SD Advanced

Hybrid Digital Video Recorder

1. General

1.1 The Server shall maintain all user-defined programming in the event of power loss orpower down.

1.2 The Server shall be able to record video images to disk:

A. continuously, upon motion detection

B. on receipt of an alarm or key switch operation

C. according to a time schedule.

1.3 The server shall have the capability to simultaneously:

A. record images

B. archive background images

C. allow multiple user network viewing and playback with no loss of record performance

1.4 Each Server shall record images immediately to the hard drive, in the event of power fail, onlythe last second prior to failure of the recorded images may be lost

1.5The server shall provide protection via zeroconf networking technology against a range of network based intrusions and attacks including

A. Rogue Device Access

B. Mac Spoofing

C. ARP spoofing

D. Injection of Rogue Video

E. Switch Topology Disruption

F. IP Spoofing

G. Recirculation of Old Video

H. Man in the Middle Attacks

I. Camera Denial of Service

J. DVR Denial of Service

K. Traffic Storm Denial of Service

L. Many Client Connection Denial of Service

1.6The server will support automatic detection and secure automatic connection of a Layer3 Enhanced CCTV Switch.

1.7The server will support automatic detection and assignment of IP cameras through a Layer3 Enhanced CCTV Switch.

1.8The server shall provide the facility for a connection from a Remote Video Response Centre toprovide control of;

A. video

B. audio

C. telemetry

D. a list of recent alarm events.

1.9The server shall employ the same style and layout of interface for configuration on the localmonitor or remote configuration from a Web Browser

1.10Local configuration of the server shall be possible from;

A. Front Panel Keyboard

B. Qwerty Keyboard and mouse

C. IR Remote control

D. CCTV specific keyboard

1.11The server shall provide the capability for the user to read the configuration menus and helppages in multiple languages. Languages shall include, but not be limited to;

A. English

B. English (US)

C. French

D. German

E. Spanish

F. Italian

G. Russian

H. Czech

I. Danish

J. Finish

K. Norwegian

L. Swedish

M. Dutch

1.12The server shall provide on board help videos for assistance on user and configuration features.These shall be accessible from both local and remote client operation.

2. Maintenance/Installation

2.1 The following information shall be available through the configuration interface to assist ininstallation and maintenance

A. Revision number of installed software

B. PCB Serial Number

C. The number of installed Video Codecs

D. Indication of installed and failed cameras

E. The total running time

F. The time since the system was last reset

G. The reason for the last restart

H. The current status of alarm contacts

I. The current status of relay contacts

J. The current status of alarms

2.2 The server shall generate system log files. The web interface of the server shall allowconfiguration and access to the logs for monitoring purposes.

2.3 The system logs shall include:

A. Local User access

B. control and archive log

C. Connection log

D. Anonymous FTP

E. Security log

F. E-mail log

G. Sent message log

H. FTP Download log (Archive log)

I. Logfile (system log)

J. Logfile backup

K. Tamper log

L. User acitvity log

2.4 The Server shall also support USB ports and a DVD recorder to support the followingmaintenance operations:

A. Installation of software upgrades

B. Copying of system configurations from one Server to another

C. Export of System logs

2.5 The Server shall support a Serial terminal connection to provide system status information.

2.6The server will support automatic detection and secure automatic connection of a Layer3 Enhanced CCTV Switch.

2.7The server will support automatic detection and assignment of IP cameras through a Layer3 Enhanced CCTV Switch.

3. System

3.1 The Server shall support multiple Timezones and Daylight saving time

3.2 It shall be possible to synchronize the Server’s internal clock with a remote SNTP Server.

3.3 The Server shall support the function to momentarily synchronise the time and date with the PCbeing used for remote configuration

3.4 Operational modes shall be switched by the following operations:

A. The use of an attached Key switch

B. On a timed schedule, configurable for individual days of the week and specified holiday periods

3.5 The Server shall have a colour resolution sampling rate of 13.5 MHz to CCIR 601.

3.6The server shall support Turbo mode allowing video images from any analogue camera or 3rd Party IP recoded camera to be recorded and streamed at the maximum possible global rate without the need to configure individual settings.

