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Washington Toho Koto Society

10230 Green Forest Drive, Silver Spring, MD 20903

Tel: (301) 434-4487, Fax: (301) 431-3346

Washington Toho Koto Society Meeting

September 19, 2004

Election Meeting at Mrs. Masae Grayson’s House

3718 Capulet Terrace, Silver Spring, MD 20906

Mrs. Okamoto called the meeting to order at 2:15 PM.

In attendance: Paul Okamoto, Kyoko Okamoto, Margaret Kaii-Ziegler, Wanda Butler Hardie, Shinobu Carlson, Yasuko Mohler, Carles Pitarch, Yoshiko Tucker, Masae Grayson, Yuriko Gandolfo, Rex Butler, Sachiko Smith, Nobuko Nitta, Jim Best, Mieko Karube, Emi Higashi, Coco Li, Izumi Tamanaha (new member), Uri Shiromizu, Seth Carlson, Meg Zorn, Jane Newman, Kyle Brady, Binglin Gong, (new member) Kanae Nagata.

Visitors: Mrs. Grayson’s daughter, Yuri Shiromizu, Mrs.Yuriko Gandolfo’s daughter Clarissa

Mrs. Okamoto extended a welcome to visitors and new members. She explained that this was an election meeting.

The minutes of the last meeting were read and approved.

The Treasurer’s report was reviewed and approved.

Mrs. Okamoto then discussed the Society’s by-laws and the procedure for elections. She asked for nominations from the floor and encouraged participation by all members. Term of office is two years.

President – Mrs. Okamoto was nominated and approved. Mr. Rex Butler volunteered to help her in her duties.

Vice Pres. – Mrs. Yuriko Gandolfo agreed to serve again and was approved.

Treasurer –Ms. Binglin Gong was nominated and approved.

Corres. Sec. – Mrs. Wanda Butler Hardie agreed to serve again and was approved.

Record. Sec. –Mrs. Margaret Kaii-Ziegler agreed to serve again. Mrs. Yuriko Gandolfo volunteered to help when needed.

Mrs. Okamoto thanked the new officers for agreeing to serve. She asked all members to let Mrs. Wanda Butler Hardie know if they had a new email address or phone number for the membership list. Mrs. Wanda Butler Hardie requested help with notification of meetings and getting calls out to people. Mrs. Yuriko Gandolfo volunteered to help her. Ms. Binglin Gong said she could help coordinate with the college students.

Performances since the last meeting:

Jan. 24Himawari-Kai at a Preschool in Virginia – Mrs. Sanae Nimura and Mrs.Yasuko Mohler played.

Jan. 24Museum Shop in Frederick, MD – Mrs. Sachiko Smith and Mrs.Yoshiko Tucker played.

Feb. 11Georgetown Senior Group – Mrs. Sanae Nimura and Mrs. Yasuko Mohler played.

Feb 19 & 22Arts League Ikebana Show at the Torpedo Factory in Alexandria, VA – Mrs. Kyoko Okamoto, Mrs. Sachiko Smith, & Mr. Jim Best played. Mr. Paul Okamoto assisted.

Mar. 28Stone Lantern Lighting Ceremony at the Tidal Basin, Washington, D.C. – 15 koto performers and 2 sakuhachi players. Mr. Paul Okamoto and Mr. Rex Butler assisted.

Apr. 3Sakura Matsuri , the Japan America Society in Washington, D.C. 14 koto performers, 2 shakuhachi performers, & Dr. Noriko Hunter vocals. Assisted by Mrs. Sanae Smith, Mr. David Smith, & Ms. Junko Tezuka.

Apr. 4Japan Bowl at the Washington Hilton in Washington, D.C. – Mrs. Sachiko Smith, Mrs. Yoshiko Carlton, and Mrs. Kyoko Okamoto played. Mr. Paul Okamoto assisted.

Apr. 4Millennium Stage, Kennedy Center – 21 performers. Mr. Rex Butler, Mr. Hiroshi Butler, Ms. Junko Tezuka and Mr. Paul Okamoto organized the stage crew.

