Math 54 – Statistics
Fall 2012 –Section 2675
Instructor: Gail Edinger
Office: Math Complex 59
Campus Extension: (310) 434-3972
Email Address:
**Important note: Due to problems with email from unknown senders, put the following in the
subject section of all emails: Your full name – Math 54. If you do not have this in the
subject section I will not read your email.******
Office Hours: Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday 8 a.m. – 9 a.m.; Math 54 Math lab Workshop: Thursday 8 – 9 a.m.
*Other times by appointment – note that my class schedule this semester has very few breaks, so appointment times are limit.
Transfer: UC, CSU • Prerequisite: Math 20 or Math 18.
This course covers concepts and procedures of descriptive statistics, elementary probability theory and inferential statistics. Course content includes: summarizing data; computation and interpretation of descriptive statistics;; classical probability theory; probability distributions; binomial, normal, T, Chi-square and F distributions; making inferences; decisions and predictions. This course develops, analyzes, and interprets confidence intervals for population parameters, hypothesis testing for both one and two populations, correlation and regression, ANOVA, and test for independence. This course develops statistical thinking through the study of applications in variety of disciplines. The use of a statistical/graphing calculator and/or statistical analysis software (Stat Crunch, Excel) is integrated into the course.
Required Text: Discovering Statistics, Daniel T. Larose. ISBN: 978-1-4641-0112-0 or
Required Calculator: TI 83 (or TI-83 Plus or the new TI 84 Plus) Calculator is required
This is the only calculator that we will be teaching in class and you are expected to bring this to all classes. All exams will be written assuming that you have this calculator. This calculator has special statistical functions that we will be using in class and it will be extremely difficult to complete the exams if you are not using this calculator. If you choose to use a different one, you are ENTIRELY on your own to figure out how to use that calculator and you are warned that it will probably be difficult to complete the exam on time and find the answers to some of the exam problems. If you choose not to use the calculator, no extra time or special consideration will be given on the exams, you will assume all consequences of any disadvantages from this choice.
Calculator/Exam policy: You will be able to use the TI-83 on all exams. You may not share or borrow any calculator during an exam or quiz. If you forget your calculator, you will be doing the exam without one. It is entirely your responsibility to have your calculator. Due to academic honestly issues, you MAY NOT SHARE OR BORROW calculators during exams and quizzes. I do not lend mine for use on exams or quizzes.
Attendance: Attendance is expected and encouraged. I will take attendance at every class. If you are absent for all or part of more than 4 classes, you may be withdrawn for nonattendance, regardless of current grade in the class.
If you intend to drop the class, do not just stop coming. It is your responsibility to do the paperwork. If you fail to do the paperwork, you will receive a grade in the class.
If you are absent, you are still responsible for all material covered. You will be expected to complete and turn in all assignments on time. You may call me, email me or contact a classmate to find out what you have missed so that you can complete the material. You are also responsible for any changes to the syllabus, including changes in exam dates and assignment dates.
Homework: You are expected to do homework after every class. It is an important part of this class and crucial to your success. An assignment list is attached. Each assignment should be completed after the sections are covered in class. The assignments from the textbook will not be collected, but are an important part of success in this class. The problems on the exams will be similar to the problems in the textbook.
Collected Homework: Additional assignments will be given during the semester that will be graded and will count toward your final average. Some will be out of class assignments, some will be in class assignments. The assignments and due dates will be announced in class. Some of the assignments will be downloaded from my SMC webpage. All students are responsible for downloading and completing the assignments on time. These assignments will not cover all of the material covered on the exams, so do not expect to do well on the exams if you only complete these assignments. Work completed out of class will be dueat the beginning of class on the assigned date. Extensions will not be granted for any reason, including, but not limited to computer issues in downloading the assignments. Any work received after the beginning of class will be considered late. This includes a late arrival at class, work completed during class, and late work for any other reason. The only exception is complete absence from class, in which case the assignment is due at the beginning of the first class you attend. After that the work is late. Arrive to class on time for your work to be considered on time. Late work will receive a 50% reduction in available points and will not be accepted more than ONE class late. After one class you will be assigned a grade of 0% which cannot be made up. Homework that consists of multiple pages must be stapled before it is turned in. You are responsible for stapling your work, I will not have a stapler in class. If you turn in unstapled pages there will be a deduction of 20 points from your grade. Grading will also consider neatness, presentation, completeness. All explanations must be in full sentences.