3.7The Server shall have the maximum image resolution of:

A. Live images at up to

1. 704h x 480v (NTSC)

2. 720h x 576v (PAL)

B. Multiplexed/recorded images at up to

1. 704h x 480v (NTSC)

2. 720h x 576v (PAL)

4. Data Connection

4.1 The Server shall have 2 x 9 Way D-type connects for RS232 serial communication and 2 x 9Way D-type connects for RS485 serial communication. Configuration options availableshall include;

A. Debug

B. Text in image

C. RS232 telemetry.

D. RS485 Telemetry

4.2 The Server shall have a 1x Ethernet RJ-45, 10/100Base-T connection 3 x USB 2.0Connector 1x eSATA port.

4.3 1 x RJ12 Keyboard connector for use with CCTV style keyboard.

4.4The server shall support the capability to configure a separate, secure 1Gb zeroconf network.

5. Telemetry Support

5.1 The Server shall support RS485 serial telemetry for the following telemetry protocols:

A. DM-RS485

B. Ernitec


D. MarkMercer

E. Panasonic-WV-CS600

F. Panasonic-WV-CS850

G. Pelco-P

H. Pelco-D

I. Bosch/Philips G3

J. Samsung

K. Sanyo

L. American Dynamics/Sensormatic

M. Ultrak

N. Vantage

O. Honeywell/VCL

P. Vicon

Q. Dennard


S. GE/Kalatel

5.2 The Server shall support Up the Coax telemetry for the following telemetry protocols:

A. Baxall-C


C. Dennard-C

D. Pelco-C

5.3 The Server shall support RS232 serial telemetry for the following telemetry protocols:

A. Philips-232

B. DM-RS232

5.4 Telemetry control shall be available from the following interfaces:

A. CCTV Style Membrane Keyboard

B. CCTV style Joystick Keyboard

C. IR Remote control

D. USB Mouse using Point and Go

E. Other NetVu connected Control products such as the Pick a point control room interface.

5.5 Advanced Telemetry control shall allow Dennard Oracle Domes to be controlled by a USBmouse, such that selection of a position on the Local monitor with a single mouse click, resultsin the camera re-positioning so that the clicked position is central in the monitor view

5.6 Advanced Telemetry shall allow absolute positioning of an Oracle Dome by clicking on theappropriate viewing direction on the Map selected through the local or remote client

6. Oracle configuration

6.1 The Server shall allow the configuration of Dedicated Micros Oracle domes from its ownconfiguration interface. This shall include the setting of presets, patrols, privacy masking andgeneral diagnostics

6.2 The Server shall store the configurations of the Oracle domes so that domes can be replacedand configurations uploaded / downloaded to them.

7. Text Support

7.1 The Server’s shall support serial and TCP interfaces to allow text streams from EPOS and othertext generating devices to be recorded with specified cameras.

7.2 The text shall be recorded with the video stream. It shall be possible to search recorded video toidentify video associated with specified text strings.

7.3 The text shall optionally be displayed on the local monitor during live and replay viewing. TheServer shall allow the text and background colour, maximum number of lines and periods thattext is displayed for to be specified.

7.4 The Server shall support the detection of up to 32 keywords in the text input streams and allowalarms to be generated upon their detection.

7.5 The number of text lines and length of lines, text colour and background colour to be displayedon the monitor shall be configurable.

8. Audio Support

8.1 The Server shall support the monitoring of live and recorded audio via a UDP connection or viaa TCP connection inline with the video being monitored.

8.2 The Server shall support two audio in and two audio out RCA (phono) sockets for bi-directionalaudio

8.3 Bidirectional Audio channels shall be configurable to support Network transmission of audio, foruse as help points, and for audio challenges.

8.4 Audio shall be controllable over the network using an appropriate application such as NetVuObserVer to establish a bi-directional audio link.

8.5 Each audio channel shall be optionally recorded

8.6 Each audio channel shall be configurable for gain

9. Network

9.1 The Server shall incorporate an advanced network Server for remote transmission, alarmhandling and web configuration.

9.2 It shall be possible to configure a secondary TCP port for remote Server access.

9.3 It shall be possible to specify the UDP port for telemetry control.

9.4 The Server shall have a standard 10/100Base-T Ethernet connection.

9.5The server will support a 10/100Base-T Ethernet connection for use with Closed IPTV.

9.6The server shall support a zeroconf deterministic secure network.

