Phase 3: Planning for Implementation- TPEP Working Committee
Meeting: 4/19/2012
AGENDA Recap Meeting Notes
Welcome & Updates Jada Rupley
· ICFFS/ LCFFS applications will be reviewed and the specialists will be determined by April 30, 2012. The state will have a total of 95 specialists, including 20 leadership specialists. The training will begin on June 26-29; individuals selected will work with districts outside of their own to train individuals. The Principal training for Danielson will be August 16 & 17.
· Please note the proposed dates for the training are listed below, please refer to an email dated 5/1 for further explanation.
AWSP Leadership Summer Professional development: Chose from one of these dates: August 1,2012: Olympiaor August 2,2012: Moses Lake
DanielsonInstructional Framework PD: August 16-17, 2012 Evergreen Public Schools
Marzano Instructional Framework PD: August 15-16, 2012 ESD 113
CEL Instructional Framework PD: Chose from one of these dates: August 14-15, 2012: ESD 113
or August 16-17, 2012: Moses Lake
Please note all sessions scheduled for: 8:30-4:00pm
Registration information to follow.
· AWSP framework is the one framework currently adopted. By September, 2012, there is a possibility of two additional frameworks from which the districts can chose.
District Updates
· Ridgefield- Their team has met several times since the last TPEP meeting. They have talked about creating a MOU. They are moving forward.
· Kelso- Since the last TPEP meeting they have two teachers to steer the district for TPEP, look at multiple measures for the district, and have had a presentation to the school board.
· Castle rock- They have reviewed the MOU’s and worked with making them apply to Castle Rock. They have been getting information out to the teachers in order to provide understanding. Susan Barker has been working with the principals on the principal evaluations. Jada states that the website MOU’s may not have the new legislative language in it. We will update the webpage when the pilot work is available.
· Stevenson-Carson: Their team went to Anacortes and reviewed the 5D’s with the pilot district. It was a good meeting and worthwhile to hear how it worked in practice.
They are working on the MOU’s, have aligned the framework with the criteria, and the focus next year is common core and TPEP. Their team is moving forward.
· Camas- Jeff Snell has arranged with Vancouver and Washougal district for the team to visit classrooms, using the Marzano framework. They have not established an MOU.
· Evergreen- They have finished preparing for hours of work with the implementation team. The team will be doing the role out on May 22-23.
· Battle Ground- They have selected the Danielson Framework. They have worked with their team, the association president in forming plans for the MOU. They are also using a newsletter to keep all informed.
· Hockinson- They have discussed with the Union president the MOU’s. They worked with Evergreen on the classroom evaluation and would like to incorporate the studio classroom setting next year.
· Wahkiakum- The ESD TPEP team came and reviewed TPEP with the district staff. It was beneficial to help explain TPEP and to generate conversation within. They are in the process of deciding on a framework.
Journey to Instructional Leadership Jerry Lewis-White Salmon Team
· Recalibrating the journey: This is an opportunity to recalibrate and move forward. The TPEP goal- as it relates to mountain climbing: 1) at the beginning the journey is unclear and overwhelming. 2) Becoming more clear as the team is involved in the framework choices.
3) Positive experience-the key in implementing the PLC and the collaboration-shared knowledge around the teacher evaluation, tried not to overwhelm the staff. 4) In working with the other districts in the Gorge, to keep them aware of what you are doing. 5) As you reach the “summit” it is important to work together and not in isolation. 6) Reflection-it is beneficial to realize how far you have come while looking ahead.
· Evergreen’s Journey John Deeder-Evergreen Team
Things they have learned during this process: 1) one of their first goals was to develop individuals and to help them grow. This is part of the new evaluation process. They believe that is they are going to help students grow they need to grow and develop the adults.
2) They adopted the Danielson framework. They discovered they could not effectively address all they wanted to, so they picked three indicators: A) Engagement B) Assessment
C) PLC’s- working together for professional growth. In 2004 they started the implementation process. In 2009 the Admin team had Andy Platt, come to review their process and work with the leadership team. They had him return again the following year. These two years of learning involved Marilyn Colliflower and a team to look at the process. The team developed skills together, looked at evidence and have the conversations started around the rubrics. TRUST is the key.
Currently they are focusing on the rubrics, they are meeting with teachers and working on engaging with the rubrics and they continue to be a team working with the teachers, district and union. Their goal is to have continued training and development.
Thank you Dr. Twyla Barnes
Thank you to the TPEP teams for all the hard work that the districts are doing.
Twyla feels this is the one of the most important teaching and learning projects she has seen.
National Journey Sue Feldman
Discussion regarding the State pipeline study being done out of the University of New Mexico center for Education and research.
This pipeline is in the first year of study. Outcome of the study is that they need to have the collaboration model, Principal success is dependent on the teacher as well as the teacher success is dependent on the principal success. Technology is essential.
Technology Innovations Debbie Tschirgi & Tanna Colwell
· Showcase of technology: Items featured during the technology presentation will be on our TPEP website. The purchasing information will be listed. These technology solutions shown are useful tools for the new teacher evaluation system. Some technology items included IPAD accessories, tripod, and microphone. Flip camera. Digital video recorder, IPOD. Please refer to the TPEP Website for further information on the technology tools that will prove to be useful tools for districts.
Stand up Steering Committee meeting Jada Rupley
Questions asked of the steering committee will be put to the entire TPEP RIG team using a survey tool. These questions are: What would the districts like to have for the May 17th meeting.
Going forward; planning 2012-2013, what support do you need?