Graded work completed in class will be only accepted at that class. If you are absent from class on the day when work is collected, you will receive a grade of 0% for that assignment. THERE WILL BE NO MAKE UPS on class work for any reason. For class work the two lowest scores will be dropped, so if you miss work that will be the grade dropped. If you miss more that two class work assignments you will be given grades of 0% and the work cannot be made up.
Exams: There are 4 exams scheduled. (See outline for dates) These will be closed book exams. You are expected to take the exams on the scheduled date. NO MAKE-UP EXAMS WILL BE GIVEN FOR ANY REASON. If you miss one exam and document a verifiable emergency that physically prevented you from being in class, the grade on the final exam will be substituted for the grade on the missed exam. If you have taken all scheduled exams, you may substitute the grade on the final, if it is higher, for the grade on the single lowest exam. If you miss 2 exams, you will have a grade of 0% for the second regardless of the reason.. There will be a comprehensive final. The date is noted on the outline. Exams will be heavily based on the homework problems. You must do these problems to do well on the exams.
Withdrawal Policies – Please see the SMC website to find the school withdrawal policy. As of this semester it is entirely up to the student to withdraw themselves from a course, the instructor is no longer part of the process. It is not my responsibility to remind you of the withdrawal dates and deadlines.
Evaluation: Your final grade will be determined by the following :
4 Exams - 60%
Projects and other collected work - 15%
Final Exam – 25%
I do not curve grades. The final grades will then be assigned by your final average:
90 – 100% = A; 80 – 89% = B, 70 – 79% = C, 60 – 69% = D, below 60% = F
I will not deviate from this system for any reason, please do not ask me to. The grades will not be curved other than the possible replacement of the lowest by the final as outlined above. I will not make deals or take your personal situation into account when assigning grades. This includes, but is not limited to your transfer status, GPA, graduation status or any other personal reason you can think of. There will be no extra credit in this class.
Academic Honesty: The academic honesty policy of Santa MonicaCollege will be strictly enforced. If there is any evidence of academic dishonesty on any exam or graded work, all parties involved will receive a grade of 0% for the entire exam or graded assignment, regardless of who did the original work and how much of the exam or assignment was involved. This 0% cannot be the exam grade dropped. It will count toward your final average. A report of Academic Dishonesty will be filed with the school. Please note that it is considered academic dishonesty to have ANY unapproved electronic device out (whether active or inactive) during an exam. Academic dishonesty is not limited to this, please see school policy for details.
Disabilities: Working with the disabled student center, I will make accommodations for disability related needs.
- Get to know each other
- Ask questions. If you do not understand something, ask as soon as possible. I welcome questions during class. You may also ask for help before class and during the break.
- Make frequent use of the math lab. This is a useful way to get questions answered. It is FREE!
- Keep up. I cannot stress this enough. The material is cumulative and if you fall behind, it is very difficult to catch up. You should expect to do 1 – 2 hours of homework for every hour spent in class.
- It is expected that your cell phone, pager, watch and any other noise making device will be turned off before class. If your device goes off during class you will be asked to turn it off, please do not take this as an opportunity to check your messages. If your device goes off during a quiz or exam, your exam or quiz will be collected and you will forfeit all remaining time on the quiz or exam. You will not be given any extra time to complete the exam, you will not be given a chance to make up the exam. A report of academic dishonesty will be filed.
6. Plan to attend class and turn in all collected work on time.
FINAL EXAM: Wed., Dec. 12, 12 noon – 3 p.m. Everyone will be expected to take the final at the scheduled time. Accommodations will be made only for documented unavoidable EMERGENCY situations. Accommodations will not be made for convenience, travel plans (including airline tickets, so purchase accordingly), and around other exams. Plan accordingly.
Important Note: Collected Assignment #1 – 10 pts – Due No later than Wednesday, Sept. 5 at the beginning of class.
Included with the text book is an 8 sided formula card. Each student must make a copy of this card, staple the copies together and label with your name. These will be kept on file in my office for use during the exams. You may not turn in the original card, ONLY a copy. To earn the 10 points your copies must be STAPLED. Paper clips, etc. are not staples. If you turn in your copies UNSTAPLED they will be returned and you will not earn the 10 points. You must have the copies labeled. You will not be allowed to make notes on these sheets, just use them as is during exams. To earn the 10 points you must turn the copies in no later than Wed., Sept. 5 at the beginning of class. No excuses, including absence, will be accepted for late work. Copies turned in after Wed., Sept. 5, will be accepted for use on the exams, but will not earn the 10 points. You are advised to turn the copies in as soon as possible to earn the 10 points.
