Date: January 14, 2014 9:30 a.m.

Location: Plymouth Creek Elementary Commons

Meeting called to order by: Heather Hanks, PTO President

Introductions and Agenda

Guest Speaker: Judy Hanson, Chemical Awareness for WHS.

Judy discussed how chemical use is not only a WHS issue, but is actually a community issue. It is important to know that prevention starts in the home. COMMUNICATION is key!

WHS was just issued a Drug Free Community Grant. They were 1 out of 4 schools offered a $6000 federal grant (over 5 years) to research more about chemical use and where kids are getting their substances from; who is supplying them?

She left a packet of information “A Guide to Action for Families: To Prevent and Reduce Underage Drinking.” Packets are in the office in the PTO kiosk.

WHS works closely with the Plymouth law enforcement.

Approval of old minutes

Officers’ Reports:

A. Principal’s Report:

1. Referendum Vote on February 25. Don’t forget to get out and vote.

2. Thanks to all the collaboration between the PTO and Student Council who put on a great movie night. It was a success and had a great turn out.

3. Elementary Night was held at the WHS for Kimberly Lane and Plymouth Creek to help demystify the high school. It was well attended and helped parents get more comfortable with the high school. The class sizes at the high school are still below the state’s average class size.

4. Planning for next year has already begun. There will be 5 sections of All Day Kindergarten at PCE. Half Day Kindergarten will be offered at Central Middle School. Because of the increase in Kindergarten classrooms needed, Bright Start will be moved to a different location for next year. Bright Start will be moved back into PCE at some point if the referendum passes.

B.  President’s Report:

1. The March PTO meeting that is scheduled for March 11at 6:30 pm has been changed to 9:30am. The change was made due to low turn out at past evening PTO meetings. It has been recognized that the morning PTO meetings have a better turn out.

2. Lora Erickson, who works in the office, is retiring on 1/31 after working at PCE for 15 years. The PTO will miss her a lot and have appreciated all she has done for the PTO over the years. We wish her good luck as she retires!

3. The PTO continues to work with the Student Council members on events. The advisors for the Student Council are Lisa Barnholdt, Tia McAuliff and Craig Hawkinson.

4. Kids College is scheduled for 5/16/14. More people are asked to join the committee. If you are interested in joining the Kids College committee, please contact Heather Hanks at

C.Treasurer’s Report: Reviewed and approved.

1. Please remember that if you purchase something and want reimbursement, please turn in your receipts within 30 days to Karin Poellinger. () The IRS will accept an electronic copy of receipts, just take a picture of it on your phone and email it to Karin with a reimbursement form (found in the office.) Receipts over $75 need to be in a paper form.

2. Please remember to bring along a tax exempt form when purchasing items for school. The PTO cannot reimburse for taxes paid. Contact Karin if you need a tax exempt form.

Committee Reports:

Movie Night: (Myrna Sitrin) Great time was had by all and a great turnout.

Grants: (Marlene Dehm) A grant for the art room was discussed and approved.

Sweetheart Dance: (Myrna Sitrin) Dance is 2/7. Tickets will be on sale soon. Watch your e news for more information.

District Liason: (Tracy Sellman) 2/6 is Parenting with a Vision. Great seminar for incoming Kindergarten parents. Contact Tracy for more information. (Tracy Sellman )

Legislative Action Committee: Position is open due to Sarah Johansen being elected to the school board. This is a position where someone from the school meets monthly to discuss legislative topics and communicates with the legislators. Contact Heather Hanks if interested.

Meeting adjourned at: 10:40am

Minutes done by: Michele Gonyea, Secretary