Apr. 8Thomas Jefferson Memorial – Sakura Matsuri – Mrs. Sachiko Smith, Mrs. Yoshiko Tucker, Mrs. Kyoko Okamoto and Mr. Toshiyuki Yasui performed. Assisted by Mr. Paul Okamoto.

Apr. 16Mrs. Misue Lily Endo’s memorial service at Riverdale Presbyterian Church. Mrs. Kyoko Okamoto, Mrs. Sachiko Smith, Mrs. Nobuko Nitta, Ms. Sanae Nimura, and Ms. Maiko Daizen played. Mr. Rex Butler and Mr. Paul Okamoto assisted.

Apr. 18Rehearsal for Annual Spring Koto Recital at the University of Maryland, College Park, MD

Apr. 25Annual Spring Koto Recital at the University of Maryland, College Park, MD 35 performers, 6 stage assistants, 6 kimono dressers, and 5 other assistants.

Apr. 29Memorial Service for Betty Carter Brook (JAS Librarian) – Chevy Chase Episcopal Church. Mrs. Kyoko Okamoto and Mrs. Yoshiko Tucker played. Mr. Paul Okamoto assisted.

Apr. 29Congressional Reception – Mr. Carles Pitarch, Ms. Binglin Gong, Mr. Aaron McCain, Mrs. Kyoko Okamoto, and Mr. Paul Okamoto attended.

May 9 Asian Pacific Heritage Celebration at Baird Auditorium, Smithsonian Museum of Natural History. 11 musicians. Mr. Rex Butler and Mr. Paul Okamoto assisted.

May 12JICC – Mr. Dan Gutwein, Mr. John Walsh, Mrs. Kyoko Okamoto, Mrs. Sachiko Smith, Ms. Kanae Nagata (harp), Mr. Jeremy Miller, Ms. Diane Lai, Mr. Aaron McCain, & Mrs. Kazuko Miyoshi-Stratmann played (flute).

May 13Department of Transportation – Ms. Maiko Daizen, Mrs. Nobuko Nitta and Mrs. Kyoko Okamoto played. Mr. Paul Okamoto assisted.

May 14Korean Embassy – Mrs. Kyoko Okamoto, Mrs. Yuriko Gandolfo, Mrs. Sachiko Smith, and Mr. Toshiyuki Yasui played.

May 15Wanda Butler Hardie’s Wedding – Mrs. Kyoko Okamoto and Mrs. Yoshiko Tucker played. Mr. Paul Okamoto assisted.

May 17Terrace Theater, Kennedy Center – Mrs. Yoshiko Tucker, Mrs. Yuriko Gandolfo, Mrs. Sachiko Smith, Mrs. Nobuko Nitta, Mrs. Kyoko Okamoto, Mr. Toshiyuki Yasui, & Mr. Greg Nakamura played. Staging by Mr. Rex Butler.

May 18Army Research Center, Harry Diamond Lab. – Mrs. Kyoko Okamoto played. Mr. Paul Okamoto assisted.

May 19Raytheon Laboratories, Springfield VA. – Mrs. Kyoko Okamoto and Mrs. Nobuko Nitta played. Mr. Paul Okamoto assisted.

May 21Raytheon Laboratories, Reston – Mrs. Kyoko Okamoto and Mrs. Yasuko Mohler played. Mr. Paul Okamoto assisted.

May 25Raytheon Laboratories, Upper Marlboro – Mrs. Kyoko Okamoto and Mrs. Fumiko Shiyoya played. Mr. Paul Okamoto assisted.

May 27Springfield High School, opening of Japanese Garden – Mrs. Kyoko Okamoto and Mrs. Fumiko Shiyoya played. Mr. Paul Okamoto assisted.

