First Scrutiny
Third Sunday of Lent
[After the homily, RCIA team member goes to the ambo]
Assisting Minister: Would the elect please come forward
along with their godparents?
Celebrant: [addressing the community]
My sisters and brothers in Christ,
I invite you to pray in silence and ask God that these Elect—
be given a spirit of repentance,
a sense of sin and the true freedom of the children of God.
Celebrant: [facing the elect, concludes his remarks with these words]
Elect of God, please kneel down and pray.
[All pray for some time in silence…at the end of which Father addresses the community and the elect]
Celebrant: Please stand.
Celebrant: Let us pray for our elect, ______
whom the Church has confidently chosen.
May they successfully complete their long preparation
and at the Paschal Feast find Christ in his sacraments.
[Assisting Minister offers the Prayers of the Faithful/Universal Prayer now.]
[Then, facing the elect with hands joined, celebrant says]
Celebrant: Let us pray.
All-merciful Father,
through your Son
you revealed your mercy to the woman of Samaria;
and moved by that same care
you have offered salvation to all sinners.
Look favorably on these elect,
who desire to become your adopted children
through the power of your sacraments.
Free them from the slavery of sin,
and for Satan’s yoke exchange the gentle yoke of Jesus.
Protect them in every danger
that they may serve you faithfully
in peace and joy and render you thanks forever.
All: Amen.
[Father lays hands on the elect]
[Then with hands outstretched over the elect says]
Celebrant: Lord Jesus,
In your merciful wisdom
you touched the heart of the sinful woman
and taught her to worship the Father in spirit and in truth.
Now, by your power,
free these elect from the cunning of Satan
as they draw near to the fountain of living water.
Touch their hearts with the power of the Holy Spirit,
that they may come to know the Father in true faith,
which expresses itself in love,
for you live and reign for ever and ever.
Celebrant: My dear elect,
let us join the Samaritan woman at the well
and seek from Jesus
a water which will help us see ourselves for who we really are
and satisfy our deepest longings and bring us peace.
Go now to be nourished by the Word of God, the living water, which is ours for the taking.