saMskRt baalapuYpma\ 2

paz: 8 BaivaYya%kala: - pircaya:

Lesson No. 8 Introduction to (;T\ lakar:) Future tense.

pz\ - to readpt\ - to fall Qaava\- to runilaK\ - to write
nama\ - to salutevah\ - to carry ixap\ - to throwk`ID\- to play
yacC\ - to givejap\ - to utter in low voice pca\- to cook
gaumf\ - to string, to weave , to tie %yaja\ - to abandon

Please read the table of Future Tense and understand. Play audio.

pz\ Qaatao: ;T\ lakar:

Future Tense of root pz\









He, she, it will read

/ pizYyat:
They both will read / pizYyaint

They all will read

/ p`qamapu$Ya:

III person


You will read

/ pizYyaqa:

You both will read

/ pizYyaqa

You all will read

/ maQyamapu$Ya:

II person


I will read

/ pizYyaava:

We both will read

/ pizYyaama:
we all willl read / ]<amapu$Ya:

I person

Stop audio:

Note: This is very a important portion to learn. Note the suffixes added to the verb pz\. In the same way the suffixes are added all roots in present tense. We will discuss this table in the forth-coming lessons.

The table of suffixes:

[Yyait / [Yyat: / [Yyaint
[Yyaisa / [Yyaqa: / [Yyaqa
[Yyaaima / [Yyaava: / [Yyaama:

These suffixes will be discussed with meaning in the next few lessons. Now let us learn to decline the verbs with these suffixes. Play audio

cala\ (to walk, move) Qaatao: laT\ lakar:

cailaYyait / cailaYyat: / cailaYyaint
cailaYyaisa / cailaYyaqa: / cailaYyaqa
cailaYyaaima / cailaYyaava: / cailaYyaama:

stop audio

Qaava\ (to run) Qaatao: ;T\ lakar:

ilaK\ (to write) Qaatao: ;T\ lakar:

jap\ (to utter in low voice) Qaatao: ;T\ lakar:

ixap\ (to throw) Qaatao: ;T\ lakar:

yacC\ (to give) Qaatao: ;T\ lakar:

%yaja\ (to give up, to abandon) Qaatao: ;T\ lakar:

car\ (to walk, move, roam) Qaatao: ;T\ lakar:

Kad\ (to eat) Qaatao: ;T\ lakar:

[Yyait - is the ending of a verb in 3rd person singular.
[Yyat: - is the ending of a verb in 3rd person dual.
[Yyaint - is the ending of a verb in 3rd person plural.
[Yyaisa - is the ending of a verb in 2rd person singular.
[Yyaqa: - is the ending of a verb in 2rd person dual.
[Yyaqa - is the ending of a verb in 2nd person plural.
[Yyaaima - is the ending of a verb in 1rd person singular.
[Yyaava:- is the ending of a verb in 1rd person dual.
[Yyaama:- is the ending of a verb in 1rd person plural.
Present tense
Future tense
Present tense
Future tense
AT\ / to roam / ATit / AiTYyait / camba\ / to kiss / cambait / cauimbaYyait
ANa\ / make noise / ANait / AiNaYyait / caur\ / steal / caaoryait / caaoriyaYyait
Aca-\ / worship / Aca-it / Aica-Yyait / iCd\ / cut, destroy / Codyait / CodiyaYyait
Aja\- / earn / Aja-it / Aija-Yyait / jana\ / be born, produced / janayait / janaiyaYyait
Ah-\ / be able / Ah-it / Aih-Yyait / jap\ / utter in low voice / japit / jaipYyait
Ava\ / protect / Avait / AivaYyait / jalp\ / speak / jalpit / jailpYyait
Asa\ / be / Aist / BaivaYyait / ija / win / jayait / jaoYyait
[Ya\ / wish, like / [cCit / eiYaYyait / jaIva\ / live / jaIvait / jaIivaYyait
kqa\ / say / kqayait / kqaiyaYyait / jvala\ / shine / jvalait / jvailaYyait
kt-\ / cut / kt-yait / kit-Yyait / tD\ / beat, strike / taDyait / taDiyaYyait
kup\ / be angry / kuPyait / kaoipYyait / tk-\ / guess,suspect / tk-yait / tk-iyaYyait
kUja\ / hum, chirp / kUjait / kUijaYyait / tja\- / threaten / tja-it / tija-Yyait
kUd-\ / jump / kUd-it / kUid-Yyait / tRR* / swim, cross / trit / tirYyait
kRR* / do / kraoit / kirYyait / %yaja\ / abandon, leave / %yajait / %yaijaYyait
kRt\ / cut, divide / kRntit / kit-Yyait / ~sa\ / fear, tremble / ~syait / ~isaYyait
k`nd\ / cry / k`ndit / k/indYyait / dMXa\ / bite / dMXait / dMXaiyaYyait
kRYa\ / plough / kYa-it / kiYa-Yyait / dND\ / punish, fine / dNDyait / dNDiyaYyait
k`ID\ / play / k`Idit / k/IiDYyait / dh\ / burn, scorch / dhit / dihYyait
k`uQa\ / be angry / k`uQyait / k/aoiQaYyait / da / give, grant / ddait / dasyait
ixap\ / throw / ixapit / xaoipYyait / dRSa\ / see, view / pXyait / d`xyait
KND\ / break / KNDyait / KNDiyaYyait / Qaava\ / run, advance / Qaavait / QaaivaYyait
Kad\ / eat / Kadit / KaidYyait / QaR / hold, bear up / Qarit / QairYyait
Kola\ / play / Kolait / KoilaYyait / QyaO / meditate / Qyaayait / QyaaiyaYyait
gaNa\ / count / gaNayait / gaNaiyaYyait / naT\ / dance / naTit / naiTYyait
gama\ / go / gacCit / gaimaYyait / nand\ / glad, delighted / nandit / naindYyait
gaja-\ / roar / gaja-it / gaija-Yyait / nad\ / sound, thunder / naadyait / naadiyaYyait
gava-\ / be proud, haughty / gava-it / gaiva-Yyait / nama\ / bow to, salute / namait / naMsyait
gauHja\ / hum / gauHjait / gauiHjaYyait / naXa\ / be lost, vanish / naXyait / naMxyait
gaumf\ / put string, weave / gaumfit / gaimfYyait / inand\ / blame, censure / inandit / inaindYyait
caca-\ / discuss / caca-it / caica-Yyait / naRt\ / dance / naR%yait / nait-Yyait
cala\ / move, / calait / cailaYyait / pca\ / cook, roast / pcait / pxyait
car\ / roam, graze / carit / cairYyait / pz\ / read, recite, study / pzit / pizYyait
icant\ / think / icantyait / icantiyaYyait / pt\ / fall / ptit / pizYyait
pa / drink / ipbait / pasyait / vad\ / speak / vadit / vaidYyait
pa / protect, guard / pait / pasyait / vama\ / vomit / vamait / vaimaYyait
pa / rule, govern / palayait / palaiyaYyait / vaNa-\ / describe, paint / vaNa-yait / vaNa-iyaYyait
pID\ / pain, harm, hurt / pIDyait / pIDiyaYyait / vasa\ / dwell, live, stay / vasait / va%syait
pUja\ / worship, honour / pUjayait / pUjaiYyait / vah\ / carry, lead, bear / vahit / vaihYyait
p`cC\ / ask, question, / pRcCit / p`xyait / vaaHC\ / wish, desire / vaaHCit / vaaHcaiyaYyait
fla\ / bear fruit, be fruitful / flait / filaYyait / ivad\ / know, learn, understand / ivandit / vaoidoYyait
Baxa\ / eat / Baxayait / BaxaiyaYyait / vaRYa\ / rain, shed, bestow / vaYa-it / vaiYa-Yyait
Ba%sa-\ / menace, threaten, abuse / Ba%sa-yait / Ba%sya-it / Xap\ / curse, execrate / Xapit / XaPsyait
BaU / be, become / Bavait / BaivaYyait / Sabd\ / make sound / noise / Sabdyait
BaR / bear, fill / Barit / BairYyait / iYzva\ / spit / YzIvait / YzIivaYyait
Ba`ma\ / roam about,
move / Ba`mait / Ba`imaYyait / isaca\ / sprinkle, water, soak, wet / isaHcait / saoicaYyait
imala\ / join, meet, assemble / imalait / maoilaYyait / isaQa\ / fulfilled, accomplished / isaQyait / sao%syait
mauca\ / liberate, set free / mauHcait / maaoicaYyait / saUca\ / point out, indicate / saUcayait / saUcaiyaYyait
maaoxa\ / release, set free
liberate, / maaoxayait,
maaoxait / maaocaiyaYyait / saRja\ / create, produce, make, / saRjait / sa`xyait
yaja\ / sacrifice, / yajait / yaijaYyait / sqaa / stay, stand, stop / itYzit / sqaasyait
yacC\ / give, / yacCit / dasyait / snaa / bathe, wet, / snaait / snaasyait
yaa / go, move, walk / yaait / yaasyait / spRSa\ / touch, / spRSait / sp`xyait
yaaca\ / beg, ask, solicit / yaacait / yaaicaYyait / smaR / remember, recollect, / smarit / smairYyait
yauja\ / join,unite,attach / yaaojayait / yaaojaiyaYyait / svap\ / sleep, fall to sleep / svaipit / svaPsyait
ilaK\ / write, inscribe, / ilaKit / laoiKYyait / hsa\ / laugh, smile / hsait / hisaYyait
laU / pluck, reap, cut / launaait / ) / take, carry, lead,
take away, steal / hrit / hirYyait
)Ya\ / be delighted, rejoiced / hYa-it / hiYa-Yyait

pzt Qyaanaona

vat-maana kala:BaivaYya%kala:

rama: ivaValayaM gacCit . rama: ivaValayaM gaimaYyait .

%vaM baih: k/IDisa .%vaM baih: k/IiDYyaisa .

saIta kUpM gacCit .saIta kUpM gaimaYyait .

AhM t~ pzaima .AhM t~ pizYyaaima .

yaUyaM sava-da vadqa .yaUyaM sava-da vaidYyaqa .

vayaM saayaM gaayaama: .vayaM saayaM gaasyaama: .

Lessons are prepared and published on behalf of Kalidasa-Samskrita-Kendram Trust, Madurantakam by V.C. Govindarajan. Your feedback to or

by kalidasa-samskrita-kendram, Madurantakam

Next: Lesson 9: Indeclinable

paz: 9 Avyayaaina