April 10, 2018
The Mayor and Council of the City of Franklin, Georgia, met in regular session Tuesday, April 10, 2018at City Hall at 6:30 p.m.All councilmembers were in attendance except for Councilmember Jiles.
Mayor Rogersbegan the meeting by welcoming everyone in attendance. Councilmember Almondgave the invocation and lead the pledge to the flag.
MINUTES OF Council Meeting March 1, 2018
Councilmember Hayesmade amotion to approve the minutes, seconded by Councilmember Bradfield. The vote to approve the motion was unanimous.
CouncilmemberBradfield made a motiontoapprove the order of the agenda, seconded by CouncilmemberHayes. The vote to approve the motion was unanimous.
Finance – Finance Officer, Karen Boyd,spoke on the following report:
- All accounts have been reconciled to the bank. General fund expenses exceeded revenues by $13,895 in March. The two primary reasons for this were low LOST revenue and a payment for our annual audit. Revenues are still exceeding expenses by $143,751 for the year.
- Sales tax both decreased $30,500 from last month and $2,328from last year. SPLOST increased $23,323 from both last month and $14,600from last year.
Police Department– Chief Hannah, spoke on the following:
- The police department participated in the Read-Aloud Program at various schools in the community.
- The Community Maze held March 27-28th went very well thanks to the involvement of many in the community.
Street Department –Street Supervisor, Alan Holcomb, had nothing to report.
City Attorney–AttorneyDavid Mecklinrequested an Executive Session to discuss litigation. Councilmember Hayes asked for an update on the Cemetery Agreement. Mecklin agreed to have it ready at the next Council meeting.
- Surplus Item Bids – Councilmember Hayes made a motion to approve the highest bids for the surplus items and allow the sale of two un-bid items, the Echo Blower PB 755T and the Low Pro Tool Box, to Alan Holcomb for $20 each, seconded by Councilmember Bradfield. The vote to approve the motion was unanimous.
- Grass Cutting Bids – Councilmember Putzek made a motion to move this item on the agenda to after Executive Session, seconded by Councilmember Hayes. The vote to approve the motion was unanimous.
- Trail Overlook Decks –Council discussed placement and sizing of trail overlook decks. No action was taken.
- J. Smith Lanier – Councilmember Hayes made a motion to accept the general liability and workers compensation insurance proposal without the umbrella coverage pending properties and vehicles were corrected, seconded by Councilmember Putzek. The vote to approve the motion was unanimous.
- Capitalization Thresholds – Councilmember Bradfield made a motion to raise the capitalization threshold from $200 to $2,000 as recommended by the City auditor, seconded by Councilmember Almond. The vote to approve the motion was unanimous.
- Cinco De Mayo on the Square – Councilmember Bradfield made a motion to approve LocoMex Restaurant’sCinco De Mayo on the Square as a Special Event pending liability insurance was changed as requested, seconded by Councilmember Hayes. The vote to approve the motion was unanimous.
EXECUTIVE SESSION: Councilmember Hayes made a motion to enter into executive session to discuss litigation and personnel, seconded by Councilmember Bradfield. The vote to approve the motion was unanimous.
Councilmember Almond made a motion to enter back into regular session, seconded by Councilmember Bradfield. The vote to approve the motion was unanimous.
Mayor Rogers stated that no action was taken during executive session.
Grass Cutting Bids – Councilmember Bradfield made a motion to leave grass cutting to the Street Department, seconded Councilmember Almond. The vote to approve the motion was unanimous.
MAYOR COMMENTS: Mayor Rogersupdated Council that the pipes burst at the public bathrooms and that a heating and cooling system will be added to deter further occurrences.
ADJOURN: There was no further business to conduct and Councilmember Almond made a motion, seconded by Councilmember Bradfield, to adjourn. The vote to approve the motion was unanimous.
Joel Rogers, Mayor
Members Present:Clerks Present:
Cynthia Putzek, Post #1Karen Boyd
Willie Almond, Jr., Post #2
Kevin Hayes, Post #3
Sara Alane Bradfield #4