9.7The server shall automatically discover a connected Layer3 Enhanced CCTV switch and connect to it, and assign a zeroconf and general corporate network address.

9.8The Server shall manage the deterministic detection of cameras attached to the switch and manage the assignment of IP addresses on the Closed IP network.

9.9The Server shall support remote network access to allow remote configuration or adjustment tosettings via a Web browser.

9.10Supported Web browsers shall include:

A. Internet Explorer versions later than 7.0

B. Mozilla Firefox versions later than 2.0

9.11The Server shall allow configuration of the quality settings and compression type of the imagesbeing sent to remote Viewing clients when High, Medium or Low viewing is selected.

9.12The Server shall optionally interface with a Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol (DHCP) Serverallowing the user to:

A. Automatically assign an IP address

B. Manually assign an IP address.

9.13The Server shall support usage of external Domain Name Server (DNS) functionality.

9.14When a centralised DNS server is not available, the server will support DNS and Service Discovery, reporting hosted video services and detecting other available services.

9.15 Monitoring and control shall be achieved over Ethernet via the 10/100BaseT network port where supported protocols include:

9.15.1 IP - Internet Protocol

9.15.2TCP - Transmission Control Protocol

9.15.3 UDP - User Datagram Protocol

9.15.4 DHCP - Dynamic Host Control Protocol

9.15.5 FTP - File Transfer Protocol

9.15.6 TELNET - Terminal emulation

9.15.7 ICMP - Internet Control Message Protocol

9.15.8 HTTP - Hypertext Transfer Protocol

9.15.9 ARP - Address Resolution Protocol)

9.15.10 SNMP - Simple Network Management Protocol

9.16 The Server shall allow specified TCP and UDP ports to be disabled.

9.17 The Server shall support the option to enable a secondary web Server port where default port settings are already in use on the network.

9.18The format shall be: ADDRESS>:<PORT NUMBER>/ (e.g.

9.19 The Server shall have a Maximum Transmit Unit (MTU) option to control the size of the data packets transmitted across the network and Internet.

9.20The Server shall have the option to limit the bandwidth of data transmitted onto the Network

9.21 The Server shall provide SNMP monitoring capability for monitoring system status including network traffic/statistics (RFC 1213 compliant), memory usage, codec usage and main processor usage as well as alarm status.

9.22 The Server shall allow the configuration of an E-mail server which will be the designated recipient of E-mail messages containing alarm reports and associated alarm images. Emails sent shall be logged and additional to any alarm zone responses it shall be possible to configure the server to report via e-mail on start-up, and camera fail.

9.23The server shall allow the reporting of events to an RVRC using telnet messages. The server shall allow the creation of a primary and secondary RVRC client providing full BS8418 compliancy.

9.24 The Server shall provide a firewall allowing the blocking of specified network ports to prevent unauthorised access to the unit on the network

10. Alarm and Event Management

10.1 The Server shall support the standard BS8418 for detector activated CCTV systems.

10.2 The Server shall support 20 alarm contacts and 4 Relay outputs

10.3 When enabled the Alarm inputs shall have the option to be configured as End Of Line alarms.These shall become resistance sensitive to allow anti tamper.

10.4 The supported resistive values shall be:

A. Open circuit - resistive value is 1.3-12 Kohms.

B. Closed circuit - resistive value is 900ohm - 1.2 Kohms.

C. Open circuit tamper - resistive value is 12Kohm-Infinity.

D. Short circuit - resistive value is less than 800ohms

10.5 The Server’s alarm contacts shall be individually configurable as Normally Open orNormally Closed.

10.6 The Server shall be capable of monitoring changes in the input electronic resistance to detectany attempt to tamper with alarm contacts.

10.7 The Server shall support the option for detection of tamper alarms.

10.8 A pulse extension period shall be configurable for each alarm contact, during which time furthertriggers from that alarm contact shall not be considered as a new alarm.

10.9 False alarm suppression shall be managed by the following:

A. by monitoring the number of times in an hour a detector is triggered and comparing thatwith a user defined parameter

B. by monitoring if a detector is active for longer than a user defined period, and nominatingthat detector as stuck

10.10The Server shall employ alarm zones, such that alarm events are only generated upon thelogical combination of up to 4 alarm inputs. Logical OR, AND and NOT combinations of alarminputs shall be supported.