The pages may also be found on my homepage (see address at top of page 1) in pdf form. Please go to the Math 54 page and the label formula sheets.
Upon completion of the course students will be able to:
A. / Summarize and interpret data.B. / Analyze and interpret graphical presentations of data.
C. / Find and interpret measures of central tendency and dispersion
D. / Solve basic probability problems
E. / Analyze and interpret probability distributions.
F. / Formulate test, and interpret a hypothesis made about one-population parameters
G. / Solve basic probability problems
H. / Formulate, test, and interpret a hypothesis made about the difference between the means and proportions of two populations.
I. / Formulate and analyze point and interval estimates for the difference between the means and proportions of two populations.
J. / Formulate test, and interpret a hypothesis of independence between two variables.
K. / Formulate test, and interpret for equality of three or more population means using ANOVA.
L. / Find and interpret the correlation between two variables.
M. / Find the regression line, interpret associated values in context, and evaluate the goodness of fit of the regression model.
N. / Use the calculator and/or statistical analysis software to effectively implement the above objectives.
Entry Level Skills: Skills you need to have known prior to enrollment in this course
- Solve linear and non-linear equations.
- Simplify advanced numerical expressions (order of operations.)
- Plot and interpret points on Cartesian coordinate system.
- Plot linear equations using slope-intercept method.
- Translate verbally stated problems into appropriate mathematical forms.
- Solve absolute value equations and inequalities in a single variable.
- Evaluate an exponential function.
- Solve literal equations for designated variables.
- Evaluate complex numerical expressions.
- Given the description of a line, write the equation of the line.
- Express the solution to an inequality using interval notation.
Exit Level Skills: Skills to be learned during this course
- Statistically describe sets of data.
- Apply basic laws of probability
- Formulate a probability distribution
- Formulate and test null hypothesis of one, two or more populations.
- Make point and interval estimates of parameters.
- Identify correlation between two variables and a linear relation between them.
- Use statistical functions on a calculator.
- Critically evaluate statistical claims.
Date / Text Section/Activity8/27 / Class Introduction
1.1-1.3 Data Stories, Intro to Stats, Gathering Data / 1.1: 1 – 11 odd
1.2: 3 – 14, 15 – 41 odd, 45, 47, 51, 61
1.3: 1 – 10 all, 11 – 33 odd
Review: 5 – 13 odd
8/29 / 2.1 Graphs and Tables for Categorical Data
2.2 Graphs and Tables for Quantitative Data
2.3 Further Graphs – Time series only
2.4 Graphical Misrepresentations Data / 2.1: 1 – 4 all, 5, 7, 11, 15
2.2: 1 – 8, 9, 11 – 17 odd, 21, 23, 25, 29, 30 – 34
2.3: 26 - 29
2.4: 1 – 13 odd
Review: 1 – 21 odd, omitting graphs not covered
9/5 / 3.1 Measures of Center
3.2 Measures of Variability
***COPIES OF FORMULA SHEETS DUE*** / 3.1: 1 – 3, 5 = 19 odd, 21 – 25 all
3.2: 1 – 6, 10 – 12, 15, 17, 23, 25, 26, 30 – 34, 36 – 39
9/10 / 3.2 Measures of Variability
3.3 Working with Grouped Data / 3.2: continue with above
3.3: 1 – 3, 5, 9, 11, 19, 21
9/12 / 3.4 Measure of Position
3.5 Chebyshev’s Rule and Empirical Rule / 3.4: 1 – 6, 7 – 19 odd, 20, 21 – 25 odd
3.5: 1 – 8, 9 – 23 odd, 24, 25, 27 – 31 all
9/17 / 3.6 Robust Measures
I / 3.6: 1 – 8, 14 – 18, 22 – 29, 36 – 41
Review: 1 – 37 odd
9/19 / 4.1 Table and Graphs – Scatterplot only
4.2 Intro to Correlation / 4.1: 25, 27, 30 – 32, 37
4.2: 1 – 9, 13, 15 – 29, 34, 45
9/24 / Exam 1 on chapters 1, 2, 3
9/26 / 4.3 Intro to Regression / 4.3: 1 – 6, 7, 10 – 15
