Unified Meeting icon in your computer's System Tray (in the lower right, near the time).
  4. Click the Unified Meeting icon and choose Sign In
  5. Enter your Unified Meeting user login and password.

Note: if you work for Marsh Agency, contact your local IT lead to obtain a copy of the installation executable and associated instructions.

  1. Do participants need the Unified Meeting software installed on their computers to join a web meeting?

No, unless they are going to be co-hosting the meeting, participants are not required to download the software.

  1. Can anyone start the web conference?

No, the host (the person who scheduled the meeting) must start the web meeting.

  1. What happens if the person who scheduled the meeting is unable to attend?

Voice meetings can be conducted without the leader present, but web meetings cannot. If the person who scheduled a web meeting is unable to attend, it needs to be rescheduled by another attendee using his or herInterCall account information.

  1. How do I join a web conference?

If you are a guest, click the link in the Outlook calendar appointment. If you are the host, click the Unified Meeting icon in your computer's system tray (lower right) and choose Start Meeting. For information on installing the InterCall Unified Meeting software, which adds the InterCall button to your system tray, see question two in this section.

  1. How do participants connect to the audio portion of a web meeting after they have joined online?

Whenjoining the web portion of a meeting, most participants will be able to have the system to call them, bypassing the need for dialing a telephone number and conference ID. Participants in countries where this feature is not available can connect to the voice meeting by following the on-screen instructions.

  1. Can anyone share documents or their computer screen during a web conference?

The meeting host must be present to startthe web conference. Once a web conference is in session, the host can “pass” sharing rights to any of the other attendeeas long as he or she has the Unified Meeting software installed.For information on installing the InterCall Unified Meeting software, which adds the InterCall button to your system tray, see question two in this section.

  1. Can I annotate the presentation and/or application I am sharing in a web meeting?

Yes, InterCall allows you to annotate any shared presentation or application.

  1. How do I get operator assistance when conducting a web conference?

If you need operator assistance, press *0 or 00 on your telephone or choose one of the Customer Support choices in the web conference Help menu.

  1. How many people can participate in an InterCall web conference?

InterCall Unified Meeting allows up to 125 connections (the same number as a voice conference).

  1. Can I automatically add my InterCall meeting information to an Outlook invitation?

After you have installed the Unified Meeting software on your computer (see question two above), an InterCall Unified Meeting button will appear in all new Outlook invitations. Click this button to add your InterCall meeting information to the invitation.

  1. Can I record the voice and web portion of my InterCall meeting?

Yes, to start a synchronized recording (both voice and web)chooseMeeting |Record Archive.

  1. How do I share an InterCall meeting recording with others?

There are two ways to share your meeting recordings:

  1. Zip file: You can download an archive or e-mail a linkto your participants for them to download directly.
  2. Online: InterCall Online will host your meeting recordingsfor 90 days.

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