Sales Performance Dashboard
About Dashboard:
Sales Performance: - Every company has a product which they need to sell increase the returns. Ultimately if sales improve, the company will grow
Sales performance dashboard is a useful tool to analyze the performance of sales. By using the sales performance dashboard we can see individual performance and make improvements in the performance on the basis of data. It helps us to forecast the next vision of targets and achievements and managing things like improving the sales and how to generate more revenue etc.
Below shown dashboard is useful to analyzesales performance in every field.
Chart:- Region wise on yearly basis
We used the Column and Line chart make it look dynamic above. When we will place the cursor on tabs, the graph will change and present the report for the selected region.
This chart presents the graphic picture for sales performance analysis as per regions for every year. In this chart we can identify which region has performed good and bad in which year.
Chart:- Actual Vs Estimated Sales by Industry
In the above shown chart, we used Bar Chart and made it into an interactive chart. We can select the department from the drop down list and the graph change accordingly.
This chartpresents the graphic picture for the performance of every department. We can analyze and compare between actual targetsvs estimated sales which was forecasted by the industry.
Chart:- Actual Vs Estimated Sales by Industry
The above shown chart uses Column chart and Pie chart. There are 4 different charts in which Product analysis are presented. Every year how every product performed. Through this chart we can analyze that Product 1 and Product 4 performed well compared to others.
Chart:- Sales Performance
In the above shown chart, we used Line chart. Through this chart we can analyze the performances of different sales officials.
Chart:- Actual Vs Estimated Sales by Sales Person
In the above shown chart, we used Column Chart and made it into an interactive chart. We can select the Sales person from the drop down list and the graph change accordingly.
The chart presents the graphic picture for theperformance of every sales person. We can analyze and comparison between actual targets vs. estimated sales which were forecasted by the industry.