
Issued to EE/Deo/T-29/08-09/T-04


______Copy No.______


Estimates Cost Rs. 10,00,000/-Lacks Tender purchased in cash

Vide M.R. No. ______

Date ______


Date of Submission : 28.04.2008 Upto: 13.00 Hrs.

Date of Opening : 28.04.2008 At : 15.00 Hrs.

Sale & Submission at :

Office of the

Executive Engineer Phone : 07199 - 225352

O & M DIVISION MSEDCL., : 07199 - 225370

DEORI –441 901

Price Rs. 1000/- per Copy by cash




1 / Copy of Tender Notice / 03-04
2 / Instruction to Tenders ( Terms and Condition ) / 05-08
3 / Special Attention to Tender / 09
4 / General Terms and Conditions of Tender / 10-11
5 / Special Terms and Condition / 12-15
6 / Schedule ‘A’ / 16
7 / Schedule – ‘B’ ( Commercial Bid ) / 17-18
8 / Schedule – ‘C’ ( Particulars of Contractor ) / 19-20
9 / Schedule – ‘D’ ( Acceptance Tender Form ) / 21

Please refer condition No. 32 & 33 on Page No. 8 while submitting the offer


Sealed and superscripted tenders are invited by the Executive Engineer O & M

DIVISION DEORI from reputed experienced agency / contractors those who have successfully executed the work of similar nature in M.S.E.D.C.L. or any other Govt. organization for the following work.

Tender Specification No. / Name of the work / Estimated Cost Rs. / E.M.D. Rs. / Duration of contract
EE/Deo/T-29/08-09/T-04 / Providing security by deputing watchman for watch and ward at various establishment under O & M Sub-Division M.S.E.D.C. L.,Arjuni(M), under Deori Division. / 10,00,000/- / 10,000/- / 1 Year
( 12 Months)

Participation in tender is open to those contractors who fulfill the following criteria:

The bidder should have executed similar nature of work in a single contract value to the tune of Rs. 5 Lacks and above. Tender copies will be issued to those tenderers only who will show the documentary evidence of similar nature of work experience at the time of purchase of tender copy.

Notwithstanding anything stated above, the owner reserves the right to assess tenderers capability and capacity to perform the contract, should the circumstances warrant such an assessment in the overall interest of M.S.E.D.C.L.

Blank tender forms can be obtained form the office of Executive Engineer O & M DIVISION MSEDCL., Jain Mandir Building, NH 6 Road, DEORI on any working days from 19.04.2008 to 25.04.2008 on non refundable payment of Rs. 1000/- only in cash or by pay order / demand draft payable at DEORI drawn in favors of the Executive Engineer O & M DIVISION MSEDCL ,DEORI .

Earnest Money Deposit (E.M.D) should be paid in r/o Executive Engineer O & M DIVISION MSEDCL., DEORI in the form of cash or pay order / D.D. payable at DEORI. Tenders with E.M.D in the form of Bank guarantee will not be accepted. Successful tenders will have to pay security deposit amounting to 5% of Order value.

Completed sealed tender in two separate envelopes viz Price bid and qualifying bid along with EMD as mentioned above and other supporting documents should be submitted on 28.04.2008 up to 13.00 hrs in the office of Executive Engineer O & M DIVISION MSEDCL., DEORI. Tender will be opened on the same day (if possible) at 15.00 Hrs or on the next day in presence of those contractors who choose to remain present during opening.

The undersigned reserves the right to accept any or reject all the tenders without assigning any reasons thereof.

Executive Engineer





1.  Deployment of watchmen rounds the clock i.e. 24 Hrs. should be at all the Sub Stations/field store/administrative office/fenced area (as per Schedule ‘A’enclosed)for providing security.

2 The security agency should be registered under Bombay Shops and Establishment Act, 1948.

3. An agreement on Rs. 100/- non-judicial stamp paper will have to be executed

with M.S.E.D.C.L. to carry out the work before commencement of the work. The stamp fees will be borne by the agency.