10.11 The Server shall support 32 alarm zones

10.12. In addition to the Server’s physical alarm contacts the following alarm types will be available asalarm zone inputs:

A. Activity Detection

B. Video Motion Detection

C. Detection of keywords in text input streams

D. Panic alarms

E. Alarms generated from customized PowerScript applications

10.13. Alarm zones shall optionally become active only when the system is in Set or Unset Mode.

10.14. The Server shall have a configurable time period between an entry initiator being activatedand an alarm being triggered, to allow entry to premises to disable alarms without alarms beingtriggered. The Server shall have a configurable time period between

10.15 The Server shall have configurable routes used in conjunction with an initiator and a terminatorto allow entry to premises without alarms being triggered.

10.16 The Server shall have configurable routes used in conjunction with an initiator and a terminatorto allow exit from premises without alarms being triggered.

10.17. Alarm inputs shall be configurable as Normally open/closed and End of Line.

10.10 The Server shall maintain a database of system and alarm zone events.

10.19 System events shall include:

A. System shutdowns and restarts

B. Camera failures and restores

C. System clock adjustments

10.20 The Server shall provide up to 50 JPEG pre-alarm images per analogue camera

10.21. On alarm, pre-alarmed images are downloaded from the pre-alarm buffer to the hard drive andstored with the alarmed images.

10.22. Upon an alarm zone being triggered the following actions shall optionally occur:

A. Display the primary camera associated with the zone on the local monitor

B. Change the record profile of the primary camera

C. Change the record profile of the secondary cameras

D. Create an entry into the event database

E. Change the primary camera to a preset position

F. Trigger one of four relay contacts

G. Start an archive of the event to an FTP Server

H. Switch the spot monitor to display the primary camera

I. Send an E-mail to a specified address with an optional still image and the following alarminformation: Site ID, Primary Camera Number, alarm zone description.

J. Notify a remote video response centre (RVRC) on either primary or secondary connection.

10.23 The Server shall support the option to protect alarm images from being overwritten for a settime or indefinitely.

10.24. The Server shall allow the viewing of all events in an event list which identifies Alarm, Activity,System and Zone event types. The event list shall be viewable from both local and remoteclients

10.25 It shall be possible to filter the entries in the event list based on the event type and over aspecific time period,

10.26 It shall be possible to perform a search for activity in a user defined area of a recorded imagestream allowing retrospective analysis of recorded data after an event has occurred. Thisanalysis can be performed on both local and remote clients.

10.27It shall be possible to step back and forth through events in the eventlist while simultaneouslyviewing these on the viewer

10.28 It shall be possible to detect if a camera has been masked.

10.29. The Server shall provide for each camera, a 16 zone VMD grid where each zone is individuallydefinable In terms of motion sensitivity.

11. Remote Video Transmission

11.1 The Server shall have the capability to transmit video to other NetVu Connected Clients orServer’s. (Embedded or PC)

11.2 The Server shall be capable of transmitting live images of quality and rate, independent of thequality / rate that is being recorded.

11.3 The Server shall be capable of TransCoding recorded images to lower bitrates to enable rapidreal time review of recorded images over limited bandwidth networks.

A. This shall include the capability to TransCode JPEG images to an MPEG stream or a highquality MPEG stream to a lower quality and bit rate MPEG stream.

12. Remote alarm Monitoring / Video Response Centre

12.1 The Server shall support user notification upon alarm over Wireless Ethernet, ISDN and PSTNto remote video response centres.

12.2 Upon failure to contact a specified primary monitoring station, it shall report to a specifiedsecondary monitoring station.

12.3 The information sent to the Alarm Receiving Centre shall include:

A. IP address

B. Name

C. Primary Camera associated with the alarm

D. Alarm Zone/Activity zone that was triggered

12.4 It shall be possible, using the supplied PC software, to automatically service events frommultiple Server’s and in turn serve these to multiple PC’s running the software.

12.5 Software shall bring up either Live, replay or paused images from the remote Server andprovide full operator control of the remote Server.

12.6 Software shall display images from the remote Server with a latency of less than 300ms(excluding any network latency or bandwidth limits)

13. Relays

13.1 The Server shall support four on-board relays. The relays can be configured to action;