Review: 1 – 15 odd
10/1 / 5.1 Intro to Probability
6.1 Discrete Random Variables / 5.1: 4 – 8, 11, 13, 15, 16, 17 – 29 odd, 35 – 41 odd, 45
6.1: 1, 3, 4, 5 – 37 odd
10/3 / 6.1 Discrete Random Variables
6.2 Binomial Probability Distribution / 6.1: continue with above
6.2: 1 – 6, 7 – 65 odd
10/8 / 6.3 Continuous Random Variables and the Normal Probability Distribution
6.4 Standard Normal Distribution / 6.3: 1 – 27 odd
6.4: 1 – 47 odd, 49 (a,c – use table),
51 – 63 odd, 67
10/15 / 6.5 Applications of the Normal Distribution / 6.5: 5 – 21 odd, 45 – 57 odd
Review: 1 – 51 odd, 57
10/17 / Finish Chapter 6
7.1 Introduction to Sampling Distributions / 7.1: 1 – 6, 7 – 51 odd, 55, 57
10/22 / 7.2 Central Limit Theorem for Means
7.3 CLT for Proportions / 7.2: 1 – 4, 5 – 21 odd, 25, 29, 31, 35, 39, 41 – 47 odd, 48, 49
7.3: 1 – 6, 7 – 17 odd, 23, 27, 31, 35, 41 – 45 o0dd,
Review: 1 – 37 odd
10/24 / 8.2 T-interval for the Mean / 8.2: 1 – 4, 5 – 45 odd
10/29 / Exam 2 on chapters 4, 5, 6, 7
10/31 / 8.3 Z-interval for a Population Proportion
8.5 Sample Size Considerations
8.4 Confidence Intervals for the Population Variance and Standard Deviation -Optional / 8.3: 1, 2, 3 – 39 odd, 43, 47, 53
8.4: 1 – 8, 9 – 37 odd
8.5: 1 – 4, 5 – 47 odd
Review: 11 – 45 odd,
11/5 / 9.1 Introduction to Hypothesis Testing
9.4 T-test for the Population Mean / 9.1: 1 – 8, 8 – 27 odd
9.4: 1 – 4, 5 – 53 odd
11/7 / 9.4 T-test for the Population Mean
9.5 Z-test for the Population Proportion
9.6 Chi-square Test for the Population Standard Deviation. – Optional / 9.4: continue with above
9.5: 1 – 29 odd, 33 – 41 odd
9.6: 1 – 6, 7 – 37 odd
Review: 1 – 35 odd
11/14 / Finish Chapter 9 / Continue with above
11/19 / 10.1 Inference for Mean Difference – Dependent Samples
10.2 Inference for Two Independent Means
10.3 Inference for Two Independent Proportions / 10.1: 1 – 8, 9 – 27 odd, 31
10.2: 1 – 4, 5 – 35 odd
10.3: 1 – 6, 7 – 31 odd
11/21 / 10.3 Inference for Two Independent Proportions
11.2 Chi-square Tests for Independence and Homogeneity / 10.3: continue with above
Review 10: 1 – 15 odd
11.2: 1, 2, 5, 9, 11, 13, 23, 25, 27 – 35 odd
11/26 / Exam 3 on Chapters 8, 9, 10.
11/28 / 13.1 Intro to Linear Regression
13.2 Coefficient of Determination
13.3 Inference about the Slope of the Regression Line / 13.1:1 – 6, 7, 11, 13, 17 – 33 odd
13.2: 1 – 6, 7, 11, 13, 15, 17, 21, 25
13.3 TBA
12/3 / 12.1 Intro to ANOVA
12.2 ANOVA
Project Presentations / 12.1: 12
12.2: 1 – 4, 15, 17, 21
Review: 10, 13
12/5 / EXAM 4 – Chapter 11, 12, 13
12/10 / Review Day – Finish project presentations
12/12 / Comprehensive Final Exam 12 noon – 3 p.m.
Note: This outline is approximate and subject to change. You are responsible for all changes announced in class, including changes to exam dates.
The homework on this sheet is not collected, but is an important part of this class. Exams will be based on this work.
Statistics Project #1 – DUE Wednesday, October 3, 2012 at the beginning of class – 30 points
For this project, you will work groups of 2 to 4 on the assigned topic. What you turn in will be a report on your topic. Your report should be typed and should use clear concise English. You should present graphs or charts in the body of your report but put your data in an appendix. Be sure to cite any sources you used, including stores.Give the name and rough address, for example Ralphs on Main Street in Santa Monica. Describe your sampling method and target population as well as any biases inherent in your sample. The description and implementation of the sampling method are an important part of this project. There is no required length to the project, simply complete the assignment to the best of your ability. Feel free to discuss your progress with me or submit work early for feedback. Your work should be typed and in essay form.