PEW SHEET for week commencing SUNDAY 7th February 2016
The Parish Church of
St. Margaret's Horsmonden
Rector: Rev Sue Fauchon- Jones,The Rectory, Goudhurst Road, Horsmonden.
Tel No 01892 722274 Email
Church Wardens: Roger Marsh -01622 832497
David Bell 01892 724495
Pastoral Assistant: Pauline Bell. Tel No 01892 724495
Church Website
SERVICES today- the Sunday next before Lent
Today we revert to our usual two services which will both be held in
St Margaret's church.
The 9 am Service of Holy Comunion will use the Book of Common
prayer and will be led by Rev Sue who will also give the talk.
Readings will be from 2 Corinthians 3 v/s 12 to verse 3 in chapter 4
and from Luke 9 v/s 28 to 36.
Mark will be playing our organ for this service.
The service at 10.30 is a Family Service which will be conducted by
Maryanne, Erica and Dudley. Music will be provided by Roger H.
Readings as above. Our church bells will be rung and coffee served
at the end of the service.
When Rev Sue was sent to be with us (was it really two years ago!)
she brought the following vision statement with her which we should
all recall frequently:-
'To be a people devoted to Jesus Christ in all things, reaching out to
our community with his love and compassion'
Whichever of our two services you are attending today, we hope that you feel welcome among friends and get the inspiration you seek from worshipping together with others from our community and beyond. Our special thanks in advance to Maryanne, Erica and Dudley who always make our family services so special. We are certain that today's service will not be an exception. Much hard work goes into the preparation of these services. Encourage them with warm words and thanks.
Our service last week attracted a large congregation being a combined service.
Our church is such a beautiful place and even more so with all our Church membership joining together to worship and give thanks to God.
Your Pastoral Team met last Wednesday. Please remember that they are always available to help simply anyone who may need comfort or assurance. If you know of someone who has a need please let one of the team know. Be assured that all their actions are conducted in absolute confidence.
One point they asked to be advertised is the ever present existence of Ready Call. This is a fantastic service available in our community. Headed by Jenny Dixon and her team they organise volunteers to take those not able to travel easily to appointments, visits or just simple things like shopping. This is real out reach and we need to continually make all aware of it.
As we move towards the Easter we bring some dates to your attention:-
The LENT COURSE will continue every Tuesday in Lent in our church hall starting at 7.45 with coffee. 'The Mystery of Everything' is the theme and it will be conducted by members our Church family.
An ASH WEDNESDAY service for local parishes is to be held at Holy Trinity Church , East Peckham at 7.30. All local clergy including Rev Sue will be involved and all are welcome to this service. Those wanting transport to attend should contact Pauline who will make the arrangements.
On GOOD FRIDAY we will be holding a service on The Green. Full details nearer the time.
EASTER SUNDAY we will have two services at St Margaret's. 9 am Holy Communion and a 10.30 Family Service with communion.
Mothering Sunday is on 6th March and plans are in hand to make this a special day when we invite all from our community to join us. Our Morning service will be widely advertised and we hope to attract many families to our church that day. We ask you to do your part in spreading the word and making sure all the mothers you know come with their families.
You may have seen in the Parish News that the Horsmonden Festival Group are organising a 'Roving Supper on Saturday March 5th. Apart from raising funds this is a wonderful opportunity for all our members to meet with new friends.
Please do your best to take part. Details and booking from Juliet (01892 722502) or You know her- she is one of our surgery receptionists.
Our dear friend Jean Bigwood is currently in Tonbridge Cottage Hospital. She is being lovingly looked after but would prefer to be back in her own home. We hope that arrangements can soon be made for this to happen. Connie Mannering, who so recently lost her husband Bosh, is also in the same hospital.
Please remember both in your prayers and also pray for those who care for them.
Last week we reported the passing of Jessie Russell. Her funeral will be held at the Horsmonden Methodist church on Monday15th February followed by internment in our churchyard.
Our usual church Coffee Morning will be held at the Social Club on Tuesday. Please call by anytime from 9.45 onwards. You will be among friends and enjoy meeting with others over Gill and Pauline's coffee.
Men's Breakfast is on Saturday also at the Social Club. A full house but there may be room at the last minute. If you want to go mail John Goff
Next Sunday our two services will be led by the Rev Sue. Peter Welch will be giving the talk at the 9 am service of Holy Communion at St Margaret's. The 10.30 service is a Morning Service with Holy Communion and is in the church hall. Rev Sue will give the talk and Ron will provide the music.
Please remember that this pew sheet is a good way of communicating with those in your Church and beyond. If you are doing anything, make sure you tell Rev Sue or our Church Wardens and they will see it gets advertised or acknowledged. We must be seen as a 'Living Church'
Paul Jones crocuses are appearing on the Green. Lovely sight in our lovely world! Give thanks.
Please turn over for dates and activities
CHURCH activities and other village events that may attract your interest.
Monday Table Tennis at the Social Club 2 pm
Bingo at the Social Club 7.45
Short Mat Bowls – club night at the village hall 7.30 pm
Village Choir practice (all welcome) at the Methodist Hall 7.45pm
Tuesday Church Coffee Morning at the Social Club from 9.45 am
LENT course begins in the church hall at 7.45 pm
Garden Society meets in the Methodist Hall at 8 pm
Wednesday Wednesday morning House Group meets at 6, Angley Ct 10.30 am
ASH WEDNESDAY service at Holy Trinity church East Pectham 7.30
Over 60's meet in the Village Hall at 2 pm
tWIlite Club meet at the Social Club at 7.45 pm
Thursday Morning WI meet in the Social Club at 9.45 am
Ecumenical Service of Reflection at the Methodist church 9.15 am
Friday Bell Ringing practice at St Margarets 8 pm
Saturday Men's Breakfast at the Social Club 8.45 am
Wesleys Kettle coffee morning at the Methodist church hall 10 am
Friends of HPS Disco at the Social Club 7.30 pm
Sunday Service of Holy Communion at St Margaret's 9 am
Morning service with Holy Communion at the church hall 10.30 am
Village Amble meets on the Green at 1.30 pm
DATES for your DIARY
SUNDAY 6th March Mothering Sunday
SUNDAY 27th March Easter Sunday
SATURDAY 23rd April St Georges Day. FoHPS Dog and Pet show
Week end of 10th /12th June Horsmonden Summer Festival