4.  The staff of the security agency will attend the duties round the clock in uniform.
A Watchman would be attending the duty not more than 8 hours in a day.

5.  It will be the sole responsibility of the security agency to guard and patrol the

Equipments, materials as well as stores at Sub Station & Office during the contract period.

6.  If any loss/damage occurs to the premises/material in question to be guarded, it

will be the sole responsibility of the agency to inform this office immediately after loss/damage has occurred and also to lodge complaints to the Police simultaneously

7. The cost of lost / stolen or damaged materials or other loss caused to M.S.E.D.C.L. will be recovered from the bills and security deposit immediately and balance payment if any will only be made when value of materials or damages are recovered or paid by agency to M.S.E.D.C.L.

8.  Miscreants should be handed over to the nearest Police Station by the agency

and they should also report this matter to this Office for further necessary action of M.S.E.D.C.L. as deemed fit.

9.  The Employees of the agency will not be entitled for any facility as is being

provided to MSEDCL staff. It is the sole responsibility of agency to observe and abide by the provision of Labors Acts such as Workman compensation Act, Minimum Wages Acts, Payments of Wages Act, Gratuity Act, P.F. Act and other regulation as farmed by the Govt. from time to time.

Signature of Tenderer

10. MSEDCL will not be responsible for any violation of the Act of Regulation by the security agency M.S.E.D.C.L. will not make available vehicles to the staff of agency to attend the duties at Sub Station / Store / Office etc.

11. MSEDCL will not be responsible for any accident (fatal or non-fatal) or injury to
the personnel of the agency or any financial implication arising there form.

12. If any type of misconduct or adverse report against the performance of agency

or its employees is reported to this Office , the undersigned reserves the right for cancellation /terminations of contract at any stage and decision taken will be final and binding on the agency. The said termination shall be made at the risk and cost of agency and remaining work shall be got done from another agency at the cost and risk of the security agency.

13 The agency will be responsible for compliance of all statutory obligations

under the Factory Act, Contract Labors Act, Minimum wages Act, etc Contribution under the E.P.F , Professional Tax , C.P.F & E.S.I.S Act etc. in respect of his employees. The payment, Month / weekly shall be made by Account payees cheque as per prescribed minimum wages Act in presence of M.S.E.D.C.L. Engineer –in- charge who would certify about the payment given to the employee of the agency. The stamped receipt will be obtained from this Office by the agency in presence of Engineer in charge of M.S.E.D.C.L. Any deviation to the above may result in suspending payment of bills of Agency by M.S.E.D.C.L.

14. The working hours of a security person will be for eight hours a day only and will be governed by shops and establishment Act, 1948 and overtime if any arises will not be paid by M.S.E.D.C.L. under any circumstances. Penalty will be levied @ Rs.100 /- per shift in case of any overtime duties, if not justified.

15 If will be the Agency `s responsibility to maintain various registers required

under various Contract Acts and shall be produced on demand to this office or Govt. authorities for verification.

16 All disputes, differences, arising in contract if concluded shall be subject to

the exclusive jurisdiction of DEORI court.

17 The payment shall be made to the agency by A/C payee Cheque only, within

reasonable time from the date of receiving the bills from the agency by this
Office. Income Tax as per rules/Acts will be deducted from the bills of the

Signature of Tenderer

18. The successful agency will be required to deposit Security deposit of 5% of the contract value, in cash or in the form of from bank guarantee from any Nationalized or scheduled Bank within 7 days from the date of placing the L.O.A. or the order. Security deposit will be refunded within 3 month from the data of completion of contract tenure /payment of final bill whichever even occurs later.

19. The monthly bills in triplicate prepared shall be submitted to this Office by the

agency and same would be paid after certified from the concerned and due of work i.e. S.D.O

20. Failure to carry out the work during the contractual period, M.S.E.D.C.L. will

be at a liberty to get work done departmentally or from other agency at the cost and risk of the agency.