June 6Folklore Society, Summer Restival at Glen Echo Park Puppet Theater – Mrs. Kyoko Okamoto, mrs. Yoshiko Tucker, Mrs. Yuriko Gandolfo, Mrs. Pamela Pontius, Mrs. Nobuko Nitta, Mr. John Welsh, Mr. Aaron McCain, Mr. Dan Gutwein and Mr. Toshiyuki Yasui played. Mr. Paul Okamoto and Ms. Junko Tezuka assisted.

Jul. 1Nottoway Park, Vienna, VA at the request of the Fairfax Park Authority. Mrs. Sanae Nimura, Mrs. Yoshiko Tucker, Mrs. Sachiko Smith, Mr. Aaron McCain, Mr. Toshiyuki Yasui, and Nobuko Nitta played. Mr. David Smith and Ms. Junko Tezuko assisted.

Jul. 23Lake Accotink Park, Springfield, VA. Mrs. Yuriko Gandolfo, Mrs. Sachiko Smith, Mrs. Yoshiko Tucker, Mrs. Nobuko Nitta, Mrs. Yasuko Mohler, and Mr. Toshiyuki Yasui played. Assisted by Alexander Gandolfo.

Sep. 12Carefund Group for Senior Day, Potomac Community Center. Mrs. Kyoko Okamoto, Mrs. Yuriko Gandolfo, Mrs. Sachiko Smith, Mrs. Nobuko Nitta, and Mrs. Michiko Cooper played. Mr. Paul Okamoto and Mrs. Yoshiko Tucker assisted.

Up Coming Events:

Oct. 2JAS Otsukimi at the National Arboretum

Nov. 12Old Dominion University – Hamada Misuki – Reception for the martial arts convention.

Feb. 28, ‘05 Barcroft Lake Concert in VA

Mr. Toshiyuki Yasui, Mrs. Yuriko Gandolofo, Mrs. Sachiko Smith, and Ms. Kanae Nagata will perform in Virginia.

Apr. 24University of Maryland College Park Annual Spring Koto Recital

Sep. 16Maymont Park Japanese Garden, Richmond, VA

Nov. 22Church of the Epiphany, Maymount Park, Richmond VA.

New Business:

It was brought to the Society’s attention that storage is becoming a serious problem. It was recommended that Mr. Paul Okamoto and Mr. Rex Butler look into the possibility of renting public storage space. Mrs. Wanda Butler-Hardy suggested that they take into consideration the future needs for storage when pricing the options. It is hoped that the Society can find a contributor to help defer the cost of rental storage on an annual basis. The membership voted to allow Mr. Butler and Mr. Okamoto to determine the best solution to the problem and pursue it.


  • It is that time of year to collect annual dues for membership. Please provide your annual dues to Ms.Binglin Gong. Membership dues are $20 for regular and $10 for associate.
  • Please send address changes to Mrs. Wanda Butler-Hardie.
  • Wanda Butler Hardie was married on May 15, 2004.
  • Ms. Diana Lai is attending Taiwan University. She will be studying there for one year.
  • Ms. Coco Li is working for a bank in Baltimore.
  • Mr. Aaron McCain is working in Japan in international sales. He is continuing to play koto there.
  • Ms. Melanie Morgan and Mr. Robert Browse held a reception on August 28 at the Corcoran Gallery, Washington DC.
  • Joshua and Ellen are getting married on October 16 at the King of the Kings Lutheran Church in Fairfax VA.
  • Mrs. May Ideta passed away on May 27th.
  • Mrs. Tetsuko Harris is working for Japan Food Corporation in Columbia Maryland.
  • Mrs. Masae Grayson will be moving to Japan permanently.

The Society is grateful to Mrs. Grayson for the donation of 30 zabutons. The Society presented her with a going away present. We will miss her very much and wish her the best in Japan. The Society also thanked Mr. Jim Best for transporting the zabutons from North Carolina.

The next meeting will be held on November 21, 2004. Mrs. Okamoto suggested that at the next meeting she will explain what to look for when purchasing a koto, how to tighten the strings, and how to care for the koto.

The meeting was adjourned at 4:00 pm.

Margaret Kaii-Ziegler

Recording Secretary