Reading: 7th Grade Syllabus

Mrs. Orlando

Dear Parents/Guardians and Students:

Our class will be participating in the learning and practicing of several skills and strategies throughout the school year. Some of these include:

·  Establishing a purpose for reading

·  Making inferences while reading

·  Practicing good listening and speaking skills

·  Understanding elements of literature (plot, characters, setting, theme)

·  Distinguishing between different genres (science fiction, fantasy, non-fiction)

·  Comprehending figurative language (simile, metaphor, idioms, hyperbole)

·  Development of vocabulary skills and understanding meanings of words in context

·  Improving writing skills in different areas (narrative, persuasive, informational) and developing quality of writing (focus, content, organization)

·  Learning how to approach fiction and nonfiction texts in different ways

There will be several activities and assignments that students will participate in to help reinforce these skills and strategies:

·  Reading and responding to a variety of texts

·  Projects (individual and group)

·  Quizzes and Tests

·  Whole class activities

·  Small group activities

·  Individual skill work


In order to improve reading skills, students should be reading most evenings for at least 15 minutes. All students will be required to achieve Accelerated Reader points each quarter.

This grade will now be counted as a separate grade on the report card. Therefore, students should have a self-selected novel available to read at all times in class and for homework.

If written homework is assigned, it must be completed. All written homework is assigned in preparation for future classroom assessments.

Reading Responses: Reading a novel or other assigned selection is a daily homework assignment that every student will be required to complete. Therefore, once a week students will also be required to respond to assigned questions about their texts. These questions will target story elements such as plot, setting or conflict.


Reading grades will be determined based on various assessments, projects, and activities that each student will complete. The quarterly grading for reading will based upon:

Tests Homework


Projects Classwork


Projects will be assigned well in advance of a due date and will be expected on time.

Any extensions on homework, assignments, activities, and especially projects will be decided on an individual basis. Some assignments will be accepted late for partial credit (if they haven’t already been reviewed in class).


Each student is responsible for completing missed assignments in class. Please check with classmates or check with the teacher during homeroom regarding make-up work. Missing work will not be pursued! It is the student’s responsibility to complete and return.


Students should carry a notebook with pockets or a three ring binder for organization of reading notes and handouts. In addition, pencils, pens, erasers, highlighters, and their homework planner are required.

Although the textbook may get sent home with students, they should always be carrying an accelerated reader or novel at all times to read both at home and in class.


·  Be respectful to all in the classroom (including peers)

·  Be prepared (pencil/pen, text and AR book, notebook/binder, hall pass, planner)

·  Be on time

·  Be ready to work and participate in class

Welcome to reading class! I’m looking forward to a great year!


Mrs. Orlando