Location of the action / Cost of the action (EUR) / Lead manager or partner / Donors to the action (name) / Amount contributed (by donor) / Dates (from dd/mm/yy to dd/mm/yy)
Jordan / 88279.54 / Partners Jordan / MEPI / 100% / From 01/12/13 to 30/09/2014
Objectives and results of the action
Building on our experience in good governance and anti corruption; Partners-Jordan proposes to undertake a 12- month first initiative in Irbid, Karak and Balqa municipalities to curb corruption practices, entitled “Integrating Anti corruption best Practices on Municipality Level”. The project will create a better understanding of common corruption practices for Ministry and municipality officials and local organizations and suggest remedies for prevention, through building, monitoring and documentation activities. Partners-Jordan will work with three community based organizations as well to engage, and build the capacity of a cadre of 12 CBO representatives and activists, establish strong relationships with municipality administration to ensure buy-in and support for recommended remedies to fight corruption. A consolidated comprehensive report will be developed based on gathered information, observations and review of existing systems. It will also encompass a number of solutions for the most widespread pattern practices of corruption. At the end, three meetings with municipality officials will be held to adopt certain remedies enhancing good governance practices and install them in their work procedures.
Main objective: To install sustainable legal remedies for at least three corruption practices that resides in 3 municipalities in Jordan (North (Irbid), South (Karak) and Center (Balqa)) through creating or changing municipal bylaws /regulation in participation with decision makers and local community.
Specific objectives:
1) Build sustainable knowledge and skills among 3 targeted CBOs in Irbid, Balqa and Karak, on tracking, monitoring and documenting corruption practices on the municipality level.
2) Create new tools to be adopted in municipal work practices through legislative changes in their regulations and internal procedures.
Expected results:
- Number of representatives from CBOs, activists, municipal administration and Ministry of Municipal Affairs in the three targeted areas attending the first orientation meeting (Target 25)
- Number of participants attending ToT Knowledge and Skills Sharing.
- Increased knowledge on corruption prevention tools for CBOs representatives and activists.
- Field monitoring report on widespread corruption practices in the targeted municipalities.
- Number of meetings with municipal officials to share report results.
- Field meetings with stakeholder to gather information.
- Number of new Legal Changes and Methodologies integrated into Municipal System.