21. Sub – letting of the contract will not be allowed otherwise the contract will be

terminated and the Security Deposit shall be forfeited.

22. The guards so provided should be physically fit and under 40 years of age.
Any type of relaxation in case of age limit will not be allowed.

23 During duty hours, the guards should not consume liquor or any intoxication and in case it is noticed any time that they are under influences of liquor or intoxication , found sleeping or found unalert , commit act of moral turpitude , penalty of Rs.1000/- per guard per occasion will be imposed. Offices of M.S.E.D.C.L. are authorized to check this in case of repetiton of same, the contract will be liable for terminations and same will be entrusted to other agency and the diffrence if any will be recovered at cost and risk.

24. The guards should be regular and punctual in duties and should not leave the place unless the reliever comes . The agency should make additional arrangements for stand-by guards, So that earlier guards will not required for a period of more than eight hours.

25. If any watchmen is found absent in shift during surprise checks, penalty of Rs. 250/- per absent per guard shift will be levied.

26. If any damages /theft /Loss occurred during the contract period but noticed after expiry of the contract, the agency will make good the damages / theft /Loss by submitting an undertaking to that effect at the time of submitting the tender.

27 The undersigned reserves the to increase or decrease the number of watchmen or change the location to be guarded depending upon our requirement. The agency will have to agree to these conditions at the same rate without claiming extra charges. Such directions shall be given if it is observed that the security arrangement provided by the agency is inadequate.

Signature of Tenderer

28  The agency will have to make necessary relief arrangement to the guards for their

weekly off /leave etc.

29 Any extra payment required to be made by the agency to its employees or the

guards on any additional duty as per the requirement or condition thereof, no extra
payment shall be made by MSEDCL. The contractor would pay the same

by themself.

30. For any detailed clarification, the agency may contact this Office during Working
Hours only.

31. M.S.E.D.C.L. reserves the right to add more terms and conditions to this contract
during the contract period if found necessary.

32.  The offer should be made as per prevailing minimum wage as applicable at the time of submission of tender document and as per the Govt. Notification on firm rate basis for the period of 12 months.

33 Enhanced rates by Govt. of Maharashtra are under litigation. If the court vacates the
stay on enhanced rates, the amended order will be issued on the same tender for awarding difference of payment.

34 If any dispute arises between the guards deployed by previous agency & existing
agency to whom contract is awarded, it will not be entertained by
M.S.E.D.C.L. Also M.S.E.D.C.L. will not be responsible towards continuation of

duties of old guards engaged by previous contractor.

35 PRICE ESCALATION : The price escalation will not be applicable for any

further rise in basic wages and special allowance. The bidders shall offer the rates

for complete 1 year period considering the hike if any in basic/ special allowance.

36. M.S.E.D.C.L. reserves right to continue this contract for further 6 more months

at the same rate & other terms of contract. The agency shall have to carry out the

work during the extended period; otherwise, the work will carry out through another agency at the risk and cost of the agency.

37. The undersigned reserves the right to accept or reject any or all tenders without assigning any reasons thereof.

Signature of Tenderer



ATTENTION of tenderers is specifically invited for compliance of the following requirements at the time of the submission of tender. If any of these requirements are not fulfilled, the tenders will be liable for rejection.

1.  Offer should be submitted in two separate envelopes superscripted as “Qualifying Bid” and “Price Bid” respectively and both these bids should be submitted in one single large envelope superscripting the tender no.& date, name of agency along with its complete address, phone no, fax no. and addressed to Executive Engineer, O & M DIVISION, MSEDCL, DEORI.

2.  In qualifying bid, the tender should submit the following documents:

·  Experience: The agency should have similar works experience at other Govt. offices. The bidder should have executed similar nature of work in a single contract value to the tune of Rs. 5 Lacks and above in the past 3 years (i.e. 2005-06, 2006-07, 2007-08).