Community News June 2012

Boundary Rd Park Running Track for start of July

Temporary markings for short running tracks were being arranged in the villages and the larger parks to assist local events around the Olympics. We asked for a 60 metre track on Boundary Rd Park which was agreed. St Pauls Church are organising an Olympic themed event on the park on Saturday 14th July at 2pm. Other groups are welcome to make use of it. Hence some youth groups are included in the distribution of this email.

Rubbish bins

As a result of our requests, the often overflowing old bin on Repton Road by the twitchel has been replaced by a larger more modern bin. The new bin we got placed on the Harrow Rd/Malvern Junction is being used.

Pot Holes in Roads

Several holes have been, or are about to be, filled by the County Council. We identified significant holes on Loughborough Rd, Boundary Rd, entrance to the Leisure Centre, Malvern Rd and Harrow Rd and asked for repairs.

If you notice other large pot holes or street lights out of action – feel free to let us know.

Sharphill Building

In the last Community News we told you that a new application had been made for a ‘surface junction’ instead of an underpass access for the housing on both sides of Melton Rd (avoiding right turns and enabling emergency exits).

The new proposal will cost the developers much less. Your Lib Dem Cllrs oppose this but recognise the issue rests with County Council Highways staff.

Accordingly Rod Jones immediately registered these points:

1 During the application there was considerable and welcome emphasis on making the development friendly for pedestrians and cyclists. At first sight the plan looks very focussed on vehicles. Given the bus routes/stops along Melton Rd and ability to walk along it; will pavements along Melton Rd and bus shelters and means of crossing these new surface junctions be included.

2 School children and walk routes should be considered. Children from the 300 houses to the east of Melton Rd would have been able to walk directly to the primary school & secondary school through the underpass but how will they do so under the new proposal?

3 Landmere Lane (serving the Garden Centre & Business Park) should be re-routed to join the estate spine road before the junction with Melton Road. This would be a much safer solution, with only one junction and that junction being further away from the Wheatcroft roundabout.

4 The junctions should reflect the primacy of the main Melton Rd-?stop signs and not lights.

Five GPs Practices Planned Move to Wilford Lane.

As you may know the Notts Primary Care Trust on 31 May decided to give the go ahead. The full report can be seen at:

One extract is that “The GPs involved in this development feel the proposed move to new premises is essential to improve and expand high quality medical care for the local population. The building will be designed to be fit for General Practice now and into the future. The GPs are aware that the proposed site may be slightly more difficult to access for some groups of patients and solutions continue to be sought and developed. There is no escaping the fact that the current surgeries are convenient for the population located immediately around them, and this change in convenience would apply wherever the new premises were situated. However, the local population is an evolving dynamic entity in terms of ageing, geographical relocation and in terms of health. Circumstances change over time and in the long term the requirement for more comprehensive clinical services must be balanced against local surgeries working from converted houses or outdated buildings. From the General Practitioner’s viewpoint we have a consistent duty to provide appropriate personal healthcare and our response to individual need will always follow this premise.”

The “Conclusions of the Independent Report on Travel and Access” stated:

“The report assessed the potential impact for patients of travelling to and accessing the proposed new premises and concluded that the proposed medical centre would provide a substantial improvement in access for patients travelling by all types of transport whilst also ensuring ample car parking in a safe environment which is of particular benefit to people with impaired mobility, vision or hearing loss who will be able to access the site by car without having to cross busy roads. The report also considered the overall change in traffic conditions associated with

both the existing and proposed facilities, establishing that the consolidation of activity into one single facility would cut vehicle movements, which in turn should significantly reduce vehicle emissions within the area.”

We leave you to form your own conclusions.

Police Information

Bike Post Coding.

The Police safer neighbourhood team have now told us “Unfortunately we have had to cancel the following the cycle coding dates at Bridgfield, West Bridgford at the mobile youth centre. They had previously said this would occur between 1500 and 1600: 19th May 2nd June 16th June 30th June 14th July 28th July.

Catalytic Converters. The Police reported that there has been a spate of thefts of these from high value vehicles in Rushcliffe. Please keep reporting unregistered metal scavenging vehicle to the Police.


Armed Forces Day Flag Monday 25 June

At 10.30 am the Armed Forces Day Flag will be raised in support of Armed Forces Day, Saturday 30 June, at the Customer Contact Centre in West Bridgford.

28 June: Olympic Torch and Road Closures

Road closures including Trent Bridge between 4 and 6.30 pm will impact on local residents. If you want to see the Torch or find out about the effects; you may find this website to be helpful.

Day Proms in the Park - Saturday 30 June

This will occur between 12pm - 9pm in Bridgford Park, West Bridgford and have an Armed Forces.

Bridgfest - Sunday 12 August between 12 noon and 6pm in Bridgfield.

This is an event of music and activities for young people primarily for those 10 to 19 but does cater for those aged 5 upwards. Last year some 1100 young people participated. See the attached pdf. Over 12 local bands are involved.

Rod Jones & Karrar Kahn
Liberal Democrat Councillors for Musters Ward in Rushcliffe Borough Council.
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