Fourth Australian Regolith Geoscientists Association Conference1
My abstract
R.E.G. O'Lith1 and Teresa Green2
1Primary Industries and Resources South Australia, PO Box 1, Adelaide SA 5000
2Geoscience Australia, GPO Box 378, Canberra ACT 2601
Extended abstracts may be up to 4 typewritten pages and may include full colour illustrations.
Please use this document as a template.
Submission date
Extended abstracts must be submitted by no later than 31 December 2013.
Font, text layout
Extended abstracts are to be typeset in Arial or another similar sans-serif font (Verdana, Helvetica, etc.) on an A4 page with borders set to 2.5 cm on the top, bottom and right, and 3.0 cm on the left (to allow for binding). The heading will be 12 point bold, author names will be 10 point and affiliations 8 point, all centred on the page as shown.
The body text will be 10 point, single line spaced, with no spacing before or after paragraphs, and fully justified (aligned left and right). Headings may be used and will be 10 point bold with no blank line after. Subheadings will be 10 point bold italics with no blank line after. Paragraphs will be separated by a single blank line, with no indent, as shown here.
Figures may use the whole column (15.5 cm width) or half a column (7.75 cm). Captions should be 8 point, justified, below the figure, such:
Figure 1: Location map of the WIM 150 heavy mineral sand mine in Victoria, showing the principal ore deposits and infrastructure. From Sandy et al. (1989).
Tables may use the whole column (15.5 cm width) or half a column (7.75 cm), using 8 point sans serif font. Captions should be 8 point, justified, above the table, such:
Table 1: Mean metal concentrations within Callitris columellaris branchlets over the Wilsons gold deposit, South Australia.
Sample / Au (ppb) / 1SD / As (ppm) / 1SD00001 / 33 / 3 / 45 / 7
00002 / 23 / 5 / 66 / 10
00003 / 44 / 4 / 120 / 23
The editor can assist with placing figures and tables.
References will be 8 point, justified with hanging paragraphs of 1.27 cm. References are to be formatted according to the Author (date) convention similar to that used by the Australian Journal of Earth Sciences, following the examples below (e.g., Smith 2022; Seaweed 1897) or using the style guide published in the Journal like Glossop (2009) or Roach & Hill (2010) have done (below). Poorly-formatted references will be returned to the author(s) for correction – this is your responsibility! Please examine a copy of the AJES for the correct style, or use a reference management program such as Endnote. An AJES Endnote output style is available for free download from .
Sandy A., Clayey B. and Silty C. 1989. The WIM 150 HMS deposit, Victoria. CRA Exploration, Canberra, unpublished report, 27 pp.
Smith A.D. 2022. Seven silly swans swam silently seaward. Journal of Nursery Rhymes 40(2), 22-33.
Seaweed S. 1897. The many types of kelp. In: Crusoe R. ed. Tales of the briny deep. Cambridge University Press, Melbourne, pp. 123-144.
Glossopteris D.A. 2009. Cretaceous tree fossils. Cooperative Research Centre for Landscape Environments and Mineral Exploration Report 127.
Roach I.C. & Hill S.M. 2010. Regolith is great. In: Roach I.C. compiler. First Australian Regolith Geoscientists Association Conference, Arkaroola South Australia, 1-4.
7-10 February 2016, Thredbo, New South Wales